Original textModern textKey line
Is she to bee buried in Christian buriall,Is she to be buried in Christian burialHam V.i.1
that wilfully seekes her owne saluation?when she wilfully seeks her own salvation?Ham V.i.2
How can that be, vnlesse she drownedHow can that be, unless she drownedHam V.i.6
her selfe in her owne defence?herself in her own defence?Ham V.i.7
It must be Se offendendo, it cannot bee else:It must be se offendendo. It cannot be else.Ham V.i.9
for heere lies the point; If I drowne my selfe wittingly, itFor here lies the point: if I drown myself wittingly, itHam V.i.10
argues an Act: and an Act hath three branches. It is anargues an act, and an act hath three branches – it is toHam V.i.11
Act to doe and to performe; argall she drown'd her selfeact, to do, and to perform. Argal, she drowned herselfHam V.i.12
wittingly.wittingly.Ham V.i.13
Giue me leaue; heere lies the water; good:Give me leave. Here lies the water – good.Ham V.i.15
heere stands the man; good: If the man goe to this waterHere stands the man – good. If the man go to this waterHam V.i.16
and drowne himsele; it is will he nill he, he goes; markeand drown himself, it is, will he nill he, he goes, markHam V.i.17
you that? But if the water come to him & drowne him;you that. But if the water come to him and drown him,Ham V.i.18
hee drownes not himselfe. Argall, hee that is not guilty ofhe drowns not himself. Argal, he that is not guilty ofHam V.i.19
his owne death, shortens not his owne life.his own death shortens not his own life.Ham V.i.20
I marry is't, Crowners Quest Law.Ay, marry, is't – crowner's quest law.Ham V.i.22
Why there thou say'st. And the more pittyWhy, there thou sayst. And the more pityHam V.i.26
that great folke should haue countenance in this world tothat great folk should have countenance in this world toHam V.i.27
drowne or hang themselues, more then their euen Christian.drown or hang themselves more than their even-Christian.Ham V.i.28
Come, my Spade; there is no ancient Gentlemen,Come, my spade. There is no ancient gentlemenHam V.i.29
but Gardiners, Ditchers and Graue-makers; theybut gardeners, ditchers, and grave-makers. TheyHam V.i.30
hold vp Adams Profession.hold up Adam's profession.Ham V.i.31
He was the first that euer bore Armes.'A was the first that ever bore arms.Ham V.i.33
What, ar't a Heathen? how dost thouWhat, art a heathen? How dost thouHam V.i.35
vnderstand the Scripture? the Scripture sayes Adam understand the Scripture? The Scripture says AdamHam V.i.36
dig'd; could hee digge without Armes? Ile put anotherdigged. Could he dig without arms? I'll put anotherHam V.i.37
question to thee; if thou answerest me not to the purpose,question to thee. If thou answerest me not to the purpose,Ham V.i.38
confesse thy selfe---confess thyself – Ham V.i.39
What is he that builds stronger thenWhat is he that builds stronger thanHam V.i.41
either the Mason, the Shipwright, or the Carpenter?either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?Ham V.i.42
I like thy wit well in good faith, theI like thy wit well, in good faith. TheHam V.i.45
Gallowes does well; but how does it well? it does well togallows does well. But how does it well? It does well toHam V.i.46
those that doe ill: now, thou dost ill to say the Gallowes isthose that do ill. Now thou dost ill to say the gallows isHam V.i.47
built stronger then the Church: Argall, the Gallowes maybuilt stronger than the church. Argal, the gallows mayHam V.i.48
doe well to thee. Too't againe, well to thee. To't again, come.Ham V.i.49
I, tell me that, and vnyoake.Ay, tell me that, and unyoke.Ham V.i.52
Too't.To't.Ham V.i.54
Cudgell thy braines no more about it; forCudgel thy brains no more about it, forHam V.i.56
your dull Asse will not mend his pace with beating; andyour dull ass will not mend his pace with beating. AndHam V.i.57
when you are ask't this question next, say a Graue-maker:when you are asked this question next, say ‘ a grave-maker.’Ham V.i.58
the Houses that he makes, lasts till Doomesday: go,The houses he makes lasts till doomsday. Go,Ham V.i.59
get thee to Yaughan, fetch me a stoupe of Liquor.get thee in, and fetch me a stoup of liquor.Ham V.i.60
Sings. In youth when I did loue, did loue,(sings) In youth, when I did love, did love,Ham V.i.61
me thought it was very sweete:Methought it was very sweetHam V.i.62
To contract O the time for a my behoue,To contract – O – the time for – a – my behove,Ham V.i.63
O me thought there was nothing meete.O, methought there – a – was nothing – a – meet.Ham V.i.64
But Age with his stealing stepsBut age with his stealing stepsHam V.i.71
hath caught me in his clutch:Hath clawed me in his clutch,Ham V.i.72
And hath shipped me intill the Land,And hath shipped me into the land,Ham V.i.73
as if I had neuer beene such.As if I had never been such.Ham V.i.74
A Pickhaxe and a Spade, a Spade,A pickaxe and a spade, a spade,Ham V.i.92
for and a shrowding-Sheete:For and a shrouding sheet.Ham V.i.93
O a Pit of Clay for to be made,O, a pit of clay for to be madeHam V.i.94
for such a Guest is meete.For such a guest is meet.Ham V.i.95
Mine Sir:Mine, sir.Ham V.i.117
O a Pit of Clay for to be made,(sings) O, a pit of clay for to be madeHam V.i.118
for such a Guest is meete.For such a guest is meet.Ham V.i.119
You lye out on't Sir, and therefore it isYou lie out on't, sir, and therefore 'tisHam V.i.121
not yours: for my part, I doe not lye in't; and yet it is mine.not yours. For my part, I do not lie in't, and yet it is mine.Ham V.i.122
'Tis a quicke lye Sir, 'twill away againe'Tis a quick lie, sir. 'Twill away againHam V.i.126
from me to you.from me to you.Ham V.i.127
For no man Sir.For no man, sir.Ham V.i.129
For none neither.For none neither.Ham V.i.131
One that was a woman Sir; but rest herOne that was a woman, sir. But, rest herHam V.i.133
Soule, shee's dead.soul, she's dead.Ham V.i.134
Of all the dayes i'th' yeare, I came too't thatOf all the days i'th' year, I came to't thatHam V.i.141
day that our last King Hamlet o'recame that our last King Hamlet overcame Fortinbras.Ham V.i.142
Cannot you tell that? euery foole can tellCannot you tell that? Every fool can tellHam V.i.144
that: It was the very day, that young Hamlet was borne,that. It was that very day that young Hamlet was born – Ham V.i.145
hee that was mad, and sent into England.he that is mad, and sent into England.Ham V.i.146
Why, because he was mad; hee shall recouerWhy, because 'a was mad. 'A shall recoverHam V.i.148
his wits there; or if he do not, it's no great matterhis wits there. Or, if 'a do not, 'tis no great matterHam V.i.149
there.there.Ham V.i.150
'Twill not be seene in him, there'Twill not be seen in him there. ThereHam V.i.152
the men are as mad as he.the men are as mad as he.Ham V.i.153
Very strangely they say.Very strangely, they say.Ham V.i.155
Faith e'ene with loosing his wits.Faith, e'en with losing his wits.Ham V.i.157
Why heere in Denmarke: I haue bin Why, here in Denmark. I have beenHam V.i.159
sixeteene heere, man and Boy thirty yeares.sexton here, man and boy, thirty years.Ham V.i.160
Ifaith, if he be not rotten before he die (asFaith, if 'a be not rotten before 'a die, asHam V.i.162
we haue many pocky Coarses now adaies, that will scarcewe have many pocky corses nowadays that will scarceHam V.i.163
hold the laying in) he will last you some eight yeare, orhold the laying in, 'a will last you some eight year orHam V.i.164
nine yeare. A Tanner will last you nine yeare.nine year. A tanner will last you nine year.Ham V.i.165
Why sir, his hide is so tan'd with hisWhy, sir, his hide is so tanned with hisHam V.i.167
Trade, that he will keepe out water a great while. And yourtrade that 'a will keep out water a great while, and yourHam V.i.168
water, is a sore Decayer of your horson dead body.water is a sore decayer of your whoreson dead body.Ham V.i.169
Heres a Scull now: this Scul, has laine in the earth three & twentyHere's a skull now hath lien you i'th' earth three-and-twentyHam V.i.170
years.years.Ham V.i.171
A whoreson mad Fellowes it was; / WhoseA whoreson mad fellow's it was. WhoseHam V.i.173
doe you thinke it was?do you think it was?Ham V.i.174
A pestlence on him for a mad Rogue,A pestilence on him for a mad rogue!Ham V.i.176
a pou'rd a Flaggon of Renish on my head once. This 'A poured a flagon of Rhenish on my head once. ThisHam V.i.177
same Scull Sir, this same Scull sir, was Yoricks Scull, the Kings Iester.same skull, sir, was, sir, Yorick's skull, the King's jester.Ham V.i.178
E'ene that.E'en that.Ham V.i.180

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