Original textModern textKey line
Richard, thy Wife, / That wretched Anne thy Wife,Richard, thy wife, that wretched Anne thy wife,R3 V.iii.160
That neuer slept a quiet houre with thee,That never slept a quiet hour with thee,R3 V.iii.161
Now filles thy sleepe with perturbations,Now fills thy sleep with perturbations.R3 V.iii.162
To morrow in the Battaile, thinke on me,Tomorrow in the battle think on me,R3 V.iii.163
And fall thy edgelesse Sword, dispaire and dye:And fall thy edgeless sword; despair, and die!R3 V.iii.164
Ghost to Richm. Thou quiet soule, / Sleepe thou a quiet sleepe:(To Richmond) Thou quiet soul, sleep thou a quiet sleep.R3 V.iii.165
Dreame of Successe, and Happy Victory,Dream of success and happy victory!R3 V.iii.166
Thy Aduersaries Wife doth pray for thee.Thy adversary's wife doth pray for thee.R3 V.iii.167

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