bacon | porker, fat one; also: rustic |
bacon-fed | [= fed on bacon] rustic, peasant, hillbilly |
boor | peasant, rustic |
carlot | peasant, rustic, churl |
chough | rustic, clown |
churl | peasant, serf, rustic |
clown | yokel, rustic, country bumpkin; also: low comic character [in a play] |
hind | boor, fellow, rustic, peasant |
homespun | wearer of home-made clothing, rustic, yokel |
inland | in civilized society, not rustic |
inland | cultured, brought up in society, not rustic |
obstacle | [rustic error for] obstinate |
open-arse | [rustic bawdy, from the shape of the fruit] medlar fruit |
russet | rustic, homely, simple |
rustically | like a rustic, in a countrified way |
swain | [contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow |
swain | rustic, country person, shepherd |