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Search phrase: wedding-day


 14 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry VIIIH8 prologue.32A man may weep upon his wedding-day.A Man may weepe vpon his Wedding day.
King JohnKJ III.i.300.2Upon thy wedding-day?Vpon thy wedding day?
The Merchant of VeniceMV III.ii.311For you shall hence upon your wedding-day.For you shall hence vpon your wedding day:
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND I.ii.6before the Duke and the Duchess on his wedding-day atbefore the Duke and the Dutches, on his wedding day at
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND II.i.139Perchance till after Theseus' wedding-day.Perchance till after Theseus wedding day.
Much Ado About NothingMA III.ii.103wedding-day. If you love her then, tomorrow wed her;wedding day, if you loue her, then to morrow wed her:
Much Ado About NothingMA IV.i.251Come, lady, die to live; this wedding-dayCome Lady, die to liue, this wedding day
Romeo and JulietRJ III.iv.32Prepare her, wife, against this wedding-day.Prepare her wife, against this wedding day.
Romeo and JulietRJ IV.v.35O son, the night before thy wedding-dayO Sonne, the night before thy wedding day,
The Taming of the ShrewTS II.i.33I must dance barefoot on her wedding-day,I must dance bare-foot on her wedding day,
The Taming of the ShrewTS II.i.291That upon Sunday is the wedding-day.That vpon sonday is the wedding day.
The Taming of the ShrewTS II.i.308To buy apparel 'gainst the wedding-day.To buy apparell 'gainst the wedding day;
The Taming of the ShrewTS III.i.82You know tomorrow is the wedding-day.You know to morrow is the wedding day.
The Taming of the ShrewTS III.ii.96Why, sir, you know this is your wedding-day.Why sir, you know this is your wedding day:


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sealing dayday for confirming a contract, wedding-day


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wedding-daysealing day

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