Original textModern textKey line
Then neuer trust me if I be affeard.Then never trust me if I be afeard.TS V.ii.17
He that is giddie thinks the world turns round.He that is giddy thinks the world turns round.TS V.ii.20
Thus I conceiue by him.Thus I conceive by him.TS V.ii.22
Your housband being troubled with a shrew,Your husband, being troubled with a shrew,TS V.ii.28
Measures my husbands sorrow by his woe:Measures my husband's sorrow by his woe.TS V.ii.29
And now you know my meaning.And now you know my meaning,TS V.ii.30
Right, I meane you.Right, I mean you.TS V.ii.31.2
Lord let me neuer haue a cause to sigh,Lord, let me never have a cause to sighTS V.ii.122
Till I be brought to such a sillie passe.Till I be brought to such a silly pass!TS V.ii.123
Come, come, your mocking: we will haue no telling.Come, come, you're mocking. We will have no telling.TS V.ii.131
She shall not.She shall not.TS V.ii.133

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