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Search results

Search phrase: procession


 9 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry VH5 IV.viii.112Come, go we in procession to the village:Come, goe we in procession to the Village:
Henry VI Part 11H6 I.vi.20Shall in procession sing her endless praise.Shall in procession sing her endlesse prayse.
Henry VI Part 11H6 II.ii.7.1Enter a funeral procession with Salisbury's body,
Henry VI Part 11H6 II.ii.17Exit funeral procession
Henry VI Part 22H6 II.i.66Here comes the townsmen, on procession,Here comes the Townes-men, on Procession,
Henry VIIIH8 IV.i.37.27The procession passes over the stage in order and stateExeunt, first passing ouer the Stage in Order and State,and then, A great Flourish of Trumpets.
Henry VIIIH8 IV.i.56.1The end of the procession leaves; and then a great
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK I.i.219The marriage procession moves towards the templeExeunt towards the Temple.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK I.i.225The procession goes out


 0 result(s).


 5 result(s).
Hymen[pron: 'hiymen] Greek god who led a wedding procession; associated with a torch, crown of flowers, and flute
pomppageant, ceremony, procession
sennettrumpet call signalling a procession
triumphtriumphal procession into Rome
triumphervictor, conqueror, general [given a Roman procession of welcome]


 6 result(s).
procession, triumphaltriumph
procession, trumpet call signalling a sennet
triumphal processiontriumph
trumpet call signalling a processionsennet
wedding processionHymen

Themes and Topics

 2 result(s).
Stage directions... ac ii vii 17 trumpet call signalling a procession trump trumpet kl v iii 109 trump...
Gods and goddesses...s / unite greek god who led a wedding procession associated with a torch a crown of flo...

Words Families

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