Original textModern textKey line
And lesned be that small, God I beseech him,And lessened be that small, God I beseech Him!R3 I.iii.110
Thy honor, state, and seate, is due to me.Thy honour, state, and seat is due to me.R3 I.iii.111
Out Diuell, / I do remember them too well:Out, devil! I do remember them too well.R3 I.iii.117
Thou killd'st my Husband Henrie in the Tower,Thou kill'dst my husband Henry in the Tower,R3 I.iii.118
And Edward my poore Son, at Tewkesburie.And Edward, my poor son, at Tewkesbury.R3 I.iii.119
I and much better blood / Then his, or thine.Yea, and much better blood than his or thine.R3 I.iii.125
A murth'rous Villaine, and so still thou art.A murderous villain, and so still thou art.R3 I.iii.133
Which God reuenge.Which God revenge!R3 I.iii.136
High thee to Hell for shame, & leaue this WorldHie thee to hell for shame, and leave this world,R3 I.iii.142
Thou Cacodemon, there thy Kingdome is.Thou cacodemon! There thy kingdom is.R3 I.iii.143
A little ioy enioyes the Queene thereof,As little joy enjoys the Queen thereof;R3 I.iii.154
For I am shee, and altogether ioylesse:For I am she, and altogether joyless.R3 I.iii.155
I can no longer hold me patient.I can no longer hold me patient.R3 I.iii.156
Heare me, you wrangling Pyrates, that fall out,Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall outR3 I.iii.157
In sharing that which you haue pill'd from me:In sharing that which you have pilled from me!R3 I.iii.158
Which off you trembles not, that lookes on me?Which of you trembles not that looks on me?R3 I.iii.159
If not, that I am Queene, you bow like Subiects;If not, that I am Queen, you bow like subjects,R3 I.iii.160
Yet that by you depos'd, you quake like Rebells.Yet that, by you deposed, you quake like rebels?R3 I.iii.161
Ah gentle Villaine, doe not turne away.Ah, gentle villain, do not turn away!R3 I.iii.162
But repetition of what thou hast marr'd,But repetition of what thou hast marred,R3 I.iii.164
That will I make, before I let thee goe.That will I make before I let thee go.R3 I.iii.165
I was: but I doe find more paine in banishment,I was; but I do find more pain in banishmentR3 I.iii.167
Then death can yeeld me here, by my abode.Than death can yield me here by my abode.R3 I.iii.168
A Husband and a Sonne thou ow'st to me,A husband and a son thou ow'st to me – R3 I.iii.169
And thou a Kingdome; all of you, allegeance:And thou a kingdom – all of you allegiance.R3 I.iii.170
This Sorrow that I haue, by right is yours,This sorrow that I have, by right is yours,R3 I.iii.171
And all the Pleasures you vsurpe, are mine.And all the pleasures you usurp are mine.R3 I.iii.172
What? were you snarling all before I came,What! Were you snarling all before I came,R3 I.iii.187
Ready to catch each other by the throat,Ready to catch each other by the throat,R3 I.iii.188
And turne you all your hatred now on me?And turn you all your hatred now on me?R3 I.iii.189
Did Yorkes dread Curse preuaile so much with Heauen,Did York's dread curse prevail so much with heavenR3 I.iii.190
That Henries death, my louely Edwards death,That Henry's death, my lovely Edward's death,R3 I.iii.191
Their Kingdomes losse, my wofull Banishment,Their kingdom's loss, my woeful banishment,R3 I.iii.192
Should all but answer for that peeuish Brat?Should all but answer for that peevish brat?R3 I.iii.193
Can Curses pierce the Clouds, and enter Heauen?Can curses pierce the clouds and enter heaven?R3 I.iii.194
Why then giue way dull Clouds to my quick Curses.Why then, give way, dull clouds, to my quick curses!R3 I.iii.195
Though not by Warre, by Surfet dye your King,Though not by war, by surfeit die your king,R3 I.iii.196
As ours by Murther, to make him a King.As ours by murder, to make him a king!R3 I.iii.197
Edward thy Sonne, that now is Prince of Wales,Edward thy son, that now is Prince of Wales,R3 I.iii.198
For Edward our Sonne, that was Prince of Wales,For Edward our son, that was Prince of Wales,R3 I.iii.199
Dye in his youth, by like vntimely violence.Die in his youth by like untimely violence!R3 I.iii.200
Thy selfe a Queene, for me that was a Queene,Thyself a queen, for me that was a queen,R3 I.iii.201
Out-liue thy glory, like my wretched selfe:Outlive thy glory, like my wretched self!R3 I.iii.202
Long may'st thou liue, to wayle thy Childrens death,Long mayst thou live to wail thy children's deathR3 I.iii.203
And see another, as I see thee now,And see another, as I see thee now,R3 I.iii.204
Deck'd in thy Rights, as thou art stall'd in mine.Decked in thy rights as thou art stalled in mine!R3 I.iii.205
Long dye thy happie dayes, before thy death,Long die thy happy days before thy death,R3 I.iii.206
And after many length'ned howres of griefe,And after many lengthened hours of grief,R3 I.iii.207
Dye neyther Mother, Wife, nor Englands Queene.Die neither mother, wife, nor England's queen!R3 I.iii.208
Riuers and Dorset, you were standers by,Rivers and Dorset, you were standers-by,R3 I.iii.209
And so wast thou, Lord Hastings, when my SonneAnd so wast thou, Lord Hastings, when my sonR3 I.iii.210
Was stab'd with bloody Daggers: God, I pray him,Was stabbed with bloody daggers. God, I pray Him,R3 I.iii.211
That none of you may liue his naturall age,That none of you may live his natural age,R3 I.iii.212
But by some vnlook'd accident cut off.But by some unlooked accident cut off!R3 I.iii.213
And leaue out thee? stay Dog, for yu shalt heare me.And leave out thee? Stay, dog, for thou shalt hear me.R3 I.iii.215
If Heauen haue any grieuous plague in store,If heaven have any grievous plague in storeR3 I.iii.216
Exceeding those that I can wish vpon thee,Exceeding those that I can wish upon thee,R3 I.iii.217
O let them keepe it, till thy sinnes be ripe,O let them keep it till thy sins be ripe,R3 I.iii.218
And then hurle downe their indignationAnd then hurl down their indignationR3 I.iii.219
On thee, the troubler of the poore Worlds peace.On thee, the troubler of the poor world's peace!R3 I.iii.220
The Worme of Conscience still begnaw thy Soule,The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul!R3 I.iii.221
Thy Friends suspect for Traytors while thou liu'st,Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou liv'st,R3 I.iii.222
And take deepe Traytors for thy dearest Friends:And take deep traitors for thy dearest friends!R3 I.iii.223
No sleepe close vp that deadly Eye of thine,No sleep close up that deadly eye of thine,R3 I.iii.224
Vnlesse it be while some tormenting DreameUnless it be while some tormenting dreamR3 I.iii.225
Affrights thee with a Hell of ougly Deuills.Affrights thee with a hell of ugly devils!R3 I.iii.226
Thou eluish mark'd, abortiue rooting Hogge,Thou elvish-marked, abortive, rooting hog!R3 I.iii.227
Thou that wast seal'd in thy NatiuitieThou that wast sealed in thy nativityR3 I.iii.228
The slaue of Nature, and the Sonne of Hell:The slave of nature and the son of hell!R3 I.iii.229
Thou slander of thy heauie Mothers Wombe,Thou slander of thy heavy mother's womb!R3 I.iii.230
Thou loathed Issue of thy Fathers Loynes,Thou loathed issue of thy father's loins!R3 I.iii.231
Thou Ragge of Honor, thou detested---Thou rag of honour! Thou detested – R3 I.iii.232
Richard. Richard!R3 I.iii.233.2
I call thee not.I call thee not.R3 I.iii.233.4
Why so I did, but look'd for no reply.Why, so I did, but looked for no reply.R3 I.iii.236
Oh let me make the Period to my Curse.O, let me make the period to my curse!R3 I.iii.237
Poore painted Queen, vain flourish of my fortune,Poor painted queen, vain flourish of my fortune!R3 I.iii.240
Why strew'st thou Sugar on that Bottel'd Spider,Why strew'st thou sugar on that bottled spiderR3 I.iii.241
Whose deadly Web ensnareth thee about?Whose deadly web ensnareth thee about?R3 I.iii.242
Foole, foole, thou whet'st a Knife to kill thy selfe:Fool, fool! Thou whet'st a knife to kill thyself.R3 I.iii.243
The day will come, that thou shalt wish for me,The time will come that thou shalt wish for meR3 I.iii.244
To helpe thee curse this poysonous Bunch-backt Toade.To help thee curse that poisonous bunch-backed toad.R3 I.iii.245
Foule shame vpon you, you haue all mou'd mine.Foul shame upon you! You have all moved mine.R3 I.iii.248
To serue me well, you all should do me duty,To serve me well, you all should do me duty,R3 I.iii.250
Teach me to be your Queene, and you my Subiects:Teach me to be your queen, and you my subjects.R3 I.iii.251
O serue me well, and teach your selues that duty.O, serve me well, and teach yourselves that duty!R3 I.iii.252
Peace Master Marquesse, you are malapert,Peace, master Marquess, you are malapert.R3 I.iii.254
Your fire-new stampe of Honor is scarce currant.Your fire-new stamp of honour is scarce current.R3 I.iii.255
O that your yong Nobility could iudgeO, that your young nobility could judgeR3 I.iii.256
What 'twere to lose it, and be miserable.What 'twere to lose it and be miserable!R3 I.iii.257
They that stand high, haue many blasts to shake them,They that stand high have many blasts to shake them,R3 I.iii.258
And if they fall, they dash themselues to peeces.And if they fall, they dash themselves to pieces.R3 I.iii.259
And turnes the Sun to shade: alas, alas,And turns the sun to shade – alas! alas!R3 I.iii.265
Witnesse my Sonne, now in the shade of death,Witness my son, now in the shade of death,R3 I.iii.266
Whose bright out-shining beames, thy cloudy wrathWhose bright outshining beams thy cloudy wrathR3 I.iii.267
Hath in eternall darknesse folded vp.Hath in eternal darkness folded up.R3 I.iii.268
Your ayery buildeth in our ayeries Nest:Your aery buildeth in our aery's nest.R3 I.iii.269
O God that seest it, do not suffer it,O God, that seest it, do not suffer it!R3 I.iii.270
As it is wonne with blood, lost be it so.As it was won with blood, lost be it so!R3 I.iii.271
Vrge neither charity, nor shame to me:Urge neither charity nor shame to me.R3 I.iii.273
Vncharitably with me haue you dealt,Uncharitably with me have you dealt,R3 I.iii.274
And shamefully my hopes (by you) are butcher'd.And shamefully my hopes by you are butchered.R3 I.iii.275
My Charity is outrage, Life my shame,My charity is outrage, life my shame,R3 I.iii.276
And in that shame, still liue my sorrowes rage.And in that shame still live my sorrow's rage!R3 I.iii.277
O Princely Buckingham, Ile kisse thy hand,O princely Buckingham, I'll kiss thy handR3 I.iii.279
In signe of League and amity with thee:In sign of league and amity with thee.R3 I.iii.280
Now faire befall thee, and thy Noble house:Now fair befall thee and thy noble house!R3 I.iii.281
Thy Garments are not spotted with our blood:Thy garments are not spotted with our blood,R3 I.iii.282
Nor thou within the compasse of my curse.Nor thou within the compass of my curse.R3 I.iii.283
I will not thinke but they ascend the sky,I'll not think but they ascend the skyR3 I.iii.286
And there awake Gods gentle sleeping peace.And there awake God's gentle-sleeping peace.R3 I.iii.287
O Buckingham, take heede of yonder dogge:O Buckingham, take heed of yonder dog!R3 I.iii.288
Looke when he fawnes, he bites; and when he bites,Look when he fawns he bites; and when he bitesR3 I.iii.289
His venom tooth will rankle to the death.His venom tooth will rankle to the death.R3 I.iii.290
Haue not to do with him, beware of him,Have not to do with him, beware of him.R3 I.iii.291
Sinne, death, and hell haue set their markes on him,Sin, death, and hell have set their marks on him,R3 I.iii.292
And all their Ministers attend on him.And all their ministers attend on him.R3 I.iii.293
What dost thou scorne me / For my gentle counsell?What, dost thou scorn me for my gentle counsel?R3 I.iii.296
And sooth the diuell that I warne thee from.And soothe the devil that I warn thee from?R3 I.iii.297
O but remember this another day:O, but remember this another day,R3 I.iii.298
When he shall split thy very heart with sorrow:When he shall split thy very heart with sorrow,R3 I.iii.299
And say (poore Margaret) was a Prophetesse:And say poor Margaret was a prophetess!R3 I.iii.300
Liue each of you the subiects to his hate,Live each of you the subjects to his hate,R3 I.iii.301
And he to yours, and all of you to Gods. And he to yours, and all of you to God's!R3 I.iii.302
So now prosperity begins to mellow,So now prosperity begins to mellowR3 IV.iv.1
And drop into the rotten mouth of death:And drop into the rotten mouth of death.R3 IV.iv.2
Heere in these Confines slily haue I lurkt,Here in these confines slily have I lurked,R3 IV.iv.3
To watch the waining of mine enemies.To watch the waning of mine enemies.R3 IV.iv.4
A dire induction, am I witnesse to,A dire induction am I witness to,R3 IV.iv.5
And will to France, hoping the consequenceAnd will to France, hoping the consequenceR3 IV.iv.6
Will proue as bitter, blacke, and Tragicall.Will prove as bitter, black, and tragical.R3 IV.iv.7
Withdraw thee wretched Margaret, who comes heere?Withdraw thee, wretched Margaret! Who comes here?R3 IV.iv.8
Houer about her, say that right for rightHover about her. Say that right for rightR3 IV.iv.15
Hath dim'd your Infant morne, to Aged night.Hath dimmed your infant morn to aged night.R3 IV.iv.16
Plantagenet doth quit Plantagenet,Plantagenet doth quit Plantagenet;R3 IV.iv.20
Edward for Edward, payes a dying debt.Edward for Edward pays a dying debt.R3 IV.iv.21
When holy Harry dyed, and my sweet Sonne.When holy Harry died, and my sweet son.R3 IV.iv.25
If ancient sorrow be most reuerent,If ancient sorrow be most reverend,R3 IV.iv.35
Giue mine the benefit of signeurie,Give mine the benefit of senioryR3 IV.iv.36
And let my greefes frowne on the vpper handAnd let my griefs frown on the upper hand.R3 IV.iv.37
If sorrow can admit Society.If sorrow can admit society,R3 IV.iv.38
Tell over your woes again by viewing mine.R3 IV.iv.39
I had an Edward, till a Richard kill'd him:I had an Edward, till a Richard killed him;R3 IV.iv.40
I had a Husband, till a Richard kill'd him:I had a Harry, till a Richard killed him:R3 IV.iv.41
Thou had'st an Edward, till a Richard kill'd him:Thou hadst an Edward, till a Richard killed him;R3 IV.iv.42
Thou had'st a Richard, till a Richard kill'd him.Thou hadst a Richard, till a Richard killed him.R3 IV.iv.43
Thou had'st a Clarence too, / And Richard kill'd him.Thou hadst a Clarence too, and Richard killed him.R3 IV.iv.46
From forth the kennell of thy wombe hath creptFrom forth the kennel of thy womb hath creptR3 IV.iv.47
A Hell-hound that doth hunt vs all to death:A hellhound that doth hunt us all to death.R3 IV.iv.48
That Dogge, that had his teeth before his eyes,That dog, that had his teeth before his eyes,R3 IV.iv.49
To worry Lambes, and lap their gentle blood:To worry lambs and lap their gentle blood,R3 IV.iv.50
That foule defacer of Gods handy worke:That foul defacer of God's handiworkR3 IV.iv.51
That reignes in gauled eyes of weeping soules:That reigns in galled eyes of weeping souls,R3 IV.iv.52
That excellent grand Tyrant of the earth,That excellent grand tyrant of the earthR3 IV.iv.53
Thy wombe let loose to chase vs to our graues.Thy womb let loose to chase us to our graves.R3 IV.iv.54
O vpright, iust, and true-disposing God,O upright, just, and true-disposing God,R3 IV.iv.55
How do I thanke thee, that this carnall CurreHow do I thank Thee that this carnal curR3 IV.iv.56
Prayes on the issue of his Mothers body,Preys on the issue of his mother's bodyR3 IV.iv.57
And makes her Pue-fellow with others mone.And makes her pew-fellow with others' moan!R3 IV.iv.58
Beare with me: I am hungry for reuenge,Bear with me! I am hungry for revenge,R3 IV.iv.61
And now I cloy me with beholding it.And now I cloy me with beholding it.R3 IV.iv.62
Thy Edward he is dead, that kill'd my Edward,Thy Edward he is dead, that killed my Edward;R3 IV.iv.63
The other Edward dead, to quit my Edward:Thy other Edward dead, to quit my Edward;R3 IV.iv.64
Yong Yorke, he is but boote, because both theyYoung York he is but boot, because both theyR3 IV.iv.65
Matcht not the high perfection of my losse.Matched not the high perfection of my loss.R3 IV.iv.66
Thy Clarence he is dead, that stab'd my Edward,Thy Clarence he is dead that stabbed my Edward,R3 IV.iv.67
And the beholders of this franticke play,And the beholders of this frantic play,R3 IV.iv.68
Th'adulterate Hastings, Riuers, Vaughan, Gray,Th' adulterate Hastings, Rivers, Vaughan, Grey,R3 IV.iv.69
Vntimely smother'd in their dusky Graues.Untimely smothered in their dusky graves.R3 IV.iv.70
Richard yet liues, Hels blacke Intelligencer,Richard yet lives, hell's black intelligencer;R3 IV.iv.71
Onely reseru'd their Factor, to buy soules,Only reserved their factor to buy soulsR3 IV.iv.72
And send them thither: But at hand, at handAnd send them thither. But at hand, at hand,R3 IV.iv.73
Insues his pittious and vnpittied end.Ensues his piteous and unpitied end.R3 IV.iv.74
Earth gapes, Hell burnes, Fiends roare, Saints pray,Earth gapes, hell burns, fiends roar, saints pray,R3 IV.iv.75
To haue him sodainly conuey'd from hence:To have him suddenly conveyed from hence.R3 IV.iv.76
Cancell his bond of life, deere God I pray,Cancel his bond of life, dear God, I pray,R3 IV.iv.77
That I may liue and say, The Dogge is dead.That I may live and say, ‘ The dog is dead.’R3 IV.iv.78
I call'd thee then, vaine flourish of my fortune:I called thee then vain flourish of my fortune;R3 IV.iv.82
I call'd thee then, poore Shadow, painted Queen,I called thee then poor shadow, painted queen,R3 IV.iv.83
The presentation of but what I was;The presentation of but what I was,R3 IV.iv.84
The flattering Index of a direfull Pageant;The flattering index of a direful pageant,R3 IV.iv.85
One heau'd a high, to be hurl'd downe below:One heaved a-high to be hurled down below,R3 IV.iv.86
A Mother onely mockt with two faire Babes;A mother only mocked with two fair babes,R3 IV.iv.87
A dreame of what thou wast, a garish FlaggeA dream of what thou wast, a garish flagR3 IV.iv.88
To be the ayme of euery dangerous Shot;To be the aim of every dangerous shot;R3 IV.iv.89
A signe of Dignity, a Breath, a Bubble;A sign of dignity, a breath, a bubble,R3 IV.iv.90
A Queene in ieast, onely to fill the Scene.A queen in jest, only to fill the scene.R3 IV.iv.91
Where is thy Husband now? Where be thy Brothers?Where is thy husband now? Where be thy brothers?R3 IV.iv.92
Where be thy two Sonnes? Wherein dost thou Ioy?Where are thy two sons? Wherein dost thou joy?R3 IV.iv.93
Who sues, and kneeles, and sayes, God saue the Queene?Who sues and kneels and says, ‘ God save the Queen ’?R3 IV.iv.94
Where be the bending Peeres that flattered thee?Where be the bending peers that flattered thee?R3 IV.iv.95
Where be the thronging Troopes that followed thee?Where be the thronging troops that followed thee?R3 IV.iv.96
Decline all this, and see what now thou art.Decline all this, and see what now thou art:R3 IV.iv.97
For happy Wife, a most distressed Widdow:For happy wife, a most distressed widow;R3 IV.iv.98
For ioyfull Mother, one that wailes the name:For joyful mother, one that wails the name;R3 IV.iv.99
For one being sued too, one that humbly sues:For one being sued to, one that humbly sues;R3 IV.iv.100
For Queene, a very Caytiffe, crown'd with care:For queen, a very caitiff crowned with care;R3 IV.iv.101
For she that scorn'd at me, now scorn'd of me:For she that scorned at me, now scorned of me;R3 IV.iv.102
For she being feared of all, now fearing one:For she being feared of all, now fearing one;R3 IV.iv.103
For she commanding all, obey'd of none.For she commanding all, obeyed of none.R3 IV.iv.104
Thus hath the course of Iustice whirl'd about,Thus hath the course of justice wheeled aboutR3 IV.iv.105
And left thee but a very prey to time,And left thee but a very prey to time,R3 IV.iv.106
Hauing no more but Thought of what thou wast.Having no more but thought of what thou wast,R3 IV.iv.107
To torture thee the more, being what thou art,To torture thee the more, being what thou art.R3 IV.iv.108
Thou didst vsurpe my place, and dost thou notThou didst usurp my place, and dost thou notR3 IV.iv.109
Vsurpe the iust proportion of my Sorrow?Usurp the just proportion of my sorrow?R3 IV.iv.110
Now thy proud Necke, beares halfe my burthen'd yoke,Now thy proud neck bears half my burdened yoke,R3 IV.iv.111
From which, euen heere I slip my wearied head,From which even here I slip my weary headR3 IV.iv.112
And leaue the burthen of it all, on thee.And leave the burden of it all on thee.R3 IV.iv.113
Farwell Yorkes wife, and Queene of sad mischance,Farewell, York's wife, and Queen of sad mischance!R3 IV.iv.114
These English woes, shall make me smile in France.These English woes shall make me smile in France.R3 IV.iv.115
Forbeare to sleepe the night, and fast the day:Forbear to sleep the nights, and fast the days;R3 IV.iv.118
Compare dead happinesse, with liuing woe:Compare dead happiness with living woe;R3 IV.iv.119
Thinke that thy Babes were sweeter then they were,Think that thy babes were sweeter than they wereR3 IV.iv.120
And he that slew them fowler then he is:And he that slew them fouler than he is.R3 IV.iv.121
Bett'ring thy losse, makes the bad causer worse,Bettering thy loss makes the bad causer worse;R3 IV.iv.122
Reuoluing this, will teach thee how to Curse.Revolving this will teach thee how to curse.R3 IV.iv.123
Thy woes will make them sharpe, And pierce like mine. Thy woes will make them sharp and pierce like mine.R3 IV.iv.125

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