Original textModern textKey line
His Maiesty His majesty,R3 I.i.43.2
tendring my persons safety, / Hath appointed Tendering my person's safety, hath appointedR3 I.i.44
this Conduct, to conuey me to th' TowerThis conduct to convey me to the Tower.R3 I.i.45
Because my name is George.Because my name is George.R3 I.i.46.2
Yea Richard, when I know: but I protestYea, Richard, when I know; for I protestR3 I.i.52
As yet I do not: But as I can learne,As yet I do not. But, as I can learn,R3 I.i.53
He hearkens after Prophesies and Dreames,He hearkens after prophecies and dreams,R3 I.i.54
And from the Crosse-row pluckes the letter G:And from the cross-row plucks the letter G,R3 I.i.55
And sayes, a Wizard told him, that by G,And says a wizard told him that by GR3 I.i.56
His issue disinherited should be.His issue disinherited should be.R3 I.i.57
And for my name of George begins with G,And, for my name of George begins with G,R3 I.i.58
It followes in his thought, that I am he.It follows in his thought that I am he.R3 I.i.59
These (as I learne) and such like toyes as these,These, as I learn, and suchlike toys as theseR3 I.i.60
Hath moou'd his Highnesse to commit me now.Have moved his highness to commit me now.R3 I.i.61
By heauen, I thinke there is no man secureBy heaven, I think there is no man secureR3 I.i.71
But the Queenes Kindred, and night-walking Heralds,But the Queen's kindred, and night-walking heraldsR3 I.i.72
That trudge betwixt the King, and Mistris Shore.That trudge betwixt the King and Mistress Shore.R3 I.i.73
Heard you not what an humble SuppliantHeard you not what an humble suppliantR3 I.i.74
Lord Hastings was, for her deliuery?Lord Hastings was for his delivery?R3 I.i.75
We know thy charge Brakenbury, and wil obey.We know thy charge, Brakenbury, and will obey.R3 I.i.105
I know it pleaseth neither of vs well.I know it pleaseth neither of us well.R3 I.i.113
I must perforce: Farewell. I must perforce. Farewell.R3 I.i.116.2
O, I haue past a miserable night,O, I have passed a miserable night,R3 I.iv.2
So full of fearefull Dreames, of vgly sights,So full of fearful dreams, of ugly sights,R3 I.iv.3
That as I am a Christian faithfull man,That, as I am a Christian faithful man,R3 I.iv.4
I would not spend another such a nightI would not spend another such a nightR3 I.iv.5
Though 'twere to buy a world of happy daies:Though 'twere to buy a world of happy days,R3 I.iv.6
So full of dismall terror was the time.So full of dismal terror was the time.R3 I.iv.7
Me thoughts that I had broken from the Tower,Methoughts that I had broken from the TowerR3 I.iv.9
And was embark'd to crosse to Burgundy,And was embarked to cross to BurgundyR3 I.iv.10
And in my company my Brother Glouster,And in my company my brother Gloucester,R3 I.iv.11
Who from my Cabin tempted me to walke,Who from my cabin tempted me to walkR3 I.iv.12
Vpon the Hatches: There we look'd toward England,Upon the hatches; thence we looked toward EnglandR3 I.iv.13
And cited vp a thousand heauy times,And cited up a thousand heavy times,R3 I.iv.14
During the warres of Yorke and LancasterDuring the wars of York and Lancaster,R3 I.iv.15
That had befalne vs. As we pac'd alongThat had befallen us. As we paced alongR3 I.iv.16
Vpon the giddy footing of the Hatches,Upon the giddy footing of the hatches,R3 I.iv.17
Me thought that Glouster stumbled, and in fallingMethought that Gloucester stumbled, and in fallingR3 I.iv.18
Strooke me (that thought to stay him) ouer-boord,Struck me, that thought to stay him, overboardR3 I.iv.19
Into the tumbling billowes of the maine.Into the tumbling billows of the main.R3 I.iv.20
O Lord, me thought what paine it was to drowne,O Lord! Methought what pain it was to drown!R3 I.iv.21
What dreadfull noise of water in mine eares,What dreadful noise of waters in mine ears!R3 I.iv.22
What sights of vgly death within mine eyes.What sights of ugly death within mine eyes!R3 I.iv.23
Me thoughts, I saw a thousand fearfull wrackes:Methoughts I saw a thousand fearful wracks;R3 I.iv.24
A thousand men that Fishes gnaw'd vpon:A thousand men that fishes gnawed upon;R3 I.iv.25
Wedges of Gold, great Anchors, heapes of Pearle,Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl,R3 I.iv.26
Inestimable Stones, vnvalewed Iewels,Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels,R3 I.iv.27
All scattred in the bottome of the Sea,All scattered in the bottom of the sea.R3 I.iv.28
Some lay in dead-mens Sculles, and in the holesSome lay in dead men's skulls, and in the holesR3 I.iv.29
Where eyes did once inhabit, there were creptWhere eyes did once inhabit, there were crept,R3 I.iv.30
(As 'twere in scorne of eyes) reflecting Gemmes,As 'twere in scorn of eyes, reflecting gems,R3 I.iv.31
That woo'd the slimy bottome of the deepe,That wooed the slimy bottom of the deepR3 I.iv.32
And mock'd the dead bones that lay scattred by.And mocked the dead bones that lay scattered by.R3 I.iv.33
Me thought I had, and often did I striueMethought I had; and often did I striveR3 I.iv.36
To yeeld the Ghost: but still the enuious FloodTo yield the ghost; but still the envious floodR3 I.iv.37
Stop'd in my soule, and would not let it forthStopped in my soul, and would not let it forthR3 I.iv.38
To find the empty, vast, and wand'ring ayre:To find the empty, vast, and wandering air,R3 I.iv.39
But smother'd it within my panting bulke,But smothered it within my panting bulk,R3 I.iv.40
Who almost burst, to belch it in the Sea.Which almost burst to belch it in the sea.R3 I.iv.41
No, no, my Dreame was lengthen'd after life.No, no, my dream was lengthened after life.R3 I.iv.43
O then, began the Tempest to my Soule.O then began the tempest to my soul!R3 I.iv.44
I past (me thought) the Melancholly Flood,I passed, methought, the melancholy flood,R3 I.iv.45
With that sowre Ferry-man which Poets write of,With that sour ferryman which poets write of,R3 I.iv.46
Vnto the Kingdome of perpetuall Night.Unto the kingdom of perpetual night.R3 I.iv.47
The first that there did greet my Stranger-soule,The first that there did greet my stranger soulR3 I.iv.48
Was my great Father-in-Law, renowned Warwicke,Was my great father-in-law, renowned Warwick,R3 I.iv.49
Who spake alowd: What scourge for Periurie,Who spake aloud, ‘ What scourge for perjuryR3 I.iv.50
Can this darke Monarchy affoord false Clarence?Can this dark monarchy afford false Clarence?’R3 I.iv.51
And so he vanish'd. Then came wand'ring by,And so he vanished. Then came wandering byR3 I.iv.52
A Shadow like an Angell, with bright hayreA shadow like an angel, with bright hairR3 I.iv.53
Dabbel'd in blood, and he shriek'd out alowdDabbled in blood, and he shrieked out aloud,R3 I.iv.54
Clarence is come, false, fle eting,periur'd Clarence,‘ Clarence is come – false, fleeting, perjured Clarence,R3 I.iv.55
That stabb'd me in the field by Tewkesbury:That stabbed me in the field by Tewkesbury.R3 I.iv.56
Seize on him Furies, take him vnto Torment.Seize on him, Furies, take him unto torment!’R3 I.iv.57
With that (me thought) a Legion of foule FiendsWith that, methoughts, a legion of foul fiendsR3 I.iv.58
Inuiron'd me, and howled in mine earesEnvironed me, and howled in mine earsR3 I.iv.59
Such hiddeous cries, that with the very Noise,Such hideous cries that with the very noiseR3 I.iv.60
I (trembling) wak'd, and for a season after,I, trembling, waked, and for a season afterR3 I.iv.61
Could not beleeue, but that I was in Hell,Could not believe but that I was in hell,R3 I.iv.62
Such terrible Impression made my Dreame.Such terrible impression made my dream.R3 I.iv.63
Ah Keeper, Keeper, I haue done these thingsAh, keeper, keeper, I have done these things,R3 I.iv.66
(That now giue euidence against my Soule)That now give evidence against my soul,R3 I.iv.67
For Edwards sake, and see how he requits mee.For Edward's sake, and see how he requits me!R3 I.iv.68
O God! if my deepe prayres cannot appease thee,O God! If my deep prayers cannot appease Thee,R3 I.iv.69
But thou wilt be aueng'd on my misdeeds,But Thou wilt be avenged on my misdeeds,R3 I.iv.70
Yet execute thy wrath in me alone:Yet execute Thy wrath in me alone;R3 I.iv.71
O spare my guiltlesse Wife, and my poore children.O, spare my guiltless wife and my poor children!R3 I.iv.72
Keeper, I prythee sit by me a-while,Keeper, I pray thee, sit by me awhile.R3 I.iv.73
My Soule is heauy, and I faine would sleepe.My soul is heavy, and I fain would sleep.R3 I.iv.74
Where art thou Keeper? Giue me a cup of wine.Where art thou, keeper? Give me a cup of wine.R3 I.iv.164
In Gods name, what art thou?In God's name, what art thou?R3 I.iv.166
But not as I am Royall.But not as I am, royal.R3 I.iv.168
Thy voice is Thunder, but thy looks are humble.Thy voice is thunder, but thy looks are humble.R3 I.iv.170
How darkly, and how deadly dost thou speake?How darkly and how deadly dost thou speak!R3 I.iv.172
Your eyes do menace me: why looke you pale?Your eyes do menace me. Why look you pale?R3 I.iv.173
Who sent you hither? Wherefore do you come?Who sent you hither? Wherefore do you come?R3 I.iv.174
To murther me?To murder me?R3 I.iv.176
You scarsely haue the hearts to tell me so,You scarcely have the hearts to tell me so,R3 I.iv.178
And therefore cannot haue the hearts to do it.And therefore cannot have the hearts to do it.R3 I.iv.179
Wherein my Friends haue I offended you?Wherein, my friends, have I offended you?R3 I.iv.180
I shall be reconcil'd to him againe.I shall be reconciled to him again.R3 I.iv.182
Are you drawne forth among a world of menAre you drawn forth among a world of menR3 I.iv.184
To slay the innocent? What is my offence?To slay the innocent? What is my offence?R3 I.iv.185
Where is the Euidence that doth accuse me?Where are the evidence that doth accuse me?R3 I.iv.186
What lawfull Quest haue giuen their Verdict vpWhat lawful quest have given their verdict upR3 I.iv.187
Vnto the frowning Iudge? Or who pronounc'dUnto the frowning judge? Or who pronouncedR3 I.iv.188
The bitter sentence of poore Clarence death,The bitter sentence of poor Clarence' deathR3 I.iv.189
Before I be conuict by course of Law?Before I be convict by course of law?R3 I.iv.190
To threaten me with death, is most vnlawfull.To threaten me with death is most unlawful.R3 I.iv.191
I charge you, as you hope for any goodnesse,I charge you, as you hope to have redemptionR3 I.iv.192
By Christ's dear blood shed for our grievous sins,R3 I.iv.193
That you depart, and lay no hands on me:That you depart, and lay no hands on meR3 I.iv.194
The deed you vndertake is damnable.The deed you undertake is damnable.R3 I.iv.195
Erroneous Vassals, the great King of KingsErroneous vassals! The great King of kingsR3 I.iv.198
Hath in the Table of his Law commandedHath in the table of His law commandedR3 I.iv.199
That thou shalt do no murther. Will you thenThat thou shalt do no murder. Will you thenR3 I.iv.200
Spurne at his Edict, and fulfill a Mans?Spurn at His edict, and fulfil a man's?R3 I.iv.201
Take heed: for he holds Vengeance in his hand,Take heed; for He holds vengeance in His handR3 I.iv.202
To hurle vpon their heads that breake his Law.To hurl upon their heads that break His law.R3 I.iv.203
Alas! for whose sake did I that ill deede?Alas! For whose sake did I that ill deed?R3 I.iv.214
For Edward, for my Brother, for his sake.For Edward, for my brother, for his sake.R3 I.iv.215
He sends you not to murther me for this:He sends you not to murder me for this,R3 I.iv.216
For in that sinne, he is as deepe as I.For in that sin he is as deep as I.R3 I.iv.217
If God will be auenged for the deed,If God will be avenged for the deed,R3 I.iv.218
O know you yet, he doth it publiquely,O, know you yet He doth it publicly!R3 I.iv.219
Take not the quarrell from his powrefull arme:Take not the quarrel from His powerful arm.R3 I.iv.220
He needs no indirect, or lawlesse course,He needs no indirect or lawless courseR3 I.iv.221
To cut off those that haue offended him.To cut off those that have offended Him.R3 I.iv.222
My Brothers loue, the Diuell, and my Rage.My brother's love, the devil, and my rage.R3 I.iv.226
If you do loue my Brother, hate not me:If you do love my brother, hate not me;R3 I.iv.229
I am his Brother, and I loue him well.I am his brother, and I love him well.R3 I.iv.230
If you are hyr'd for meed, go backe againe,If you are hired for meed, go back again,R3 I.iv.231
And I will send you to my Brother Glouster:And I will send you to my brother Gloucester,R3 I.iv.232
Who shall reward you better for my life,Who shall reward you better for my lifeR3 I.iv.233
Then Edward will for tydings of my death.Than Edward will for tidings of my death.R3 I.iv.234
Oh no, he loues me, and he holds me deere:O, no, he loves me and he holds me dear!R3 I.iv.236
Go you to him from me.Go you to him from me.R3 I.iv.237.1
Tell him, when that our Princely Father Yorke,Tell him, when that our princely father YorkR3 I.iv.238
Blest his three Sonnes with his victorious Arme,Blessed his three sons with his victorious armR3 I.iv.239
And charged us from his soul to love each other,R3 I.iv.240
He little thought of this diuided Friendship:He little thought of this divided friendship;R3 I.iv.241
Bid Glouster thinke on this, and he will weepe.Bid Gloucester think of this, and he will weep.R3 I.iv.242
O do not slander him, for he is kinde.O, do not slander him, for he is kind.R3 I.iv.244
It cannot be, for he bewept my Fortune,It cannot be, for he bewept my fortune,R3 I.iv.247
And hugg'd me in his armes, and swore with sobs,And hugged me in his arms, and swore with sobsR3 I.iv.248
That he would labour my deliuery.That he would labour my delivery.R3 I.iv.249
Haue you that holy feeling in your soules,Have you that holy feeling in your soulsR3 I.iv.253
To counsaile me to make my peace with God,To counsel me to make my peace with God,R3 I.iv.254
And are you yet to your owne soules so blinde,And art you yet to your own souls so blindR3 I.iv.255
That you will warre with God, by murd'ring me.That you will war with God by murdering me?R3 I.iv.256
O sirs consider, they that set you onO, sirs, consider, they that set you onR3 I.iv.257
To do this deede, will hate you for the deede.To do this deed will hate you for the deed.R3 I.iv.258
Relent, and saue your soules:Relent, and save your souls.R3 I.iv.259.2
Which of you, if you were a Princes Sonne,Which of you, if you were a prince's son,R3 I.iv.260
Being pent from Liberty, as I am now,Being pent from liberty, as I am now,R3 I.iv.261
If two such murtherers as your selues came to you,If two such murderers as yourselves came to you,R3 I.iv.262
Would not intreat for life, as you would beggeWould not entreat for life? As you would begR3 I.iv.263
Were you in my distresse.Were you in my distress – R3 I.iv.264
Not to relent, is beastly, sauage, diuellish:Not to relent is beastly, savage, devilish!R3 I.iv.266
My Friend, I spy some pitty in thy lookes:My friend, I spy some pity in thy looks.R3 I.iv.267
O, if thine eye be not a Flatterer,O, if thine eye be not a flatterer,R3 I.iv.268
Come thou on my side, and intreate for mee,Come thou on my side, and entreat for me!R3 I.iv.269
A begging Prince, what begger pitties not.A begging prince what beggar pities not?R3 I.iv.270

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