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Search results

Search phrase: lethe


 6 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC II.vii.106.1In soft and delicate Lethe.In soft and delicate Lethe.
HamletHam I.v.33That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf,That rots it selfe in ease, on Lethe Wharfe,
Henry IV Part 22H4 V.ii.72May this be washed in Lethe and forgotten?May this be wash'd in Lethe, and forgotten?
Julius CaesarJC III.i.206Signed in thy spoil, and crimsoned in thy lethe.Sign'd in thy Spoyle, and Crimson'd in thy Lethee.
Richard IIIR3 IV.iv.251So in the Lethe of thy angry soulSo in the Lethe of thy angry soule,
Twelfth NightTN IV.i.61Let fancy still my sense in Lethe steep;Let fancie still my sense in Lethe steepe,


 0 result(s).


 2 result(s).
lethe[pron: 'leethee] death, oblivion, life-blood
Lethe[pron: 'leethee] a mythological river of the underworld, causing oblivion to those who drank from it


 0 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
World [outside Britain], places and peoples

Words Families

 0 result(s).


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