Original textModern textKey line
Giue me leaue Casar.Give me leave, Caesar.AC II.ii.121.2
Thou hast a Sister by the Mothers side,Thou hast a sister by the mother's side,AC II.ii.123
admir'd Octauia: Great Mark Anthony Admired Octavia. Great Mark AntonyAC II.ii.124
is now a widdower.Is now a widower.AC II.ii.125.1
To hold you in perpetuall amitie,To hold you in perpetual amity,AC II.ii.130
To make you Brothers, and to knit your heartsTo make you brothers, and to knit your heartsAC II.ii.131
With an vn-slipping knot, take Anthony,With an unslipping knot, take AntonyAC II.ii.132
Octauia to his wife: whose beauty claimesOctavia to his wife; whose beauty claimsAC II.ii.133
No worse a husband then the best of men:No worse a husband than the best of men;AC II.ii.134
whose / Vertue, and whose generall graces, speakeWhose virtue and whose general graces speakAC II.ii.135
That which none else can vtter. By this marriage,That which none else can utter. By this marriageAC II.ii.136
All little Ielousies which now seeme great,All little jealousies, which now seem great,AC II.ii.137
And all great feares, which now import their dangers,And all great fears, which now import their dangers,AC II.ii.138
Would then be nothing. Truth's would be tales,Would then be nothing. Truths would be tales,AC II.ii.139
Where now halfe tales be truth's: her loue to both,Where now half-tales be truths. Her love to bothAC II.ii.140
Would each to other, and all loues to bothWould each to other, and all loves to both,AC II.ii.141
Draw after her. Pardon what I haue spoke,Draw after her. Pardon what I have spoke,AC II.ii.142
For 'tis a studied not a present thought,For 'tis a studied, not a present thought,AC II.ii.143
By duty ruminated.By duty ruminated.AC II.ii.144.1
Good Enobarbus.Good Enobarbus.AC II.ii.179
There she appear'd indeed: or my reporterThere she appeared indeed! Or my reporterAC II.ii.193
deuis'd well for her.devised well for her.AC II.ii.194
Oh rare for Anthony.O, rare for Antony!AC II.ii.210.2
Rare Egiptian.Rare Egyptian!AC II.ii.223.2
Royall Wench:Royal wench!AC II.ii.231.2
She made great Casar lay his Sword to bed,She made great Caesar lay his sword to bed.AC II.ii.232
He ploughed her, and she cropt.He ploughed her, and she cropped.AC II.ii.233.1
Let vs go.Let us go.AC II.ii.248.2
Good Enobarbus, make your selfe / my guest, Good Enobarbus, make yourself my guestAC II.ii.249
whilst you abide heere.Whilst you abide here.AC II.ii.250.1
Sir, Marke Anthony,Sir, Mark AntonyAC II.iv.2.2
will e'ne but kisse Octauia, and weele follow.Will e'en but kiss Octavia, and we'll follow.AC II.iv.3
Sir good successe.Sir, good success.AC II.iv.9.2
All. ALL
Shew's the way, sir.Show's the way, sir.AC
What are the Brothers parted?What, are the brothers parted?AC III.ii.1
'Tis a Noble Lepidus.'Tis a noble Lepidus.AC III.ii.6.2
Nay but how deerely he adores Mark Anthony.Nay, but how dearly he adores Mark Antony!AC III.ii.8
What's Anthony, the God of Iupiter?What's Antony? The god of Jupiter.AC III.ii.10
Oh Anthony, oh thou Arabian Bird!O Antony! O thou Arabian bird!AC III.ii.12
Indeed he plied them both with excellent praises.Indeed, he plied them both with excellent praises.AC III.ii.14
Both he loues.Both he loves.AC III.ii.19.2
Good Fortune worthy Souldier, and farewell.Good fortune, worthy soldier, and farewell!AC III.ii.22
He ha's a cloud in's face.He has a cloud in's face.AC III.ii.51
Why Enobarbus:Why, Enobarbus,AC III.ii.53.2
When Anthony found Iulius Casar dead,When Antony found Julius Caesar dead,AC III.ii.54
He cried almost to roaring: And he wept,He cried almost to roaring; and he weptAC III.ii.55
When at Phillippi he found Brutus slaine.When at Philippi he found Brutus slain.AC III.ii.56
Who queazie with his insolence already,Who, queasy with his insolence already,AC
Will their good thoughts call from him.Will their good thoughts call from him.AC
Who does he accuse?Who does he accuse?AC
Sir, this should be answer'd.Sir, this should be answered.AC
Welcome Lady.Welcome, lady.AC
Casar, I shall.Caesar, I shall.AC
Retire, we haue engag'd our selues too farre:Retire! We have engaged ourselves too far.AC IV.vii.1
Casar himselfe ha's worke, and our oppressionCaesar himself has work, and our oppressionAC IV.vii.2
Exceeds what we expected. Exceeds what we expected.AC IV.vii.3
And strange it is,And strange it isAC V.i.28.2
That Nature must compell vs to lamentThat nature must compel us to lamentAC V.i.29
Our most persisted deeds.Our most persisted deeds.AC V.i.30.1
A Rarer spirit neuerA rarer spirit neverAC V.i.31.2
Did steere humanity: but you Gods will giue vsDid steer humanity. But you gods will give usAC V.i.32
Some faults to make vs men. Casar is touch'd.Some faults to make us men. Caesar is touched.AC V.i.33
Dolabella.Dolabella!AC V.i.70.2

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