Original textModern textKey line
Dreame on thy Cousins / Smothered in the Tower:Dream on thy cousins smothered in the Tower.R3 V.iii.152
Let vs be laid within thy bosome Richard,Let us be lead within thy bosom, Richard,R3 V.iii.153
And weigh thee downe to ruine, shame, and death,And weigh thee down to ruin, shame, and death!R3 V.iii.154
Thy Nephewes soule bids thee dispaire and dye.Thy nephews' souls bid thee despair, and die!R3 V.iii.155
Sleepe Richmond, / Sleepe in Peace, and wake in Ioy,Sleep, Richmond, sleep in peace and wake in joy.R3 V.iii.156
Good Angels guard thee from the Boares annoy,Good angels guard thee from the boar's annoy!R3 V.iii.157
Liue, and beget a happy race of Kings,Live, and beget a happy race of kings!R3 V.iii.158
Edwards vnhappy Sonnes, do bid thee flourish.Edward's unhappy sons do bid thee flourish.R3 V.iii.159

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