Original text | Modern text | Key line |
Come thou Monarch of the Vine, | Come, thou monarch of the vine, | AC II.vii.111 |
Plumpie Bacchus, with pinke eyne: | Plumpy Bacchus with pink eyne! | AC II.vii.112 |
In thy Fattes our Cares be drown'd, | In thy fats our cares be drowned; | AC II.vii.113 |
With thy Grapes our haires be Crown'd. | With thy grapes our hairs be crowned. | AC II.vii.114 |
Cup vs till the world go round, | Cup us till the world go round, | AC II.vii.115 |
Cup vs till the world go round. | Cup us till the world go round! | AC II.vii.116 |