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Search results

Search phrase: official


 1 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CoriolanusCor II.iii.140That in th' official marks invested youthat in th' Officiall Markes inuested, / You


 0 result(s).


 20 result(s).
auditorofficial of the exchequer, royal accounts officer
augurerRoman religious official who interpreted and foretold events
burgomasterborough-master, town official
certificateofficial document, formal deed
chargecommission, responsibility, official duty
commissionerofficial acting for the king in his absence
denunciationproclamation, public announcement, official declaration
dignityofficial position, high office, rule
dressingofficial robes, finery
inhibitionformal prohibition, official ban [from playing in the city]
macestaff of office, official sceptre
muster-fileofficial list of men
noticerecognition, official acknowledgement
outwardformal, official, public
publicaccepted, authorized, official
questjudicial inquiry, official investigation
remembrancerofficial reminder, aide-memoire
searcherofficial appointed to view and report on corpses
vicegerentofficial acting in place of a ruler during his absence
voicevote, official support


 34 result(s).
acknowledgement, officialnotice
ban, officialinhibition
corpses, official appointed to view and report onsearcher
declaration, officialdenunciation
document, officialcertificate
duty, officialcharge
exchequer, official of theauditor
investigation, officialquest
king, official acting for an absentcommissioner
list of men, officialmuster-file
official acknowledgementnotice
official acting for the king in his absencecommissioner
official acting in place of a ruler during his absencevicegerent
official appointed to view and report on corpsessearcher
official baninhibition
official declarationdenunciation
official documentcertificate
official dutycharge
official investigationquest
official list of menmuster-file
official of the exchequerauditor
official positiondignity
official robesdressing
official, townburgomaster
position, officialdignity
religious official, Romanaugurer
reminder, officialremembrancer
robes, officialdressing
ruler, official acting in place of an absentvicegerent
sceptre, officialmace
support, officialvoice
town officialburgomaster

Themes and Topics

 3 result(s).
Roman history...der) augurer cor ii i 1 religious official who interpreted signs (such as the behav...
Latin...m ) mw i i 7   keeper of the rolls [= official records] deaeque [= deae + que] (n ...
... f ) mw i i 8 rotula of the rolls [= official records] redime (v ) ts i i 159 r...
Frequently Encountered Words (FEW)...see also visage (n ) 2 voice (n ) vote official support cor ii iii 76 [coriolanus to se...

Words Families

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