Original textModern textKey line
I beseech your Graces both to pardon me,I beseech your graces both to pardon me.R3 I.i.84
His Maiesty hath straightly giuen in charge,His majesty hath straitly given in chargeR3 I.i.85
That no man shall haue priuate Conferenee.That no man shall have private conference,R3 I.i.86
(Of what degree soeuer) with your Brother.Of what degree soever, with his brother.R3 I.i.87
With this (my Lord) my selfe haue nought to doo.With this, my lord, myself have naught to do.R3 I.i.97
What one, my Lord?What one, my lord?R3 I.i.101
I do beseech your Grace / To pardon me, and withall I beseech your grace to pardon me, and withalR3 I.i.103
forbeare / Your Conference with the Noble Duke.Forbear your conference with the noble Duke.R3 I.i.104
Sorrow breakes Seasons, and reposing houres,Sorrow breaks seasons and reposing hours,R3 I.iv.76
Makes the Night Morning, and the Noon-tide night:Makes the night morning and the noontide night.R3 I.iv.77
Princes haue but their Titles for their Glories,Princes have but their titles for their glories,R3 I.iv.78
An outward Honor, for an inward Toyle,An outward honour for an inward toil;R3 I.iv.79
And for vnfelt ImaginationsAnd for unfelt imaginationsR3 I.iv.80
They often feele a world of restlesse Cares:They often feel a world of restless cares;R3 I.iv.81
So that betweene their Titles, and low Name,So that between their titles and low nameR3 I.iv.82
There's nothing differs, but the outward fame.There's nothing differs but the outward fame.R3 I.iv.83
What would'st thou Fellow? And how What wouldst thou, fellow? And howR3 I.iv.85
camm'st thou'st thou hither?R3 I.iv.86
What so breefe?Yea, So brief?R3 I.iv.89
I am in this, commanded to deliuerI am in this commanded to deliverR3 I.iv.92
The Noble Duke of Clarence to your hands.The noble Duke of Clarence to your hands.R3 I.iv.93
I will not reason what is meant heereby,I will not reason what is meant hereby,R3 I.iv.94
Because I will be guiltlesse from the meaning.Because I will be guiltless from the meaning.R3 I.iv.95
There lies the Duke asleepe, and there the Keyes.There lies the Duke asleep, and there the keys.R3 I.iv.96
Ile to the King, and signifie to him,I'll to the King, and signify to himR3 I.iv.97
That thus I haue resign'd to you my charge. That thus I have resigned to you my charge.R3 I.iv.98
Right well, deare Madame: by your patience,Right well, dear madam. By your patience,R3 IV.i.15
I may not suffer you to visit them,I may not suffer you to visit them;R3 IV.i.16
The King hath strictly charg'd the contrary.The King hath strictly charged the contrary.R3 IV.i.17
I meane, the Lord Protector.I mean the Lord Protector.R3 IV.i.18.2
No, Madame, no; I may not leaue it so:No, madam, no! I may not leave it so:R3 IV.i.26
I am bound by Oath, and therefore pardon me.I am bound by oath, and therefore pardon me.R3 IV.i.27

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