Original textModern textKey line
If he were dead, what would betide on me? / If he were dead, what would betide on me?If he were dead, what would betide on me?R3 I.iii.6
The losse of such a Lord, includes all harmes.The loss of such a lord includes all harm.R3 I.iii.8
Ah! he is yong; and his minorityAh, he is young; and his minorityR3 I.iii.11
Is put vnto the trust of Richard Glouster,Is put unto the trust of Richard Gloucester,R3 I.iii.12
A man that loues not me, nor none of you.A man that loves not me, nor none of you.R3 I.iii.13
It is determin'd, not concluded yet:It is determined, not concluded yet;R3 I.iii.15
But so it must be, if the King miscarry.But so it must be, if the King miscarry.R3 I.iii.16
The Countesse Richmond, good my L. of Derby.The Countess Richmond, good my Lord of Derby,R3 I.iii.20
To your good prayer, will scarsely say, Amen.To your good prayers will scarcely say amen.R3 I.iii.21
Yet Derby, notwithstanding shee's your wife,Yet, Derby, notwithstanding she's your wifeR3 I.iii.22
And loues not me, be you good Lord assur'd,And loves not me, be you, good lord, assuredR3 I.iii.23
I hate not you for her proud arrogance.I hate not you for her proud arrogance.R3 I.iii.24
Saw you the King to day my Lord of Derby.Saw you the King today, my Lord of Derby?R3 I.iii.30
What likelyhood of his amendment Lords.What likelihood of his amendment, lords?R3 I.iii.33
God grant him health, did you confer with him?God grant him health! Did you confer with him?R3 I.iii.35
Would all were well, but that will neuer be,Would all were well! But that will never be.R3 I.iii.40
I feare our happinesse is at the height.I fear our happiness is at the highest.R3 I.iii.41
Brother of Glouster, you mistake the matter:Brother of Gloucester, you mistake the matter.R3 I.iii.62
The King on his owne Royall disposition,The King, of his own royal disposition,R3 I.iii.63
(And not prouok'd by any Sutor else)And not provoked by any suitor else,R3 I.iii.64
Ayming (belike) at your interiour hatred,Aiming, belike, at your interior hatred,R3 I.iii.65
That in your outward action shewes it selfeThat in your outward action shows itselfR3 I.iii.66
Against my Children, Brothers, and my Selfe,Against my children, brothers, and myself,R3 I.iii.67
Makes him to send, that he may learne the ground.Makes him to send, that he may learn the ground.R3 I.iii.68
Come, come, we know your meaning Brother GlosterCome, come, we know your meaning, brother Gloucester:R3 I.iii.73
You enuy my aduancement, and my friends:You envy my advancement and my friends'.R3 I.iii.74
God grant we neuer may haue neede of you.God grant we never may have need of you!R3 I.iii.75
By him that rais'd me to this carefull height,By Him that raised me to this careful heightR3 I.iii.82
From that contented hap which I inioy'd,From that contented hap which I enjoyed,R3 I.iii.83
I neuer did incense his MaiestieI never did incense his majestyR3 I.iii.84
Against the Duke of Clarence, but haue binAgainst the Duke of Clarence, but have beenR3 I.iii.85
An earnest aduocate to plead for him.An earnest advocate to plead for him.R3 I.iii.86
My Lord you do me shamefull iniurie,My lord, you do me shameful injuryR3 I.iii.87
Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects.Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects.R3 I.iii.88
My Lord of Glouster, I haue too long borneMy Lord of Gloucester, I have too long borneR3 I.iii.102
Your blunt vpbraidings, and your bitter scoffes:Your blunt upbraidings and your bitter scoffs.R3 I.iii.103
By heauen, I will acquaint his MaiestieBy heaven, I will acquaint his majestyR3 I.iii.104
Of those grosse taunts that oft I haue endur'd.Of those gross taunts that oft I have endured.R3 I.iii.105
I had rather be a Countrie seruant maideI had rather be a country servant-maidR3 I.iii.106
Then a great Queene, with this condition,Than a great queen, with this condition,R3 I.iii.107
To be so baited, scorn'd, and stormed at,To be so baited, scorned, and stormed at;R3 I.iii.108
Small ioy haue I in being Englands Queene.Small joy have I in being England's Queen.R3 I.iii.109
As little ioy (my Lord) as you supposeAs little joy, my lord, as you supposeR3 I.iii.150
You should enioy, were you this Countries King,You should enjoy, were you this country's king,R3 I.iii.151
As little ioy you may suppose in me,As little joy may you suppose in meR3 I.iii.152
That I enioy, being the Queene thereof.That I enjoy, being the Queen thereof.R3 I.iii.153
So iust is God, to right the innocent.So just is God, to right the innocent.R3 I.iii.181
Thus haue you breath'd your Curse against your self.Thus have you breathed your curse against yourself.R3 I.iii.239
I neuer did her any to my knowledge.I never did her any, to my knowledge.R3 I.iii.308
Catesby I come, Lords will you go with mee.Catesby, I come. Lords, will you go with me?R3 I.iii.321
There Hastings, I will neuer more rememberHere, Hastings, I will never more rememberR3 II.i.23
Our former hatred, so thriue I, and mine.Our former hatred, so thrive I and mine!R3 II.i.24
A holy day shall this be kept heereafter:A holy day shall this be kept hereafter;R3 II.i.75
I would to God all strifes were well compounded.I would to God all strifes were well compounded.R3 II.i.76
My Soueraigne Lord, I do beseech your HighnesseMy sovereign lord, I do beseech your highnessR3 II.i.77
To take our Brother Clarence to your Grace.To take our brother Clarence to your grace.R3 II.i.78
All-seeing heauen, what a world is this?All-seeing heaven, what a world is this!R3 II.i.84
Ah! who shall hinder me to waile and weepe?Ah, who shall hinder me to wail and weep,R3 II.ii.34
To chide my Fortune, and torment my Selfe.To chide my fortune, and torment myself?R3 II.ii.35
Ile ioyne with blacke dispaire against my Soule,I'll join with black despair against my soulR3 II.ii.36
And to my selfe, become an enemie.And to myself become an enemy.R3 II.ii.37
To make an act of Tragicke violence.To make an act of tragic violence.R3 II.ii.39
Edward my Lord, thy Sonne, our King is dead.Edward, my lord, thy son, our King, is dead!R3 II.ii.40
Why grow the Branches, when the Roote is gone?Why grow the branches when the root is gone?R3 II.ii.41
Why wither not the leaues that want their sap?Why wither not the leaves that want their sap?R3 II.ii.42
If you will liue, Lament: if dye, be breefe,If you will live, lament; if die, be brief,R3 II.ii.43
That our swift-winged Soules may catch the Kings,That our swift-winged souls may catch the King's,R3 II.ii.44
Or like obedient Subiects follow him,Or like obedient subjects follow himR3 II.ii.45
To his new Kingdome of nere-changing night.To his new kingdom of ne'er-changing night.R3 II.ii.46
Giue me no helpe in Lamentation,Give me no help in lamentation;R3 II.ii.66
I am not barren to bring forth complaints:I am not barren to bring forth complaints.R3 II.ii.67
All Springs reduce their currents to mine eyes,All springs reduce their currents to mine eyes,R3 II.ii.68
That I being gouern'd by the waterie Moone,That I, being governed by the watery moon,R3 II.ii.69
May send forth plenteous teares to drowne the World.May send forth plenteous tears to drown the world.R3 II.ii.70
Ah, for my Husband, for my deere Lord Edward.Ah for my husband, for my dear lord Edward!R3 II.ii.71
What stay had I but Edward, and hee's gone?What stay had I but Edward? And he's gone.R3 II.ii.74
Was neuer widdow had so deere a losse.Was never widow had so dear a loss.R3 II.ii.77
With all our hearts.R3 II.ii.145
But I heare no, they say my sonne of YorkeBut I hear no. They say my son of YorkR3 II.iv.6
Ha's almost ouertane him in his growth.Hath almost overta'en him in his growth.R3 II.iv.7
A parlous Boy: go too, you are too shrew'd.A parlous boy! Go to, you are too shrewd.R3 II.iv.35
Pitchers haue eares.Pitchers have ears.R3 II.iv.37
How doth the Prince?How doth the Prince?R3 II.iv.40.1
Aye me! I see the ruine of my House:Ay me! I see the ruin of my house.R3 II.iv.49
The Tyger now hath seiz'd the gentle Hinde,The tiger now hath seized the gentle hind;R3 II.iv.50
Insulting Tiranny beginnes to IuttInsulting tyranny begins to jutR3 II.iv.51
Vpon the innocent and awelesse Throne:Upon the innocent and aweless throne.R3 II.iv.52
Welcome Destruction, Blood, and Massacre,Welcome destruction, blood, and massacre!R3 II.iv.53
I see (as in a Map) the end of all.I see, as in a map, the end of all.R3 II.iv.54
Come, come my Boy, we will to Sanctuary.Come, come, my boy; we will to sanctuary.R3 II.iv.66
Madam, farwell.Madam, farewell.R3 II.iv.67.1
You haue no cause.You have no cause.R3 II.iv.68.1
As much to you, good Sister: whither away?As much to you, good sister. Whither away?R3 IV.i.7
Kind Sister thankes, wee'le enter all together:Kind sister, thanks. We'll enter all together.R3 IV.i.11
And in good time, here the Lieutenant comes.And in good time, here the Lieutenant comes.R3 IV.i.12
Master Lieutenant, pray you, by your leaue,Master Lieutenant, pray you, by your leave,R3 IV.i.13
How doth the Prince, and my young Sonne of Yorke?How doth the Prince, and my young son of York?R3 IV.i.14
The King? who's that?The King! Who's that?R3 IV.i.18.1
The Lord protect him from that Kingly Title.The Lord protect him from that kingly title!R3 IV.i.19
Hath he set bounds betweene their loue, and me?Hath he set bounds between their love and me?R3 IV.i.20
I am their Mother, who shall barre me from them?I am their mother; who shall bar me from them?R3 IV.i.21
Ah, cut my Lace asunder,Ah, cut my lace asunder,R3 IV.i.33
That my pent heart may haue some scope to beat,That my pent heart may have some scope to beat,R3 IV.i.34
Or else I swoone with this dead-killing newes.Or else I swoon with this dead-killing news!R3 IV.i.35
O Dorset, speake not to me, get thee gone,O Dorset, speak not to me, get thee gone!R3 IV.i.38
Death and Destruction dogges thee at thy heeles,Death and destruction dog thee at thy heels;R3 IV.i.39
Thy Mothers Name is ominous to Children.Thy mother's name is ominous to children.R3 IV.i.40
If thou wilt out-strip Death, goe crosse the Seas,If thou wilt outstrip death, go cross the seas,R3 IV.i.41
And liue with Richmond, from the reach of Hell.And live with Richmond, from the reach of hell.R3 IV.i.42
Goe hye thee, hye thee from this slaughter-house,Go hie thee, hie thee from this slaughter-house,R3 IV.i.43
Lest thou encrease the number of the dead,Lest thou increase the number of the deadR3 IV.i.44
And make me dye the thrall of Margarets Curse,And make me die the thrall of Margaret's curse,R3 IV.i.45
Nor Mother, Wife, nor Englands counted Queene.Nor mother, wife, nor England's counted Queen.R3 IV.i.46
Goe, goe, poore soule, I enuie not thy glory,Go, go, poor soul! I envy not thy glory.R3 IV.i.63
To feed my humor, wish thy selfe no harme.To feed my humour wish thyself no harm.R3 IV.i.64
Poore heart adieu, I pittie thy complaining.Poor heart, adieu! I pity thy complaining.R3 IV.i.87
Farewell, thou wofull welcommer of glory.Farewell, thou woeful welcomer of glory.R3 IV.i.89
Stay, yet looke backe with me vnto the Tower.Stay, yet look back with me unto the Tower.R3 IV.i.97
Pitty, you ancient Stones, those tender Babes,Pity, you ancient stones, those tender babesR3 IV.i.98
Whom Enuie hath immur'd within your Walls,Whom envy hath immured within your walls – R3 IV.i.99
Rough Cradle for such little prettie ones,Rough cradle for such little pretty ones!R3 IV.i.100
Rude ragged Nurse, old sullen Play-fellow,Rude ragged nurse, old sullen playfellowR3 IV.i.101
For tender Princes: vse my Babies well;For tender princes – use my babies well!R3 IV.i.102
So foolish Sorrowes bids your Stones farewell.So foolish sorrow bids your stones farewell.R3 IV.i.103
Ah my poore Princes! ah my tender Babes:Ah, my poor princes! Ah, my tender babes!R3 IV.iv.9
My vnblowed Flowres, new appearing sweets:My unblown flowers, new-appearing sweets!R3 IV.iv.10
If yet your gentle soules flye in the Ayre,If yet your gentle souls fly in the airR3 IV.iv.11
And be not fixt in doome perpetuall,And be not fixed in doom perpetual,R3 IV.iv.12
Houer about me with your ayery wings,Hover about me with your airy wingsR3 IV.iv.13
And heare your mothers Lamentation.And hear your mother's lamentation!R3 IV.iv.14
Wilt thou, O God, flye from such gentle Lambs,Wilt thou, O God, fly from such gentle lambsR3 IV.iv.22
And throw them in the intrailes of the Wolfe?And throw them in the entrails of the wolf?R3 IV.iv.23
When didst thou sleepe, when such a deed was done?When didst Thou sleep when such a deed was done?R3 IV.iv.24
Ah that thou would'st assoone affoord a Graue,Ah, that thou wouldst as soon afford a graveR3 IV.iv.31
As thou canst yeeld a melancholly seate:As thou canst yield a melancholy seat!R3 IV.iv.32
Then would I hide my bones, not rest them heere,Then would I hide my bones, not rest them here.R3 IV.iv.33
Ah who hath any cause to mourne but wee?Ah, who hath any cause to mourn but we?R3 IV.iv.34
O thou did'st prophesie, the time would come,O, thou didst prophesy the time would comeR3 IV.iv.79
That I should wish for thee to helpe me curseThat I should wish for thee to help me curseR3 IV.iv.80
That bottel'd Spider, that foule bunch-back'd Toad.That bottled spider, that foul bunch-backed toad!R3 IV.iv.81
O thou well skill'd in Curses, stay a-while,O thou well-skilled in curses, stay awhileR3 IV.iv.116
And teach me how to curse mine enemies.And teach me how to curse mine enemies!R3 IV.iv.117
My words are dull, O quicken them with thine.My words are dull. O, quicken them with thine!R3 IV.iv.124
Windy Atturnies to their Clients Woes,Windy attorneys to their client's woes,R3 IV.iv.127
Ayery succeeders of intestine ioyes,Airy succeeders of intestate joys,R3 IV.iv.128
Poore breathing Orators of miseries,Poor breathing orators of miseries,R3 IV.iv.129
Let them haue scope, though what they will impart,Let them have scope! Though what they will impartR3 IV.iv.130
Helpe nothing els, yet do they ease the hart.Help nothing else, yet do they ease the heart.R3 IV.iv.131
Hid'st thou that Forhead with a Golden CrowneHid'st thou that forehead with a golden crownR3 IV.iv.140
Where't should be branded, if that right were right?Where should be branded, if that right were right,R3 IV.iv.141
The slaughter of the Prince that ow'd that Crowne,The slaughter of the prince that owed that crownR3 IV.iv.142
And the dyre death of my poore Sonnes, and Brothers.And the dire death of my poor sons and brothers?R3 IV.iv.143
Tell me thou Villaine-slaue, where are my Children?Tell me, thou villain-slave, where are my children?R3 IV.iv.144
Where is the gentle Riuers, Vaughan, Gray?Where is the gentle Rivers, Vaughan, Grey?R3 IV.iv.147
Though far more cause, yet much lesse spirit to curseThough far more cause, yet much less spirit to curseR3 IV.iv.197
Abides in me, I say Amen to her.Abides in me, I say amen to her.R3 IV.iv.198
I haue no more sonnes of the Royall BloodI have no more sons of the royal bloodR3 IV.iv.200
For thee to slaughter. For my Daughters ( Richard)For thee to slaughter. For my daughters, Richard,R3 IV.iv.201
They shall be praying Nunnes, not weeping Queenes:They shall be praying nuns, not weeping queens;R3 IV.iv.202
And therefore leuell not to hit their liues.And therefore level not to hit their lives.R3 IV.iv.203
And must she dye for this? O let her liue,And must she die for this? O, let her live,R3 IV.iv.206
And Ile corrupt her Manners, staine her Beauty,And I'll corrupt her manners, stain her beauty,R3 IV.iv.207
Slander my Selfe, as false to Edwards bed:Slander myself as false to Edward's bed,R3 IV.iv.208
Throw ouer her the vaile of Infamy,Throw over her the veil of infamy.R3 IV.iv.209
So she may liue vnscarr'd of bleeding slaughter,So she may live unscarred of bleeding slaughter,R3 IV.iv.210
I will confesse she was not Edwards daughter.I will confess she was not Edward's daughter.R3 IV.iv.211
To saue her life, Ile say she is not so.To save her life, I'll say she is not so.R3 IV.iv.213
And onely in that safety, dyed her Brothers.And only in that safety died her brothers.R3 IV.iv.215
No, to their liues, ill friends were contrary.No, to their lives ill friends were contrary.R3 IV.iv.217
True: when auoyded grace makes Destiny.True, when avoided grace makes destiny.R3 IV.iv.219
My Babes were destin'd to a fairer death,My babes were destined to a fairer deathR3 IV.iv.220
If grace had blest thee with a fairer life.If grace had blessed thee with a fairer life.R3 IV.iv.221
Cosins indeed, and by their Vnckle couzend,Cousins indeed, and by their uncle cozenedR3 IV.iv.223
Of Comfort, Kingdome, Kindred, Freedome, Life,Of comfort, kingdom, kindred, freedom, life.R3 IV.iv.224
Whose hand soeuer lanch'd their tender hearts,Whose hand soever lanched their tender hearts,R3 IV.iv.225
Thy head (all indirectly) gaue direction.Thy head, all indirectly, gave direction.R3 IV.iv.226
No doubt the murd'rous Knife was dull and blunt,No doubt the murderous knife was dull and bluntR3 IV.iv.227
Till it was whetted on thy stone-hard heart,Till it was whetted on thy stone-hard heartR3 IV.iv.228
To reuell in the Intrailes of my Lambes.To revel in the entrails of my lambs.R3 IV.iv.229
But that still vse of greefe, makes wilde greefe tame,But that still use of grief makes wild grief tame,R3 IV.iv.230
My tongue should to thy eares not name my Boyes,My tongue should to thy ears not name my boysR3 IV.iv.231
Till that my Nayles were anchor'd in thine eyes:Till that my nails were anchored in thine eyes;R3 IV.iv.232
And I in such a desp'rate Bay of death,And I, in such a desperate bay of death,R3 IV.iv.233
Like a poore Barke, of sailes and tackling reft,Like a poor bark of sails and tackling reft,R3 IV.iv.234
Rush all to peeces on thy Rocky bosome.Rush all to pieces on thy rocky bosom.R3 IV.iv.235
What good is couer'd with the face of heauen,What good is covered with the face of heaven,R3 IV.iv.240
To be discouered, that can do me good.To be discovered, that can do me good?R3 IV.iv.241
Vp to some Scaffold, there to lose their heads.Up to some scaffold, there to lose their heads?R3 IV.iv.243
Flatter my sorrow with report of it:Flatter my sorrows with report of it.R3 IV.iv.246
Tell me, what State, what Dignity, what Honor,Tell me, what state, what dignity, what honourR3 IV.iv.247
Canst thou demise to any childe of mine.Canst thou demise to any child of mine?R3 IV.iv.248
Be breefe, least that the processe of thy kindnesseBe brief, lest that the process of thy kindnessR3 IV.iv.254
Last longer telling then thy kindnesse date.Last longer telling than thy kindness' date.R3 IV.iv.255
My daughters Mother thinkes it with her soule.My daughter's mother thinks it with her soul.R3 IV.iv.257
That thou dost loue my daughter from thy souleThat thou dost love my daughter from thy soul.R3 IV.iv.259
So from thy Soules loue didst thou loue her Brothers,So from thy soul's love didst thou love her brothers,R3 IV.iv.260
And from my hearts loue, I do thanke thee for it.And from my heart's love I do thank thee for it.R3 IV.iv.261
Well then, who dost yu meane shallbe her King.Well then, who dost thou mean shall be her king?R3 IV.iv.265
What, thou?What, thou?R3 IV.iv.267.1
How canst thou woo her?How canst thou woo her?R3 IV.iv.268.1
And wilt thou learne of me?And wilt thou learn of me?R3 IV.iv.270.1
Send to her by the man that slew her Brothers,Send to her by the man that slew her brothersR3 IV.iv.271
A paire of bleeding hearts: thereon ingraueA pair of bleeding hearts; thereon engraveR3 IV.iv.272
Edward and Yorke, then haply will she weepe:‘ Edward ’ and ‘ York ’; then haply she will weep.R3 IV.iv.273
Therefore present to her, as sometime MargaretTherefore present to her – as sometimes MargaretR3 IV.iv.274
Did to thy Father, steept in Rutlands blood,Did to thy father, steeped in Rutland's blood – R3 IV.iv.275
A hand-kercheefe, which say to her did dreyneA handkerchief, which say to her did drainR3 IV.iv.276
The purple sappe from her sweet Brothers body,The purple sap from her sweet brother's body,R3 IV.iv.277
And bid her wipe her weeping eyes withall.And bid her wipe her weeping eyes withal.R3 IV.iv.278
If this inducement moue her not to loue,If this inducement move her not to love,R3 IV.iv.279
Send her a Letter of thy Noble deeds:Send her a letter of thy noble deeds:R3 IV.iv.280
Tell her, thou mad'st away her Vnckle Clarence,Tell her thou mad'st away her uncle Clarence,R3 IV.iv.281
Her Vnckle Riuers, I (and for her sake)Her uncle Rivers; yea, and for her sake,R3 IV.iv.282
Mad'st quicke conueyance with her good Aunt Anne.Mad'st quick conveyance with her good aunt Anne!R3 IV.iv.283
There is no other way,There is no other way,R3 IV.iv.285.2
Vnlesse thou could'st put on some other shape,Unless thou couldst put on some other shape,R3 IV.iv.286
And not be Richard, that hath done all this.And not be Richard that hath done all this.R3 IV.iv.287
Nay then indeed she cannot choose but hate theeNay, then indeed she cannot choose but hate thee,R3 IV.iv.289
Hauing bought loue, with such a bloody spoyle.Having bought love with such a bloody spoil.R3 IV.iv.290
What were I best to say, her Fathers BrotherWhat were I best to say? Her father's brotherR3 IV.iv.337
Would be her Lord? Or shall I say her Vnkle?Would be her lord? Or shall I say her uncle?R3 IV.iv.338
Or he that slew her Brothers, and her Vnkles?Or he that slew her brothers and her uncles?R3 IV.iv.339
Vnder what Title shall I woo for thee,Under what title shall I woo for theeR3 IV.iv.340
That God, the Law, my Honor, and her Loue,That God, the law, my honour, and her loveR3 IV.iv.341
Can make seeme pleasing to her tender yeares?Can make seem pleasing to her tender years?R3 IV.iv.342
Which she shall purchase with stil lasting warre.Which she shall purchase with still-lasting war.R3 IV.iv.344
That at her hands, which the kings King forbids.That at her hands which the King's king forbids.R3 IV.iv.346
To vaile the Title, as her Mother doth.To vail the title, as her mother doth.R3 IV.iv.348
But how long shall that title euer last?But how long shall that title ‘ ever ’ last?R3 IV.iv.350
But how long fairely shall her sweet life last?But how long fairly shall her sweet life last?R3 IV.iv.352
As long as Hell and Richard likes of it.So long as hell and Richard likes of it.R3 IV.iv.354
But she your Subiect, lothes such Soueraignty.But she, your subject, loathes such sovereignty.R3 IV.iv.356
An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told.An honest tale speeds best being plainly told.R3 IV.iv.358
Plaine and not honest, is too harsh a style.Plain and not honest is too harsh a style.R3 IV.iv.360
O no, my Reasons are too deepe and dead,O no, my reasons are too deep and dead – R3 IV.iv.362
Too deepe and dead (poore Infants) in their graues,Too deep and dead, poor infants, in their graves.R3 IV.iv.363
Harpe on it still shall I, till heart-strings breake.Harp on it still shall I till heart-strings break.R3 IV.iv.365
Prophan'd, dishonor'd, and the third vsurpt.Profaned, dishonoured, and the third usurped.R3 IV.iv.367
By nothing, for this is no Oath:By nothing, for this is no oath.R3 IV.iv.368.2
Thy George prophan'd, hath lost his Lordly Honor;The George, profaned, hath lost his lordly honour;R3 IV.iv.369
Thy Garter blemish'd, pawn'd his Knightly Vertue;Thy Garter, blemished, pawned his knightly virtue;R3 IV.iv.370
Thy Crowne vsurp'd, disgrac'd his Kingly Glory:Thy crown, usurped, disgraced his kingly glory.R3 IV.iv.371
If something thou would'st sweare to be beleeu'd,If something thou wouldst swear to be believed,R3 IV.iv.372
Sweare then by something, that thou hast not wrong'd.Swear then by something that thou hast not wronged.R3 IV.iv.373
Thy Selfe, is selfe-misvs'd.Thyself is self-misused.R3 IV.iv.374.2
'Tis full of thy foule wrongs.'Tis full of thy foul wrongs.R3 IV.iv.375.2
Thy life hath it dishonor'd.Thy life hath it dishonoured.R3 IV.iv.376.2
Heanens wrong is most of all:God's wrong is most of all.R3 IV.iv.377.2
If thou didd'st feare to breake an Oath with him,If thou didst fear to break an oath with Him,R3 IV.iv.378
The vnity the King my husband made,The unity the King my husband madeR3 IV.iv.379
Thou had'st not broken, nor my Brothers died.Thou hadst not broken, nor my brothers died.R3 IV.iv.380
If thou had'st fear'd to breake an oath by him,If thou hadst feared to break an oath by Him,R3 IV.iv.381
Th' Imperiall mettall, circling now thy head,Th' imperial metal, circling now thy head,R3 IV.iv.382
Had grac'd the tender temples of my Child,Had graced the tender temples of my child,R3 IV.iv.383
And both the Princes had bene breathing heere,And both the princes had been breathing here,R3 IV.iv.384
Which now two tender Bed-fellowes for dust,Which now, two tender bedfellows for dust,R3 IV.iv.385
Thy broken Faith hath made the prey for Wormes.Thy broken faith hath made the prey for worms.R3 IV.iv.386
What can'st thou sweare by now.What canst thou swear by now?R3 IV.iv.387.1
That thou hast wronged in the time ore-past:That thou hast wronged in the time o'erpast;R3 IV.iv.388
For I my selfe haue many teares to washFor I myself have many tears to washR3 IV.iv.389
Heereafter time, for time past, wrong'd by thee.Hereafter time, for time past wronged by thee.R3 IV.iv.390
The Children liue, whose Fathers thou hast slaughter'd,The children live whose fathers thou hast slaughtered,R3 IV.iv.391
Vngouern'd youth, to waile it with their age:Ungoverned youth, to wail it in their age;R3 IV.iv.392
The Parents liue, whose Children thou hast butcher'd,The parents live whose children thou hast butchered,R3 IV.iv.393
Old barren Plants, to waile it with their Age.Old barren plants, to wail it with their age.R3 IV.iv.394
Sweare not by time to come, for that thou hastSwear not by time to come, for that thou hastR3 IV.iv.395
Misvs'd ere vs'd, by times ill-vs'd repast.Misused ere used, by times ill-used o'erpast. R3 IV.iv.396
Shall I be tempted of the Diuel thus?Shall I be tempted of the devil thus?R3 IV.iv.418
Shall I forget my selfe, to be my selfe.Shall I forget myself to be myself?R3 IV.iv.420
Yet thou didst kil my Children.Yet thou didst kill my children.R3 IV.iv.422
Shall I go win my daughter to thy will?Shall I go win my daughter to thy will?R3 IV.iv.426
I go, write to me very shortly,I go. Write to me very shortly,R3 IV.iv.428
And you shal vnderstand from me her mind. And you shall understand from me her mind.R3 IV.iv.429

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