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Search phrase: twinned


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym I.vii.35The fiery orbs above, and the twinned stonesThe firie Orbes aboue, and the twinn'd Stones
OthelloOth II.iii.206Though he had twinned with me, both at a birth,Though he had twinn'd with me, both at a birth,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.3Infect the air. Twinned brothers of one womb,Infect the ayre. Twin'd Brothers of one wombe,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK II.i.118Were twinned together. 'Tis most true, two soulsWere twyn'd together; tis most true, two soules
The Winter's TaleWT I.ii.67We were as twinned lambs that did frisk i'th' sun,We were as twyn'd Lambs, that did frisk i'th' Sun,


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 1 result(s).
twinnedindistinguishable, identical, closely linked


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