Original textModern textKey line
My Lord of Buckingham, if my weake OratorieMy Lord of Buckingham, if my weak oratoryR3 III.i.37
Can from his Mother winne the Duke of Yorke,Can from his mother win the Duke of York,R3 III.i.38
Anon expect him here: but if she be obdurateAnon expect him here; but if she be obdurateR3 III.i.39
To milde entreaties, God forbidTo mild entreaties, God in heaven forbidR3 III.i.40
We should infringe the holy PriuiledgeWe should infringe the holy privilegeR3 III.i.41
Of blessed Sanctuarie: not for all this Land,Of blessed sanctuary! Not for all this landR3 III.i.42
Would I be guiltie of so great a sinne.Would I be guilty of so deep a sin.R3 III.i.43
My Lord, you shall o're-rule my mind for once.My lord, you shall overrule my mind for once.R3 III.i.57
Come on, Lord Hastings, will you goe with me?Come on, Lord Hastings, will you go with me?R3 III.i.58

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