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Search results

Search phrase: lamenting


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym IV.ii.193Triumphs for nothing, and lamenting toys,Triumphes for nothing, and lamenting Toyes,
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iii.47With new lamenting ancient oversights.With new lamenting ancient Ouer-sights.
Henry VI Part 22H6 IV.iv.22Still lamenting and mourning for Suffolk's death?Still lamenting and mourning for Suffolkes death?
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND III.i.195Lamenting some enforced chastity.Lamenting some enforced chastitie.
Richard IIIR3 I.ii.261And then return lamenting to my love.And then returne lamenting to my Loue.
Titus AndronicusTit III.ii.20Drown the lamenting fool in sea-salt tears.Drowne the lamenting foole, in Sea salt teares.
Titus AndronicusTit III.ii.62And buzz lamenting doings in the air.And buz lamenting doings in the ayer,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK I.i.57Of your dead lords, which gives me such lamentingOf your dead Lords, which gives me such lamenting


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.1079By this, lamenting Philomel had ended By this lamenting Philomele had ended
The Rape of LucreceLuc.1465 I'll tune thy woes with my lamenting tongue; Ile tune thy woes with my lamenting tongue,


 5 result(s).
bemoaninglamenting, plaintive, sorrowful
condolementgrief, sorrowing, lamenting
dire-lamentingdeeply sorrowing, dreadfully lamenting
plainingcomplaining, moaning, lamenting
windsighing, lamenting breath


 6 result(s).
breath, lamentingwind
lamenting breathwind
lamenting dreadfullydire-lamenting

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Classical mythology...omel philomela luc 1079 by this lamenting philomel had ended / the well-tun' d ...

Words Families

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