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Search phrase: mead


 6 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry VH5 V.ii.48The even mead, that erst brought sweetly forthThe euen Meade, that erst brought sweetly forth
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW III.iii.13among the whitsters in Datchet Mead, and there emptyamong the Whitsters in Dotchet Mead, and there empty
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW III.iii.124him by your two men to Datchet Mead.by your two men to Datchet-Meade.
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW III.iii.140laundress in Datchet Mead. Quickly! Come.Landresse in Datchet mead: quickly, come.
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND II.i.83Met we on hill, in dale, forest, or mead,Met we on hil, in dale, forrest, or mead,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK III.i.7Th' enamelled knacks o'th' mead or garden – yea,Th'enamelld knackes o'th Meade, or garden, yea


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Venus and AdonisVen.636 Would root these beauties as he roots the mead. Wold roote these beauties, as he root's the mead.


 2 result(s).
metheglin[mi'theglin] strong spiced Welsh mead


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