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Search results

Search phrase: musical


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
As You Like ItAYL II.vii.5If he, compact of jars, grow musical,If he compact of iarres, grow Musicall,
Henry IV Part 11H4 III.i.227Then should you be nothing but musical,Then would you be nothing but Musicall,
Henry VH5 III.vii.17of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes.of his hoofe, is more Musicall then the Pipe of Hermes
Love's Labour's LostLLL IV.iii.318Subtle as Sphinx; as sweet and musicalSubtill as Sphinx, as sweet and musicall,
Measure for MeasureMM IV.i.11You had not found me here so musical.You had not found me here so musicall.
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND IV.i.109And mark the musical confusionAnd marke the musicall confusion
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND IV.i.117So musical a discord, such sweet thunder.So musicall a discord, such sweet thunder.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK I.iii.76From musical coinage, why, it was a noteFrom misicall Coynadge; why it was a note


 0 result(s).


 18 result(s).
bone(plural) pieces of bone [used as a musical instrument]
burden-wisein the manner of a musical accompaniment
catchmusical round
closeclosing cadence, end of a musical theme
fancyimpromptu composition, musical invention
gamothmusical scale
gamutmusical scale
hautboytype of musical instrument; oboe
minstrelsynoisy playing and singing, musical rowdiness
noisemusical sounds, melodious noises
organmusical instrument
quillmusical pipe, voice, note
set[of the strings of a musical instrument] slacken, loosen
sol[musical scale] soh
tongstype of simple metal musical instrument
tuneabletuneful, musical, melodious
tunedharmonious, melodious, musical
ut[musical scale] doh


 47 result(s).
accompaniment, in the manner of a musicalburden-wise
bone, pieces of [as a musical instrument]bone
doh [musical scale]ut
end of a musical themeclose
instrument, musicalbass viol, base viol
instrument, musicalbroken
instrument, musicalhautboy
instrument, musicalhorn
instrument, musicalorgan
instrument, musicalpsaltery
instrument, musicalstring
instrument, musicaltongs
instrument, musicalviol
instrument, musicalviol-de-gamboys
instrument, musicalvirginals
invention, musicalfancy
key [in a musical instrument]chip
key [in a musical instrument]jack
musical accompaniment, in the manner of aburden-wise
musical instrumentbass viol, base viol
musical instrumentbone
musical instrumentbroken
musical instrumenthautboy
musical instrumenthorn
musical instrumentorgan
musical instrumentpeg
musical instrumentpsaltery
musical instrumentstring
musical instrumenttongs
musical instrumentviol
musical instrumentviol-de-gamboys
musical instrumentvirginals
musical inventionfancy
musical pipequill
musical roundcatch
musical rowdinessminstrelsy
musical scalegamut
musical soundsnoise
musical theme, end of aclose
pipe, musicalquill
ridge for guiding the fingers on a musical instrumentfret
round, musicalcatch
rowdiness, musicalminstrelsy
scale, musicalgamut
sounds, musicalnoise

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Gods and goddesses... hermes h5 iii vii 17 more musical than the pipe of hermes messenger of ...

Words Families

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 0 result(s).

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