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Search phrase: whore


 105 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC I.ii.78cuckold, they would make themselves whores butCuckold, they would make themselues Whores, but
Antony and CleopatraAC III.vi.67Up to a whore; who now are levyingVp to a Whore, who now are leuying
Antony and CleopatraAC IV.xii.13Like friends long lost. Triple-turned whore! 'Tis thouLike Friends long lost. Triple-turn'd Whore, 'tis thou
Antony and CleopatraAC V.ii.221.1I'th' posture of a whore.I'th'posture of a Whore.
Antony and CleopatraAC V.ii.274But truly, these same whoreson devils do the gods greatBut truly, these same whorson diuels doe the Gods great
The Comedy of ErrorsCE IV.iv.22Thou whoreson, senselessThou whoreson senselesse
CymbelineCym II.i.3pound on't: and then a whoreson jackanapespound on't: and then a whorson Iacke-an-Apes,
CymbelineCym II.i.14Whoreson dog! I give him satisfaction! Would heWhorson dog: I gaue him satisfaction? would he
CymbelineCym II.iv.128Is this: she hath bought the name of whore, thus dearly.Is this: she hath bought the name of Whore, thus deerly
HamletHam II.ii.583Must like a whore unpack my heart with wordsMust (like a Whore) vnpacke my heart with words,
HamletHam V.i.169water is a sore decayer of your whoreson dead body.water, is a sore Decayer of your horson dead body.
HamletHam V.i.173A whoreson mad fellow's it was. WhoseA whoreson mad Fellowes it was; / Whose
HamletHam V.ii.64He that hath killed my King and whored my mother,He that bath kil'd my King, and whor'd my Mother,
Henry IV Part 11H4 II.ii.83throats! Ah, whoreson caterpillars, bacon-fed knaves,throats; a whorson Caterpillars: Bacon-fed Knaues,
Henry IV Part 11H4 II.iv.135Why, you whoreson round man, what's theWhy you horson round man? what's the
Henry IV Part 11H4 II.iv.223clay-brained guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thou whoreson,Clay-brayn'd Guts, thou Knotty-pated Foole, thou Horson
Henry IV Part 11H4 II.iv.456a whoremaster, that I utterly deny. If sack and sugara Whore-master, that I vtterly deny. If Sacke and Sugar
Henry IV Part 11H4 III.iii.154picking thy pocket? Why, thou whoreson impudentpicking thy pocket? Why thou horson impudent
Henry IV Part 22H4 I.ii.14no judgement. Thou whoreson mandrake, thou artno iudgement. Thou horson Mandrake, thou art
Henry IV Part 22H4 I.ii.34God his tongue be hotter! A whoreson Achitophel! Amay his Tongue be hotter, a horson Achitophel; a
Henry IV Part 22H4 I.ii.36and then stand upon security! The whoreson smoothy-and then stand vpon Security? The horson smooth-
Henry IV Part 22H4 I.ii.108into this same whoreson apoplexy.into this same whorson Apoplexie.
Henry IV Part 22H4 I.ii.113the blood, a whoreson tingling.the blood, a horson Tingling.
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.ii.81Away, you whoreson upright rabbit, away!Away, you horson vpright Rabbet, away.
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.141a poor whore's ruff in a bawdy-house? He a captain!a poore Whores Ruffe in a Bawdy-house? Hee a Captaine?
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.204you whoreson little valiant villain, you!you whorson little valiant Villaine, you.
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.213on, you whoreson chops! Ah, rogue, i'faith, I love thee.on, you whorson Chops: Ah Rogue, I loue thee:
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.226Thou whoreson little tidy Bartholomew boar-pig, whenthou whorson little tydie Bartholmew Bore-pigge, when
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.252Let's beat him before his whore.Let vs beat him before his Whore.
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.289Thou whoreson mad compound of majesty,Thou whorson mad Compound of Maiestie:
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.295You whoreson candle-mine you, howYou whorson Candle-myne you, how
Henry IV Part 22H4 III.ii.178A whoreson cold, sir, a cough, sir, which IA whorson cold sir, a cough sir, which I
Henry IV Part 22H4 III.ii.304and the whores called him mandrake. 'A came ever inhee came euer in
Henry VH5 II.iii.35then he was rheumatic, and talked of the Whore ofthen hee was rumatique, and talk'd of the Whore of
Henry VI Part 11H6 I.iii.35Thou that givest whores indulgences to sin.Thou that giu'st Whores Indulgences to sinne,
Henry VIIIH8 I.iii.39There will be woe indeed, lords! The sly whoresonsThere will be woe indeed Lords, the slye whorsons
King LearKL I.i.22was good sport at his making, and the whoreson must bewas good sport at his making, and the horson must be
King LearKL I.ii.126thrusting-on. An admirable evasion of whoremasterthrusting on. An admirable euasion of Whore-master-
King LearKL I.iv.79‘ My lady's father,’ my lord's knave! You whoresonMy Ladies Father? my Lords knaue, you whorson
King LearKL I.iv.123Leave thy drink and thy whoreLeaue thy drinke and thy whore,
King LearKL II.ii.16whoreson glass-gazing super-serviceable finicalwhoreson glasse-gazing super-seruiceable finicall
King LearKL II.ii.29o'the moonshine of you, you whoreson cullionlyoth'Moonshine of you, you whoreson Cullyenly
King LearKL II.ii.62Thou whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter! MyThou whoreson Zed, thou vnnecessary letter: my
King LearKL II.iv.50Fortune, that arrant whore,Fortune that arrant whore,
King LearKL III.ii.92And bawds and whores do churches build – And Baudes, and whores, do Churches build,
King LearKL III.vi.19horse's health, a boy's love, or a whore's oath.
King LearKL IV.vi.162Why dost thou lash that whore? Strip thy own back.why dost thou lash that Whore? Strip thy owne backe,
Love's Labour's LostLLL IV.iii.202Ah, you whoreson loggerhead, you were born to do me shame!Ah you whoreson loggerhead, you were borne to doe me shame.
MacbethMac I.ii.15Showed like a rebel's whore. But all's too weak:Shew'd like a Rebells Whore: but all's too weake:
Measure for MeasureMM III.ii.33warning. The deputy cannot abide a whoremaster. If hewarning: the Deputy cannot abide a Whore-master: if he
Measure for MeasureMM III.ii.34be a whoremonger, and comes before him, he were asbe a Whore-monger, and comes before him, he were as
Measure for MeasureMM III.ii.56Ever your fresh whore and your powdered bawd. AnEuer your fresh Whore, and your pouder'd Baud, an
Measure for MeasureMM IV.ii.34your whores, sir, being members of my occupation,your Whores sir, being members of my occupation,
Measure for MeasureMM V.i.512whore. Your highness said even now, I made you aa Whore: your Highnesse said euen now I made you a
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW IV.i.58her! Never name her, child, if she be a whore.her; neuer name her (childe) if she be a whore.
OthelloOth III.iii.356Villain, be sure thou prove my love a whore;Villaine, be sure thou proue my Loue a Whore;
OthelloOth IV.i.176giv'n it his whore.giu'n it his whore.
OthelloOth IV.ii.20That cannot say as much. This is a subtle whore,That cannot say as much. This is a subtile Whore:
OthelloOth IV.ii.71Made to write ‘ whore ’ upon? What committed!Made to write Whore vpon? What commited,
OthelloOth IV.ii.85.1What! Not a whore?What, not a Whore?
OthelloOth IV.ii.88I took you for that cunning whore of VeniceI tooke you for that cunning Whore of Venice,
OthelloOth IV.ii.114Alas, Iago, my lord hath so bewhored her,Alas (Iago) my Lord hath so bewhor'd her,
OthelloOth IV.ii.119He called her whore: a beggar in his drinkHe call'd her whore: a Begger in his drinke:
OthelloOth IV.ii.126To be called whore? Would it not make one weep?To be call'd Whore? Would it not make one weepe?
OthelloOth IV.ii.136Why should he call her whore? Who keeps her company?Why should he call her Whore? / Who keepes her companie?
OthelloOth IV.ii.160But never taint my love. I cannot say ‘ whore ’:But neuer taynt my Loue. I cannot say Whore,
OthelloOth V.ii.133She turned to folly; and she was a whore.She turn'd to folly: and she was a whore.
OthelloOth V.ii.227.2Villainous whore!Villanous Whore.
Romeo and JulietRJ II.iv.30good blade! a very tall man! a very good whore!’ Why, isgood blade, a very tall man, a very good whore. Why is
Romeo and JulietRJ IV.iv.20Mass! and well said. A merry whoreson, ha!Masse and well said, a merrie horson, ha,
The Taming of the ShrewTS IV.i.115You peasant swain, you whoreson malthorse drudge!You pezant, swain, you horson malt-horse drudg
The Taming of the ShrewTS IV.i.141You whoreson villain, will you let it fall?you horson villaine, will you let it fall?
The Taming of the ShrewTS IV.i.143A whoreson, beetle-headed, flap-eared knave!A horson beetle-headed flap-ear'd knaue:
The TempestTem I.i.43Hang, cur, hang, you whoreson, insolent noise-maker!Hang cur, hang, you whoreson insolent Noyse-maker,
The TempestTem II.i.170None, man, all idle – whoresNone (man) all idle; Whores
Timon of AthensTim II.ii.108whoremaster and a knave; which notwithstanding, thouWhoremaster, and a Knaue, which notwithstanding thou
Timon of AthensTim II.ii.110What is a whoremaster, fool?What is a Whoremaster Foole?
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.43Thou common whore of mankind, that puts oddsThou common whore of Mankinde, that puttes oddes
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.62Then what should war be? This fell whore of thineThen what should warre be? This fell whore of thine,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.84Be a whore still. They love thee not that use thee.Be a whore still, they loue thee not that vse thee,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.134Enough to make a whore forswear her trade,Enough to make a Whore forsweare her Trade,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.135And to make whores, a bawd. Hold up, you sluts,And to make Whores, a Bawd. Hold vp you Sluts
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.140I'll trust to your conditions. Be whores still.Ile trust to your Conditions, be whores still.
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.142Be strong in whore, allure him, burn him up;Be strong in Whore, allure him, burne him vp,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.148Wear them, betray with them, whore still.Weare them, betray with them; Whore still,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.169More whore, more mischief first. I have given you earnest.More whore, more Mischeefe first, I haue giuen you earnest.
Titus AndronicusTit IV.ii.71Zounds, ye whore, is black so base a hue?Out you whore, is black so base a hue?
Troilus and CressidaTC II.i.39You whoreson cur!You horson Curre.
Troilus and CressidaTC II.iii.71such knavery! All the argument is a whore and asuch knauerie: all the argument is a Cuckold and a
Troilus and CressidaTC II.iii.72cuckold; a good quarrel to draw emulous factions andWhore, a good quarrel to draw emulations, factions, and
Troilus and CressidaTC II.iii.230A whoreson dog, that shall palter thus with us!A horson dog, that shal palter thus with vs,
Troilus and CressidaTC IV.i.67But he as you, each heavier for a whore.But he as he, which heauier for a whore.
Troilus and CressidaTC V.i.17Why, his masculine whore. Now, the rottenWhy his masculine Whore. Now the rotten
Troilus and CressidaTC V.i.25Why no, you ruinous butt, you whoresonWhy no, you ruinous But, you whorson
Troilus and CressidaTC V.ii.116Unless she said ‘ My mind is now turned whore.’Vnlesse she say, my minde is now turn'd whore.
Troilus and CressidaTC V.ii.196this whore; the parrot will not do more for an almondthis whore: the Parrot will not doe more for an Almond,
Troilus and CressidaTC V.iii.101A whoreson tisick, a whoreson rascally tisickA whorson tisicke, a whorson rascally tisicke,
Troilus and CressidaTC V.iv.6loves the whore there, might send that Greekishloues the whore there, might send that Greekish
Troilus and CressidaTC V.iv.7whoremasterly villain with the sleeve back to thewhore-maisterly villaine, with the Sleeue, backe to the
Troilus and CressidaTC V.iv.24Hold thy whore, Grecian! Now for thyHold thy whore Grecian: now for thy
Troilus and CressidaTC V.iv.25whore, Trojan! Now the sleeve, now the sleeve!whore Troian: Now the Sleeue, now the Sleeue.
Troilus and CressidaTC V.vii.21the son of a whore fight for a whore, he temptsthe Sonne of a whore fight for a whore, he tempts
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG II.v.41Why, thou whoreson ass, thou mistakest me.Why, thou whorson Asse, thou mistak'st me,
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG IV.iv.41I hope thou wilt. (To Launce) How now, you whoreson peasant!I hope thou wilt. / How now you whor-son pezant,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK II.iii.5To be his whore is witless. Out upon't!To be his whore, is witles; Out upon't;


 0 result(s).


 40 result(s).
auntmistress, whore, prostitute
bewhorecall a whore, make a whore of
blisterraise blisters on [as if branded on the forehead as a whore]; tarnish, stain
coltwhore, wanton, lascivious thing
commonerwhore, harlot, prostitute
customerharlot, prostitute, whore
door-keeperprocurer, pander, whoremaster
doxybeggar's mistress, whore; sweetheart
drabharlot, slut, whore
filthwhore, slut, harlot
giglotwhore-like, fickle, giddy
gooseprostitute, whore
hackneyprostitute, harlot, whore
harlotprostitute, whore
harlotryharlot, whore
hobby-horseharlot, whore, prostitute
housebrothel, whorehouse
jay[bird of bright plumage] showy woman, whore
late-walkinggoing out with whores late at night
leaping-housebrothel, whorehouse
medlarwhore, prostitute
paganprostitute, whore
polecat[slang] prostitute, courtesan, whore
punkharlot, strumpet, whore
rampwhore, brazen woman
stallionprostitute, hooker, whore
stewed pruneprostitute, bawd, whore
strumpetharlot, prostitute, whore
strumpetmake a whore, pervert, debauch
Tib[type name for] strumpet, harlot, whore
trulldrab, trollop, whore
wantonharlot, whore
whorewhoring, fornication
Whore of Babylonin the Bible, a prostitute figure, taken as a symbol of degenerate Rome, and thus of Roman Catholicism
whoremasterlecherous, fornicating, licentious
whoremasterfornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
whoremasterlylecherous, having the character of a whoremaster
whoremongerfornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
whoreson[son of a whore; serious or jocular term of abuse] fellow, bastard
whoreson[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile


 37 result(s).
going out with whores late at nightlate-walking
night, going out with whores late atlate-walking
whorestewed prune
whore, call abewhore
whore, make abewhore
whore, make astrumpet
whoremaster, having the character of awhoremasterly
whores, going out late at night withlate-walking
whores, one who deals withwhoremaster
whores, one who deals withwhoremonger

Themes and Topics

 5 result(s).
Exclamations... to marry him is hopeless / to be his whore is witless out upon&rsquo t frustr...
Politeness... that he is saving your reverence a whoremaster sir-reverence ce iii ...
Swearing...as verily) some much stronger (such as whoreson) and some very strong or rude (such...
Religious personalities and beings...vid proverbial for his wisdom whore of babylon h5 ii iii 35 bible (re...
Frequently Encountered Words (FEW)... 50 [fool to lear] fortune that arrant whore attend (on / upon) (v ) 1 await wait ...

Words Families

 15 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
MASTERPEOPLEwhoremaster n
MASTERSTATEwhoremasterly adj
MONGERSEXwhoremonger n
WHOREBASICwhore n, whore v, whoring n, whorish adj
WHOREINTENSITYwhoreson adj, whoreson adv, whoreson n
WHOREPEOPLEwhoremaster n, whoremonger n
WHORESTATEwhore-masterly adj


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