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Search results

Search phrase: manor


 3 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW III.ii.9hold a goodly manor for a song.hold a goodly Mannor for a song.
Love's Labour's LostLLL I.i.203three: I was seen with her in the ' manor '-house, sittingthree. I was seene with her in the Mannor house, sitting
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW II.ii.18and a throng – to your manor of Pickt-hatch, go. You'lland a throng, to your Mannor of Pickt-hatch: goe, you'll


 0 result(s).


 3 result(s).
Kimboltonmanor house in Cambridgshire, where Katherine of Aragon was imprisoned
Kymmaltonmanor house in Kimbolton, Cambridgshire, where Catherine of Aragon was imprisoned
manorcountry house, mansion, estate


 0 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Britain [outside London]...d de bohun duke of buckingham later a manor house in which catherine of aragon was i...

Words Families

 1 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords


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