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Search phrase: surge


 12 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
HamletHam III.i.48And pious action we do sugar o'erAnd pious Action, we do surge o're
Henry IV Part 22H4 III.i.20In cradle of the rude imperious surge,In Cradle of the rude imperious Surge,
Henry VH5 III.chorus.13Breasting the lofty surge. O, do but thinkBresting the loftie Surge. O, doe but thinke
Henry VI Part 22H6 IV.vii.22thou say, thou serge, nay, thou buckram lord! Now artthou Say, thou Surge, nay thou Buckram Lord, now art
King LearKL IV.vi.20Almost too small for sight. The murmuring surgeAlmost too small for sight. The murmuring Surge,
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW III.v.110and cooled, glowing hot, in that surge, like a horse-shoe.and coold, glowing-hot, in that serge like a Horse-shoo;
OthelloOth II.i.13The wind-shaked surge, with high and monstrous mane,The winde-shak'd-Surge, with high & monstrous Maine
The TempestTem II.i.119The surge most swoll'n that met him. His bold headThe surge most swolne that met him: his bold head
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.441The sea's a thief, whose liquid surge resolvesThe Seas a Theefe, whose liquid Surge, resolues
Timon of AthensTim V.i.216The turbulent surge shall cover. Thither come,The turbulent Surge shall couer; thither come,
Titus AndronicusTit III.i.96Expecting ever when some envious surgeExpecting euer when some enuious surge,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK V.iv.84The surge that next approaches. He much desiresThe surge that next approaches: he much desires


 0 result(s).


 3 result(s).
buoy upsurge, swell, rise up
headsurface, surge, swell
surgeheavy wave, violent sea


 2 result(s).
surgebuoy up

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