Original textModern textKey line
There was a fourth man, in a silly habit,There was a fourth man, in a silly habit,Cym V.iii.86
That gaue th'Affront with them.That gave th' affront with them.Cym V.iii.87.1
Lay hands on him: a Dogge,Lay hands on him: a dog,Cym V.iii.91.2
A legge of Rome shall not returne to tellA leg of Rome shall not return to tellCym V.iii.92
What Crows haue peckt them here: he brags his seruiceWhat crows have pecked them here: he brags his serviceCym V.iii.93
As if he were of note: bring him to'th'King.As if he were of note: bring him to th' king.Cym V.iii.94

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