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Search phrase: rubbing


 2 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CoriolanusCor I.i.163That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinionThat rubbing the poore Itch of your Opinion,
Love's Labour's LostLLL IV.i.140I fear too much rubbing. Good night, my good owl.I feare too much rubbing: good night my good Oule.


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Passionate PilgrimPP.13.8 As vaded gloss no rubbing will refresh, As vaded glosse no rubbing will refresh:


 2 result(s).
gratewear away, pulverise, erode through the rubbing away of time
rubbinghindrance, impediment, forming of obstacles


 1 result(s).
erode through the rubbing away of timegrate

Themes and Topics

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