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Search phrase: sanctimony


 4 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW IV.iii.49austere sanctimony she accomplished; and there residing,austere sanctimonie she accomplisht: and there residing,
OthelloOth I.iii.350canst. If sanctimony and a frail vow betwixt an erringcanst: If Sanctimonie, and a fraile vow, betwixt an erring
Troilus and CressidaTC V.ii.142If souls guide vows, if vows be sanctimony,If soules guide vowes; if vowes are sanctimonie;
Troilus and CressidaTC V.ii.143If sanctimony be the gods' delight,If sanctimonie be the gods delight:


 0 result(s).


 2 result(s).
sanctimonysanctity, holiness, religious fervour
sanctimonysacred bond, religious commitment


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Themes and Topics

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Words Families

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