Play | Key Line | Modern Text | Original Text |
Antony and Cleopatra | AC IV.ix.13 | The poisonous damp of night disponge upon me, | The poysonous dampe of night dispunge vpon me, |
Coriolanus | Cor III.i.220 | That seem like prudent helps, are very poisonous | That seeme like prudent helpes, are very poysonous, |
Coriolanus | Cor V.iii.135 | As poisonous of your honour. No, our suit | As poysonous of your Honour. No, our suite |
Cymbeline | Cym | Commanded of me these most poisonous compounds, | Commanded of me these most poysonous Compounds, |
Cymbeline | Cym III.ii.5 | As poisonous tongued as handed – hath prevailed | (As poysonous tongu'd, as handed) hath preuail'd |
Henry IV Part 1 | 1H4 V.iv.55 | As all the poisonous potions in the world, | As all the poysonous Potions in the world, |
Henry VI Part 2 | 2H6 III.ii.77 | Be poisonous too and kill thy forlorn Queen. | Be poysonous too, and kill thy forlorne Queene. |
Othello | Oth II.i.288 | Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards, | Doth (like a poysonous Minerall) gnaw my Inwardes: |
Richard III | R3 I.iii.245 | To help thee curse that poisonous bunch-backed toad. | To helpe thee curse this poysonous Bunch-backt Toade. |
The Tempest | Tem I.ii.319 | Thou poisonous slave, got by the devil himself | Thou poysonous slaue, got by ye diuell himselfe |
Timon of Athens | Tim I.ii.136 | With poisonous spite and envy. | With poysonous Spight and Enuy. |