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Search phrase: mislike


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC III.xiii.147Into th' abysm of hell. If he mislikeInto th'Abisme of hell. If he mislike,
Henry VI Part 22H6 I.i.138'Tis not my speeches that you do mislike,'Tis not my speeches that you do mislike:
Henry VI Part 33H6 IV.i.24Setting your scorns and your mislike aside,Setting your skornes, and your mislike aside,
The Merchant of VeniceMV II.i.1Mislike me not for my complexion,Mislike me not for my complexion,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK III.vi.259I not mislike, so we may fairly carryI not mislike, so we may fairely carry


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 2 result(s).
mislikedislike, be displeased with
mislikedislike, distaste, displeasure


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Themes and Topics

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Words Families

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