Original textModern textKey line
Dread my Lord,My dread lord,Ham I.ii.50.2
Your leaue and fauour to returne to France,Your leave and favour to return to France,Ham I.ii.51
From whence, though willingly I came to DenmarkeFrom whence though willingly I came to DenmarkHam I.ii.52
To shew my duty in your Coronation,To show my duty in your coronation,Ham I.ii.53
Yet now I must confesse, that duty done,Yet now I must confess, that duty done,Ham I.ii.54
My thoughts and wishes bend againe towards France,My thoughts and wishes bend again toward FranceHam I.ii.55
And bow them to your gracious leaue and pardon.And bow them to your gracious leave and pardon.Ham I.ii.56
My necessaries are imbark't; Farewell:My necessaries are embarked. Farewell.Ham I.iii.1
And Sister, as the Winds giue Benefit,And, sister, as the winds give benefitHam I.iii.2
And Conuoy is assistant; doe not sleepe,And convoy is assistant, do not sleepHam I.iii.3
But let me heare from you.But let me hear from you.Ham I.iii.4.1
For Hamlet, and the trifling of his fauours,For Hamlet, and the trifling of his favour,Ham I.iii.5
Hold it a fashion and a toy in Bloud;Hold it a fashion and a toy in blood,Ham I.iii.6
A Violet in the youth of Primy Nature;A violet in the youth of primy nature,Ham I.iii.7
Froward, not permanent; sweet not lastingForward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting,Ham I.iii.8
The suppliance of a minute? No more.The perfume and suppliance of a minute,Ham I.iii.9
No more.Ham I.iii.10.1
Thinke it no more:Think it no more.Ham I.iii.10.3
For nature cressant does not grow alone,For nature crescent does not grow aloneHam I.iii.11
In thewes and Bulke: but as his Temple waxes,In thews and bulk, but as this temple waxesHam I.iii.12
The inward seruice of the Minde and SouleThe inward service of the mind and soulHam I.iii.13
Growes wide withall. Perhaps he loues you now,Grows wide withal. Perhaps he loves you now,Ham I.iii.14
And now no soyle nor cautell doth besmerchAnd now no soil nor cautel doth besmirchHam I.iii.15
The vertue of his feare: but you must feareThe virtue of his will. But you must fear,Ham I.iii.16
His greatnesse weigh'd, his will is not his owne;His greatness weighed, his will is not his own.Ham I.iii.17
For hee himselfe is subiect to his Birth:For he himself is subject to his birth.Ham I.iii.18
Hee may not, as vnuallued persons doe,He may not, as unvalued persons do,Ham I.iii.19
Carue for himselfe; for, on his choyce dependsCarve for himself. For on his choice dependsHam I.iii.20
The sanctity and health of the weole State.The safety and health of this whole state.Ham I.iii.21
And therefore must his choyce be circumscrib'dAnd therefore must his choice be circumscribedHam I.iii.22
Vnto the voyce and yeelding of that Body,Unto the voice and yielding of that bodyHam I.iii.23
Whereof he is the Head. Then if he sayes he loues you,Whereof he is the head. Then, if he says he loves you,Ham I.iii.24
It fits your wisedome so farre to beleeue it;It fits your wisdom so far to believe itHam I.iii.25
As he in his peculiar Sect and forceAs he in his particular act and placeHam I.iii.26
May giue his saying deed: which is no further,May give his saying deed; which is no furtherHam I.iii.27
Then the maine voyce of Denmarke goes withall.Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal.Ham I.iii.28
Then weigh what losse your Honour may sustaine,Then weigh what loss your honour may sustainHam I.iii.29
If with too credent eare you list his Songs;If with too credent ear you list his songs,Ham I.iii.30
Or lose your Heart; or your chast Treasure openOr lose your heart, or your chaste treasure openHam I.iii.31
To his vnmastred importunity.To his unmastered importunity.Ham I.iii.32
Feare it Ophelia, feare it my deare Sister,Fear it, Ophelia, fear it, my dear sister.Ham I.iii.33
And keepe within the reare of your Affection;And keep you in the rear of your affection,Ham I.iii.34
Out of the shot and danger of Desire.Out of the shot and danger of desire.Ham I.iii.35
The chariest Maid is Prodigall enough,The chariest maid is prodigal enoughHam I.iii.36
If she vnmaske her beauty to the Moone:If she unmask her beauty to the moon.Ham I.iii.37
Vertue it selfe scapes not calumnious stroakes,Virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes.Ham I.iii.38
The Canker Galls, the Infants of the SpringThe canker galls the infants of the springHam I.iii.39
Too oft before the buttons be disclos'd,Too oft before their buttons be disclosed;Ham I.iii.40
And in the Morne and liquid dew of Youth,And in the morn and liquid dew of youthHam I.iii.41
Contagious blastments are most imminent.Contagious blastments are most imminent.Ham I.iii.42
Be wary then, best safety lies in feare;Be wary then. Best safety lies in fear.Ham I.iii.43
Youth to it selfe rebels, though none else neere.Youth to itself rebels, though none else near.Ham I.iii.44
Oh, feare me not.O, fear me not.Ham I.iii.51.2
I stay too long;I stay too long.Ham I.iii.52.1
but here my Father comes:But here my father comes.Ham I.iii.52.2
A double blessing is a double grace;A double blessing is a double grace.Ham I.iii.53
Occasion smiles vpon a second leaue.Occasion smiles upon a second leave.Ham I.iii.54
Most humbly doe I take my leaue, my Lord.Most humbly do I take my leave, my lord.Ham I.iii.82
Farewell Ophelia, and remember wellFarewell, Ophelia; and remember wellHam I.iii.84
What I haue said to you.What I have said to you.Ham I.iii.85.1
Farewell. Farewell.Ham I.iii.87
Where is the King, sirs? Stand you all without.Where is this King? – Sirs, stand you all without.Ham IV.v.114
I pray you giue me leaue.I pray you give me leave.Ham IV.v.115.2
I thanke you: Keepe the doore.I thank you. Keep the door.Ham IV.v.117.1
Oh thou vilde King,O thou vile King,Ham IV.v.117.2
giue me my Father.Give me my father.Ham IV.v.118.1
That drop of blood, that calmes / Proclaimes me Bastard:That drop of blood that's calm proclaims me bastard,Ham IV.v.119
Cries Cuckold to my Father, brands the HarlotCries cuckold to my father, brands the harlotHam IV.v.120
Euen heere betweene the chaste vnsmirched browEven here between the chaste unsmirched browsHam IV.v.121
Of my true Mother.Of my true mother.Ham IV.v.122.1
Where's my Father?Where is my father?Ham IV.v.130.1
How came he dead? Ile not be Iuggel'd with.How came he dead? I'll not be juggled with.Ham IV.v.132
To hell Allegeance: Vowes, to the blackest diuell.To hell allegiance! Vows to the blackest devil!Ham IV.v.133
Conscience and Grace, to the profoundest Pit.Conscience and grace to the profoundest pit!Ham IV.v.134
I dare Damnation: to this point I stand,I dare damnation. To this point I stand,Ham IV.v.135
That both the worlds I giue to negligence,That both the worlds I give to negligence,Ham IV.v.136
Let come what comes: onely Ile be reueng'dLet come what comes, only I'll be revengedHam IV.v.137
Most throughly for my Father.Most throughly for my father.Ham IV.v.138.1
My Will, not all the world,My will, not all the world's.Ham IV.v.139
And for my meanes, Ile husband them so well,And for my means, I'll husband them so wellHam IV.v.140
They shall go farre with little.They shall go far with little.Ham IV.v.141.1
None but his Enemies.None but his enemies.Ham IV.v.146.1
To his good Friends, thus wide Ile ope my Armes:To his good friends thus wide I'll ope my armsHam IV.v.147
And like the kinde Life-rend'ring Politician,And like the kind life-rendering pelicanHam IV.v.148
Repast them with my blood.Repast them with my blood.Ham IV.v.149.1
How now? what noise is that?How now? What noise is that?Ham IV.v.155
Oh heate drie vp my Braines, teares seuen times salt,O heat, dry up my brains! Tears seven times saltHam IV.v.156
Burne out the Sence and Vertue of mine eye.Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye!Ham IV.v.157
By Heauen, thy madnesse shall be payed by waight,By heaven, thy madness shall be paid with weightHam IV.v.158
Till our Scale turnes the beame. Oh Rose of May,Till our scale turn the beam. O rose of May,Ham IV.v.159
Deere Maid, kinde Sister, sweet Ophelia:Dear maid, kind sister, sweet Ophelia!Ham IV.v.160
Oh Heauens, is't possible, a yong Maids wits,O heavens, is't possible a young maid's witsHam IV.v.161
Should be as mortall as an old mans life?Should be as mortal as an old man's life?Ham IV.v.162
Nature is fine in Loue, and where 'tis fine,Nature is fine in love, and where 'tis fine,Ham IV.v.163
It sends some precious instance of it selfeIt sends some precious instance of itselfHam IV.v.164
After the thing it loues.After the thing it loves.Ham IV.v.165
Had'st thou thy wits, and did'st perswade Reuenge,Hadst thou thy wits, and didst persuade revenge,Ham IV.v.170
it could not moue thus.It could not move thus.Ham IV.v.171
This nothings more then matter.This nothing's more than matter.Ham IV.v.175
A document in madnesse, thoughts &A document in madness: thoughts andHam IV.v.179
remembrance fitted.remembrance fitted.Ham IV.v.180
Thought, and Affliction, Passion, Hell it selfe:Thought and afflictions, passion, hell itself,Ham IV.v.188
She turnes to Fauour, and to prettinesse.She turns to favour and to prettiness.Ham IV.v.189
Do you see this, you Gods?Do you see this? O God!Ham IV.v.201
Let this be so:Let this be so.Ham IV.v.212.2
His meanes of death, his obscure buriall;His means of death, his obscure funeral – Ham IV.v.213
No Trophee, Sword, nor Hatchment o're his bones,No trophy, sword, nor hatchment o'er his bones,Ham IV.v.214
No Noble rite, nor formall ostentation,No noble rite nor formal ostentationHam IV.v.215
Cry to be heard, as 'twere from Heauen to Earth,Cry to be heard, as 'twere from heaven to earth,Ham IV.v.216
That I must call in question.That I must call't in question.Ham IV.v.217.1
It well appeares. But tell me,It well appears. But tell meHam IV.vii.5.2
Why you proceeded not against these feates,Why you proceeded not against these featsHam IV.vii.6
So crimefull, and so Capitall in Nature,So criminal and so capital in nature,Ham IV.vii.7
As by your Safety, Wisedome, all things else,As by your safety, greatness, wisdom, all things else,Ham IV.vii.8
You mainly were stirr'd vp?You mainly were stirred up.Ham IV.vii.9.1
And so haue I a Noble Father lost,And so have I a noble father lost,Ham IV.vii.25
A Sister driuen into desperate tearmes,A sister driven into desperate terms,Ham IV.vii.26
Who was (if praises may go backe againe)Whose worth, if praises may go back again,Ham IV.vii.27
Stood Challenger on mount of all the AgeStood challenger, on mount, of all the ageHam IV.vii.28
For her perfections. But my reuenge will come.For her perfections. But my revenge will come.Ham IV.vii.29
Know you the hand?Know you the hand?Ham IV.vii.50.1
I'm lost in it my Lord; but let him come,I am lost in it, my lord. But let him come.Ham IV.vii.53
It warmes the very sicknesse in my heart,It warms the very sickness in my heartHam IV.vii.54
That I shall liue and tell him to his teeth;That I shall live and tell him to his teethHam IV.vii.55
Thus diddest thou.‘ Thus didest thou.’Ham IV.vii.56.1
Ay, my lord,Ham IV.vii.58.2
If so you'l not o'rerule me to a peace.So you will not o'errule me to a peace.Ham IV.vii.59
My lord, I will be ruled;Ham IV.vii.67.2
The rather if you could devise it soHam IV.vii.68
That I might be the organ.Ham IV.vii.69.1
What part is that, my lord?Ham IV.vii.75.2
A Norman was't?A Norman was't?Ham IV.vii.89.2
Vpon my life Lamound.Upon my life, Lamord.Ham IV.vii.91.1
I know him well, he is the Brooch indeed,I know him well. He is the brooch indeedHam IV.vii.92
And Iemme of all our Nation.And gem of all the nation.Ham IV.vii.93
Why out of this, my Lord?What out of this, my lord?Ham IV.vii.105.2
Why aske you this?Why ask you this?Ham IV.vii.108.2
To cut his throat i'th' Church.To cut his throat i'th' church!Ham IV.vii.125.2
I will doo't,I will do't,Ham IV.vii.138.2
And for that purpose Ile annoint my Sword:And for that purpose I'll anoint my sword.Ham IV.vii.139
I bought an Vnction of a MountebankeI bought an unction of a mountebank,Ham IV.vii.140
So mortall, I but dipt a knife in it,So mortal that, but dip a knife in it,Ham IV.vii.141
Where it drawes blood, no Cataplasme so rare,Where it draws blood no cataplasm so rare,Ham IV.vii.142
Collected from all Simples that haue VertueCollected from all simples that have virtueHam IV.vii.143
Vnder the Moone, can saue the thing from death,Under the moon, can save the thing from deathHam IV.vii.144
That is but scratcht withall: Ile touch my point,That is but scratched withal. I'll touch my pointHam IV.vii.145
With this contagion, that if I gall him slightly,With this contagion, that, if I gall him slightly,Ham IV.vii.146
It may be death.It may be death.Ham IV.vii.147.1
Drown'd! O where?Drowned! O, where?Ham IV.vii.165
Alas then, is she drown'd?Alas, then she is drowned?Ham IV.vii.183.2
Too much of water hast thou poore Ophelia,Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia,Ham IV.vii.185
And therefore I forbid my teares: but yetAnd therefore I forbid my tears. But yetHam IV.vii.186
It is our tricke, Nature her custome holds,It is our trick. Nature her custom holds,Ham IV.vii.187
Let shame say what it will; when these are goneLet shame say what it will. When these are gone,Ham IV.vii.188
The woman will be out: Adue my Lord,The woman will be out. Adieu, my lord.Ham IV.vii.189
I haue a speech of fire, that faine would blaze,I have a speech o' fire that fain would blaze,Ham IV.vii.190
But that this folly doubts it. But that this folly drowns it.Ham IV.vii.191.1
What Cerimony else?What ceremony else?Ham V.i.219
What Cerimony else?What ceremony else?Ham V.i.221
Must there no more be done?Must there no more be done?Ham V.i.231.1
Lay her i'th' earth,Lay her i'th' earth,Ham V.i.234.2
And from her faire and vnpolluted flesh,And from her fair and unpolluted fleshHam V.i.235
May Violets spring. I tell thee (churlish Priest)May violets spring! I tell thee, churlish priest,Ham V.i.236
A Ministring Angell shall my Sister be,A ministering angel shall my sister beHam V.i.237
When thou liest howling?When thou liest howling.Ham V.i.238.1
Oh terrible woer,O, treble woeHam V.i.242.2
Fall ten times trebble, on that cursed headFall ten times double on that cursed headHam V.i.243
Whose wicked deed, thy most Ingenious senceWhose wicked deed thy most ingenious senseHam V.i.244
Depriu'd thee of. Hold off the earth a while,Deprived thee of! Hold off the earth awhile,Ham V.i.245
Till I haue caught her once more in mine armes:Till I have caught her once more in mine arms.Ham V.i.246
Now pile your dust, vpon the quicke, and dead,Now pile your dust upon the quick and deadHam V.i.247
Till of this flat a Mountaine you haue made,Till of this flat a mountain you have madeHam V.i.248
To o're top old Pelion, or the skyish headT' o'ertop old Pelion or the skyish headHam V.i.249
Of blew Olympus.Of blue Olympus.Ham V.i.250.1
The deuill take thy soule.The devil take thy soul!Ham V.i.254.2
I am satisfied in Nature,I am satisfied in nature,Ham V.ii.238.2
Whose motiue in this case should stirre me mostWhose motive in this case should stir me mostHam V.ii.239
To my Reuenge. But in my termes of HonorTo my revenge. But in my terms of honourHam V.ii.240
I stand aloofe, and will no reconcilement,I stand aloof, and will no reconcilementHam V.ii.241
Till by some elder Masters of knowne Honor,Till by some elder masters of known honourHam V.ii.242
I haue a voyce, and president of peaceI have a voice and precedent of peaceHam V.ii.243
To keepe my name vngorg'd. But till that time,To keep my name ungored. But till that timeHam V.ii.244
I do receiue your offer'd loue like loue,I do receive your offered love like love,Ham V.ii.245
And wil not wrong it.And will not wrong it.Ham V.ii.246.1
Come one for me.Come, one for me.Ham V.ii.248.2
You mocke me Sir.You mock me, sir.Ham V.ii.251.2
This is too heauy, / Let me see another.This is too heavy. Let me see another.Ham V.ii.258
Come on sir. Come, my lord.Ham V.ii.274.2
No.No.Ham V.ii.274.4
Well: againe.Well, again.Ham V.ii.275.2
A touch, a touch, I do confesse.A touch, a touch. I do confess't.Ham V.ii.280
My Lord, Ile hit him now.My lord, I'll hit him now.Ham V.ii.289.1
And yet 'tis almost 'gainst my conscience.And yet it is almost against my conscience.Ham V.ii.290
Say you so? Come on. Say you so? Come on.Ham V.ii.294
Haue at you now.Have at you now!Ham V.ii.296.1
Why as a Woodcocke / To mine Sprindge, Osricke,Why, as a woodcock to mine own springe, Osrick.Ham V.ii.300
I am iustly kill'd with mine owne Treacherie.I am justly killed with mine own treachery.Ham V.ii.301
It is heere Hamlet. / Hamlet, thou art slaine,It is here, Hamlet. Hamlet, thou art slain.Ham V.ii.307
No Medicine in the world can do thee good.No medicine in the world can do thee good.Ham V.ii.308
In thee, there is not halfe an houre of life;In thee there is not half an hour's life.Ham V.ii.309
The Treacherous Instrument is in thy hand,The treacherous instrument is in thy hand,Ham V.ii.310
Vnbated and envenom'd: the foule practiseUnbated and envenomed. The foul practiceHam V.ii.311
Hath turn'd it selfe on me. Loe, heere I lye,Hath turned itself on me. Lo, here I lie,Ham V.ii.312
Neuer to rise againe: Thy Mothers poyson'd:Never to rise again. Thy mother's poisoned.Ham V.ii.313
I can no more, the King, the King's too blame.I can no more. The King, the King's to blame.Ham V.ii.314
He is iustly seru'd.He is justly served.Ham V.ii.321.2
It is a poyson temp'red by himselfe:It is a poison tempered by himself.Ham V.ii.322
Exchange forgiuenesse with me, Noble Hamlet;Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet.Ham V.ii.323
Mine and my Fathers death come not vpon thee,Mine and my father's death come not upon thee,Ham V.ii.324
Nor thine on me. Nor thine on me!Ham V.ii.325

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