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Search phrase: tyrannous


 14 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym I.iv.36And like the tyrannous breathing of the north.And like the Tyrannous breathing of the North,
HamletHam II.ii.458That lend a tyrannous and a damned lightThat lend a tyrannous, and damned light
King Edward IIIE3 III.iii.48And in thy tyrannous proceeding slayAnd in thy tyranous proceeding slay,
King LearKL III.iv.144And let this tyrannous night take hold upon you,And let this Tyrannous night take hold vpon you,
Measure for MeasureMM II.ii.108To have a giant's strength, but it is tyrannousTo haue a Giants strength: but it is tyrannous
Measure for MeasureMM IV.ii.81Which he corrects, then were he tyrannous,Which he corrects, then were he tirrannous,
OthelloOth III.iii.446To tyrannous hate! Swell, bosom, with thy fraught,To tyrannous Hate. Swell bosome with thy fraught,
PericlesPer I.ii.84I knew him tyrannous, and tyrants' fearsI knew him tyrannous, and tyrants feare
Richard IIIR3 IV.iii.1The tyrannous and bloody act is done,The tyrannous and bloodie Act is done,
Romeo and JulietRJ I.i.170Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof!Should be so tyrannous and rough in proofe.
Twelfth NightTN III.i.117That tyrannous heart can think? To one of your receivingThat tyrannous heart can think? To one of your receiuing
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK IV.ii.146'Tis pity love should be so tyrannous.Tis pitty Love should be so tyrannous:
The Winter's TaleWT II.iii.28Fear you his tyrannous passion more, alas,Feare you his tyrannous passion more (alas)
The Winter's TaleWT III.ii.5Of being tyrannous, since we so openlyOf being tyrannous, since we so openly


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
SonnetsSonn.131.1 Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art, THou art as tiranous, so as thou art,


 1 result(s).
tyrannouscruel, pitiless, oppressive


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