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Search results

Search phrase: therewithal


 10 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Comedy of ErrorsCE IV.iii.9And therewithal took measure of my body.And therewithall tooke measure of my body. 
CymbelineCym II.iv.33And therewithal the best, or let her beautyAnd therewithall the best, or let her beauty
King Edward IIIE3 IV.iv.93And therewithal he counsels thee to fly,And therewithall he counsels thee to flie,
King LearKL I.i.297therewithal the unruly waywardness that infirm andtherewithall the vnruly way-wardnesse, that infirme and
Love's Labour's LostLLL V.ii.837And therewithal to win me, if you please,And therewithall to win me, if you please,
MacbethMac III.i.33When therewithal we shall have cause of stateWhen therewithall, we shall haue cause of State,
Measure for MeasureMM V.i.516Thy slanders I forgive, and therewithalThy slanders I forgiue, and therewithall
Romeo and JulietRJ V.iii.289Of a poor pothecary, and therewithalOf a poore Pothecarie, and therewithall
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG IV.iv.82Well, give her that ring, and therewithalWell: giue her that Ring, and therewithall
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG IV.iv.167That my poor mistress, moved therewithal,That my poore Mistris moued therewithall,


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 1 result(s).
therewithalalong with that; that being done


 0 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Withal and withal...a postposition although herewithal and therewithal had been used in english since the 14th ...
...with along with this besides this therewithal (adv ) tg iv iv 82 give her that ring ...
... ) tg iv iv 82 give her that ring and therewithal / this letter therewith along with tha...
...with along with that besides that therewithal (adv ) ce iv iii 9 [a tailor] showed m...
... 9 [a tailor] showed me silks / and therewithal took measure of my body thereupon fort...

Words Families

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