Original textModern textKey line
Iames Tyrrel, and your most obedient subiect.James Tyrrel, and your most obedient subject.R3 IV.ii.66
Proue me, my gracious Lord.Prove me, my gracious lord.R3 IV.ii.67.2
Please you:Please you;R3 IV.ii.69
But I had rather kill two enemies.But I had rather kill two enemies.R3 IV.ii.70
Let me haue open meanes to come to them,Let me have open means to come to them,R3 IV.ii.75
And soone Ile rid you from the feare of them.And soon I'll rid you from the fear of them.R3 IV.ii.76
I will dispatch it straight. I will dispatch it straight.R3 IV.ii.81
The tyrannous and bloodie Act is done,The tyrannous and bloody act is done,R3 IV.iii.1
The most arch deed of pittious massacreThe most arch deed of piteous massacreR3 IV.iii.2
That euer yet this Land was guilty of:That ever yet this land was guilty of.R3 IV.iii.3
Dighton and Forrest, who I did suborneDighton and Forrest, whom I did subornR3 IV.iii.4
To do this peece of ruthfull Butchery,To do this piece of ruthless butchery,R3 IV.iii.5
Albeit they were flesht Villaines, bloody Dogges,Albeit they were fleshed villains, bloody dogs,R3 IV.iii.6
Melted with tendernesse, and milde compassion,Melting with tenderness and mild compassion,R3 IV.iii.7
Wept like to Children, in their deaths sad Story.Wept like two children in their death's sad story.R3 IV.iii.8
O thus (quoth Dighton) lay the gentle Babes:‘ O, thus,’ quoth Dighton, ‘ lay the gentle babes.’R3 IV.iii.9
Thus, thus (quoth Forrest) girdling one another‘ Thus, thus,’ quoth Forrest, ‘ girdling one anotherR3 IV.iii.10
Within their Alablaster innocent Armes:Within their alablaster innocent arms.R3 IV.iii.11
Their lips were foure red Roses on a stalke,Their lips were four red roses on a stalk,R3 IV.iii.12
And in their Summer Beauty kist each other.Which in their summer beauty kissed each other.R3 IV.iii.13
A Booke of Prayers on their pillow lay,A book of prayers on their pillow lay,R3 IV.iii.14
Which one (quoth Forrest) almost chang'd my minde:Which once,’ quoth Forrest, ‘ almost changed my mind;R3 IV.iii.15
But oh the Diuell, there the Villaine stopt:But O! The devil ’ – there the villain stopped;R3 IV.iii.16
When Dighton thus told on, we smotheredWhen Dighton thus told on – ‘ We smotheredR3 IV.iii.17
The most replenished sweet worke of Nature,The most replenished sweet work of natureR3 IV.iii.18
That from the prime Creation ere she framed.That from the prime creation e'er she framed.’R3 IV.iii.19
Hence both are gone with Conscience and Remorse,Hence both are gone with conscience and remorse.R3 IV.iii.20
They could not speake, and so I left them both,They could not speak; and so I left them both,R3 IV.iii.21
To beare this tydings to the bloody King.To bear this tidings to the bloody King.R3 IV.iii.22
And heere he comes. All health my Soueraigne Lord.And here he comes. All health, my sovereign lord!R3 IV.iii.23
If to haue done the thing you gaue in charge,If to have done the thing you gave in chargeR3 IV.iii.25
Beget your happinesse, be happy then,Beget your happiness, be happy then,R3 IV.iii.26
For it is done.For it is done.R3 IV.iii.27.1
I did my Lord.I did, my lord.R3 IV.iii.28.1
The Chaplaine of the Tower hath buried them,The chaplain of the Tower hath buried them;R3 IV.iii.29
But where (to say the truth) I do not know.But where, to say the truth, I do not know.R3 IV.iii.30
I humbly take my leaue.I humbly take my leave.R3 IV.iii.35.2

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