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Search phrase: mortified


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry VH5 I.i.26But that his wildness, mortified in him,But that his wildnesse, mortify'd in him,
Julius CaesarJC II.i.324My mortified spirit. Now bid me run,My mortified Spirit. Now bid me runne,
King LearKL II.iii.15Strike in their numbed and mortified bare armsStrike in their num'd and mortified Armes.
Love's Labour's LostLLL I.i.28My loving lord, Dumaine is mortified.My louing Lord, Dumane is mortified,
MacbethMac V.ii.5.1Excite the mortified man.Excite the mortified man.


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 3 result(s).
mortifieddeadened, dead to feeling, numbed
mortifieddying to sin, put under subjection
mortifieddead to earthly pleasures, insensible to worldly desires


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