Original textModern textKey line
You may see Lepidus, and henceforth know,You may see, Lepidus, and henceforth knowAC I.iv.1
It is not Casars Naturall vice, to hateIt is not Caesar's natural vice to hateAC I.iv.2
One great Competitor. From AlexandriaOur great competitor. From AlexandriaAC I.iv.3
This is the newes: He fishes, drinkes, and wastesThis is the news: he fishes, drinks, and wastesAC I.iv.4
The Lampes of night in reuell: Is not more manlikeThe lamps of night in revel; is not more manlikeAC I.iv.5
Then Cleopatra: nor the Queene of PtolomyThan Cleopatra, nor the queen of PtolemyAC I.iv.6
More Womanly then he. Hardly gaue audience / OrMore womanly than he; hardly gave audience, orAC I.iv.7
vouchsafe to thinke he had Partners. You / Shall finde thereVouchsafed to think he had partners. You shall find thereAC I.iv.8
a man, who is th' abstracts of all faults,A man who is the abstract of all faultsAC I.iv.9
That all men follow.That all men follow.AC I.iv.10.1
You are too indulgent. Let's graunt it is notYou are too indulgent. Let's grant it is notAC I.iv.16
Amisse to tumble on the bed of Ptolomy,Amiss to tumble on the bed of Ptolemy,AC I.iv.17
To giue a Kingdome for a Mirth, to sitTo give a kingdom for a mirth, to sitAC I.iv.18
And keepe the turne of Tipling with a Slaue,And keep the turn of tippling with a slave,AC I.iv.19
To reele the streets at noone, and stand the BuffetTo reel the streets at noon, and stand the buffetAC I.iv.20
With knaues that smels of sweate: Say this becoms himWith knaves that smells of sweat. Say this becomes him – AC I.iv.21
(As his composure must be rare indeed,As his composure must be rare indeedAC I.iv.22
Whom these things cannot blemish) yet must AnthonyWhom these things cannot blemish – yet must AntonyAC I.iv.23
No way excuse his foyles, when we do beareNo way excuse his foils when we do bearAC I.iv.24
So great waight in his lightnesse. If he fill'dSo great weight in his lightness. If he filledAC I.iv.25
His vacancie with his Voluptuousnesse,His vacancy with his voluptuousness,AC I.iv.26
Full surfets, and the drinesse of his bones,Full surfeits and the dryness of his bonesAC I.iv.27
Call on him for't. But to confound such time,Call on him for't. But to confound such timeAC I.iv.28
That drummes him from his sport, and speakes as lowdThat drums him from his sport and speaks as loudAC I.iv.29
As his owne State, and ours, 'tis to be chid:As his own state and ours, 'tis to be chidAC I.iv.30
As we rate Boyes, who being mature in knowledge,As we rate boys who, being mature in knowledge,AC I.iv.31
Pawne their experience to their present pleasure,Pawn their experience to their present pleasureAC I.iv.32
And so rebell to iudgement.And so rebel to judgement.AC I.iv.33.1
I should haue knowne no lesse,I should have known no less.AC I.iv.40.2
It hath bin taught vs from the primall stateIt hath been taught us from the primal state,AC I.iv.41
That he which is was wisht, vntill he were:That he which is was wished until he were;AC I.iv.42
And the ebb'd man, / Ne're lou'd, till ne're worth loue,And the ebbed man, ne'er loved till ne'er worth love,AC I.iv.43
Comes fear'd, by being lack'd. This common bodie,Comes deared by being lacked. This common body,AC I.iv.44
Like to a Vagabond Flagge vpon the Streame,Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream,AC I.iv.45
Goes too, and backe, lacking the varrying tydeGoes to and back, lackeying the varying tide,AC I.iv.46
To rot it selfe with motion.To rot itself with motion.AC I.iv.47.1
Anthony,Antony,AC I.iv.55.2
Leaue thy lasciuious Vassailes. When thou onceLeave thy lascivious wassails. When thou onceAC I.iv.56
Was beaten from Medena, where thou slew'stWast beaten from Modena, where thou slew'stAC I.iv.57
Hirsius, and Pausa Consuls, at thy heeleHirtius and Pansa, consuls, at thy heelAC I.iv.58
Did Famine follow, whom thou fought'st against,Did famine follow, whom thou fought'st against,AC I.iv.59
(Though daintily brought vp) with patience moreThough daintily brought up, with patience moreAC I.iv.60
Then Sauages could suffer. Thou did'st drinkeThan savages could suffer. Thou didst drinkAC I.iv.61
The stale of Horses, and the gilded PuddleThe stale of horses and the gilded puddleAC I.iv.62
Which Beasts would cough at. Thy pallat thẽ did daineWhich beasts would cough at. Thy palate then did deignAC I.iv.63
The roughest Berry, on the rudest Hedge.The roughest berry on the rudest hedge.AC I.iv.64
Yea, like the Stagge, when Snow the Pasture sheets,Yea, like the stag when snow the pasture sheets,AC I.iv.65
The barkes of Trees thou brows'd. On the Alpes,The barks of trees thou browsed'st. On the AlpsAC I.iv.66
It is reported thou did'st eate strange flesh,It is reported thou didst eat strange flesh,AC I.iv.67
Which some did dye to looke on: And all thisWhich some did die to look on. And all this – AC I.iv.68
(It wounds thine Honor that I speake it now)It wounds thine honour that I speak it now – AC I.iv.69
Was borne so like a Soldiour, that thy cheekeWas borne so like a soldier that thy cheekAC I.iv.70
So much as lank'd not.So much as lanked not.AC I.iv.71.1
Let his shames quickelyLet his shames quicklyAC I.iv.72
Driue him to Rome, 'tis time we twaineDrive him to Rome. 'Tis time we twainAC I.iv.73
Did shew our selues i'th' Field, and to that endDid show ourselves i'th' field; and to that endAC I.iv.74
Assemble me immediate counsell, PompeyAssemble we immediate council. PompeyAC I.iv.75
Thriues in our Idlenesse.Thrives in our idleness.AC I.iv.76.1
Til which encounter,Till which encounter,AC I.iv.79.2
it is my busines too. Farwell.It is my business too. Farewell.AC I.iv.80
Doubt not sir,Doubt not, sir;AC I.iv.83.2
I knew it for my Bond. I knew it for my bond.AC I.iv.84
I do not know I do not know,AC II.ii.16.2
Mecenas, aske Agrippa.Maecenas; ask Agrippa.AC II.ii.17.1
Welcome to Rome.Welcome to Rome.AC II.ii.28
Sit.Sit.AC II.ii.30
Nay then.Nay then.AC II.ii.32
I must be laught at,I must be laughed atAC II.ii.34.2
if or for nothing, or a little, IIf, or for nothing or a little, IAC II.ii.35
Should say my selfe offended, and with youShould say myself offended, and with youAC II.ii.36
Chiefely i'th'world. More laught at, that I shouldChiefly i'th' world; more laughed at that I shouldAC II.ii.37
Once name you derogately: when to sound your nameOnce name you derogately, when to sound your nameAC II.ii.38
It not concern'd me.It not concerned me.AC II.ii.39.1
No more then my reciding heere at RomeNo more than my residing here at RomeAC II.ii.41
Might be to you in Egypt: yet if you thereMight be to you in Egypt. Yet if you thereAC II.ii.42
Did practise on my State, your being in EgyptDid practise on my state, your being in EgyptAC II.ii.43
Might be my question.Might be my question.AC II.ii.44.1
You may be pleas'd to catch at mine intent,You may be pleased to catch at mine intentAC II.ii.45
By what did heere befall me. Your Wife and BrotherBy what did here befall me. Your wife and brotherAC II.ii.46
Made warres vpon me, and their contestationMade wars upon me, and their contestationAC II.ii.47
Was Theame for you, you were the word of warre.Was theme for you You were the word of war.AC II.ii.48
You praise your selfe,You praise yourselfAC II.ii.58.2
by laying defects of iudgement to me: butBy laying defects of judgement to me, butAC II.ii.59
you patcht vp your excuses.You patched up your excuses.AC II.ii.60.1
I wrote to you,I wrote to youAC II.ii.75.2
when rioting in Alexandria youWhen, rioting in Alexandria, youAC II.ii.76
Did pocket vp my Letters: and with tauntsDid pocket up my letters, and with tauntsAC II.ii.77
Did gibe my Misiue out of audience.Did gibe my missive out of audience.AC II.ii.78.1
You haue brokenYou have brokenAC II.ii.85.2
the Article of your oath, which you shall neuerThe article of your oath, which you shall neverAC II.ii.86
haue tongue to charge me with.Have tongue to charge me with.AC II.ii.87.1
To lend me Armes, and aide when I requir'd them,To lend me arms and aid when I required them,AC II.ii.92
the which you both denied.The which you both denied.AC II.ii.93.1
I do not much dislike the matter, butI do not much dislike the matter, butAC II.ii.116
The manner of his speech: for't cannot be,The manner of his speech; for't cannot beAC II.ii.117
We shall remaine in friendship, our conditionsWe shall remain in friendship, our conditionsAC II.ii.118
So diffring in their acts. Yet if I knew,So diff'ring in their acts. Yet if I knewAC II.ii.119
What Hoope should hold vs staunch from edge to edgeWhat hoop should hold us staunch, from edge to edgeAC II.ii.120
Ath'world: I would persue it.O'th' world I would pursue it.AC II.ii.121.1
Speake Agrippa.Speak, Agrippa.AC II.ii.122
Say not, say Agrippa;Say not so, Agrippa.AC II.ii.125.2
if Cleopater heard you, your proofeIf Cleopatra heard you, your reproofAC II.ii.126
were well deserued of rashnesse.Were well deserved of rashness.AC II.ii.127
Not till he heares how Anthony is toucht,Not till he hears how Antony is touchedAC II.ii.145
With what is spoke already.With what is spoke already.AC II.ii.146.1
The power of Casar, / AndThe power of Caesar, andAC II.ii.148.2
his power, vnto Octauia.His power unto Octavia.AC II.ii.149.1
There's my hand:There's my hand.AC II.ii.154.2
A Sister I bequeath you, whom no BrotherA sister I bequeath you whom no brotherAC II.ii.155
Did euer loue so deerely. Let her liueDid ever love so dearly. Let her liveAC II.ii.156
To ioyne our kingdomes, and our hearts, and neuerTo join our kingdoms and our hearts; and neverAC II.ii.157
Flie off our Loues againe.Fly off our loves again.AC II.ii.158.1
About the Mount-Mesena.About the Mount Misena.AC II.ii.166.1
by land / Great, and encreasing: / But by SeaBy land, great and increasing; but by seaAC II.ii.167
he is an absolute Master.He is an absolute master.AC II.ii.168.1
With most gladnesse,With most gladness;AC II.ii.171.2
And do inuite you to my Sisters view,And do invite you to my sister's view,AC II.ii.172
Whether straight Ile lead you.Whither straight I'll lead you.AC II.ii.173.1
Goodnight. Good night.AC II.iii.9
Most meeteMost meetAC
that first we come to words, / And therefore haue weThat first we come to words; and therefore have weAC
Our written purposes before vs sent,Our written purposes before us sent;AC
Which if thou hast considered, let vs know,Which if thou hast considered, let us knowAC
If 'twill tye vp thy discontented Sword,If 'twill tie up thy discontented swordAC
And carry backe to Cicelie much tall youth,And carry back to Sicily much tall youthAC
That else must perish heere.That else must perish here.AC
Take your time.Take your time.AC
There's the point.There's the point.AC
And what may followAnd what may follow,AC
to try a larger Fortune.To try a larger fortune.AC
That's our offer.That's our offer.AC
Since I saw you last,Since I saw you lastAC
ther's a change vpon you.There is a change upon you.AC
That's the next to do.That's the next to do.AC
All. ALL
Shew's the way, sir.Show's the way, sir.AC
Will this description satisfie him?Will this description satisfy him?AC II.vii.50
I could well forbear't,I could well forbear't.AC II.vii.96.2
it's monstrous labour when I wash my braine,It's monstrous labour when I wash my brainAC II.vii.97
and it grow fouler.And it grows fouler.AC II.vii.98.1
Possesse it, Ile make answer: Possess it, I'll make answer.AC II.vii.99
but I had rather fast from all, foure dayes,But I had rather fast from all, four days,AC II.vii.100
then drinke so much in one.Than drink so much in one.AC II.vii.101.1
What would you more? Pompey goodnight. Good BrotherWhat would you more? Pompey, good night. (To Antony) Good brother,AC II.vii.117
Let me request you of our grauer businesseLet me request you off. Our graver businessAC II.vii.118
Frownes at this leuitie. Gentle Lords let's part,Frowns at this levity. Gentle lords, let's part.AC II.vii.119
You see we haue burnt our cheekes. Strong EnobarbeYou see we have burnt our cheeks. Strong EnobarbAC II.vii.120
Is weaker then the Wine, and mine owne tongueIs weaker than the wine, and mine own tongueAC II.vii.121
Spleet's what it speakes: the wilde disguise hath almostSpleets what it speaks. The wild disguise hath almostAC II.vii.122
Antickt vs all. What needs more words? goodnight.Anticked us all. What needs more words? Good night.AC II.vii.123
Good Anthony your hand.Good Antony, your hand.AC II.vii.124.1
You take from me a great part of my selfe:You take from me a great part of myself;AC III.ii.24
Vse me well in't. Sister, proue such a wifeUse me well in't. Sister, prove such a wifeAC III.ii.25
As my thoughts make thee, and as my farthest BandAs my thoughts make thee, and as my farthest bandAC III.ii.26
Shall passe on thy approofe: most Noble Anthony,Shall pass on thy approof. Most noble Antony,AC III.ii.27
Let not the peece of Vertue which is setLet not the piece of virtue which is setAC III.ii.28
Betwixt vs, as the Cyment of our loueBetwixt us as the cement of our love,AC III.ii.29
To keepe it builded, be the Ramme to batterTo keep it builded, be the ram to batterAC III.ii.30
The Fortresse of it: for better might weThe fortress of it; for better might weAC III.ii.31
Haue lou'd without this meane, if on both partsHave loved without this mean, if on both partsAC III.ii.32
This be not cherisht.This be not cherished.AC III.ii.33.1
I haue said.I have said.AC III.ii.34.2
Farewell my deerest Sister, fare thee well,Farewell, my dearest sister, fare thee well.AC III.ii.39
The Elements be kind to thee, and makeThe elements be kind to thee, and makeAC III.ii.40
Thy spirits all of comfort: fare thee well.Thy spirits all of comfort. Fare thee well.AC III.ii.41
What What,AC III.ii.45.2
Octauia?Octavia?AC III.ii.46.1
No sweet Octauia,No, sweet Octavia,AC III.ii.59.2
You shall heare from me still: the time shall notYou shall hear from me still; the time shall notAC III.ii.60
Out-go my thinking on you.Outgo my thinking on you.AC III.ii.61.1
Adieu, be happy.Adieu; be happy!AC III.ii.64.2
Farewell, farewell. Farewell, farewell!AC III.ii.66.2
Contemning Rome he ha's done all this, & moreContemning Rome, he has done all this and moreAC
In Alexandria: heere's the manner of't:In Alexandria. Here's the manner of't:AC
I'th'Market-place on a Tribunall siluer'd,I'th' market-place, on a tribunal silvered,AC
Cleopatra and himselfe in Chaires of GoldCleopatra and himself in chairs of goldAC
Were publikely enthron'd: at the feet, satWere publicly enthroned; at the feet satAC
Casarion whom they call my Fathers Sonne,Caesarion, whom they call my father's son,AC
And all the vnlawfull issue, that their LustAnd all the unlawful issue that their lustAC
Since then hath made betweene them. Vnto her,Since then hath made between them. Unto herAC
He gaue the stablishment of Egypt, made herHe gave the stablishment of Egypt; made herAC
Of lower Syria, Cyprus, Lydia,Of lower Syria, Cyprus, Lydia,AC
absolute Queene.Absolute queen.AC
I'th'common shew place, where they exercise,I'th' common showplace, where they exercise.AC
His Sonnes hither proclaimed the King of Kings,His sons he there proclaimed the kings of kings;AC
Great Media, Parthia, and ArmeniaGreat Media, Parthia, and Armenia.AC
He gaue to Alexander. To Ptolomy he assign'd,He gave to Alexander; to Ptolemy he assignedAC
Syria, Silicia, and Phonetia: sheSyria, Cilicia, and Phoenicia. SheAC
In th'abiliments of the Goddesse IsisIn th' habiliments of the goddess IsisAC
That day appeer'd, and oft before gaue audience,That day appeared, and oft before gave audience,AC
As 'tis reported so.As 'tis reported, so.AC
The people knowes it, / And haue now receiu'dThe people knows it, and have now receivedAC
his accusations.His accusations.AC
Casar, and that hauing in CicilieCaesar; and that, having in SicilyAC
Sextus Pompeius spoil'd, we had not rated himSextus Pompeius spoiled, we had not rated himAC
His part o'th'Isle. Then does he say, he lent meHis part o'th' isle. Then does he say he lent meAC
Some shipping vnrestor'd. Lastly, he fretsSome shipping, unrestored. Lastly, he fretsAC
That Lepidus of the Triumpherate, That Lepidus of the triumvirateAC
should be depos'd, / And being that, we detaineShould be deposed; and, being, that we detainAC
all his Reuenue.All his revenue.AC
'Tis done already, and the Messenger gone:'Tis done already, and the messenger gone.AC
I haue told him Lepidus was growne too cruell,I have told him Lepidus was grown too cruel,AC
That he his high Authority abus'd,That he his high authority abused,AC
And did deserue his change: for what I haue conquer'd,And did deserve his change. For what I have conquered,AC
I grant him part: but then in his Armenia,I grant him part; but then in his Armenia,AC
And other of his conquer'd Kingdoms, / I And other of his conquered kingdoms, IAC
demand the likeDemand the like.AC
Nor must not then be yeelded to in this.Nor must not then be yielded to in this.AC
That euer I should call thee Cast-away.That ever I should call thee castaway!AC
Why haue you stoln vpon vs thus? you come notWhy have you stol'n upon us thus? You come notAC
Like Casars Sister, The wife of AnthonyLike Caesar's sister. The wife of AntonyAC
Should haue an Army for an Vsher, andShould have an army for an usher, andAC
The neighes of Horse to tell of her approach,The neighs of horse to tell of her approachAC
Long ere she did appeare. The trees by'th'wayLong ere she did appear. The trees by th' wayAC
Should haue borne men, and expectation fainted,Should have borne men, and expectation fainted,AC
Longing for what it had not. Nay, the dustLonging for what it had not. Nay, the dustAC
Should haue ascended to the Roofe of Heauen,Should have ascended to the roof of heaven,AC
Rais'd by your populous Troopes: But you are comeRaised by your populous troops. But you are comeAC
A Market-maid to Rome, and haue preuentedA market maid to Rome, and have preventedAC
The ostentation of our loue; which left vnshewne,The ostentation of our love; which, left unshown,AC
Is often left vnlou'd: we should haue met youIs often left unloved. We should have met youAC
By Sea, and Land, supplying euery StageBy sea and land, supplying every stageAC
With an augmented greeting.With an augmented greeting.AC
Which soone he granted,Which soon he granted,AC
Being an abstract 'tweene his Lust, and him.Being an obstruct 'tween his lust and him.AC
I haue eyes vpon him,I have eyes upon him,AC
And his affaires come to me on the wind:And his affairs come to me on the wind.AC
wher is he now?Where is he now?AC
No my most wronged Sister, CleopatraNo, my most wronged sister; CleopatraAC
Hath nodded him to her. He hath giuen his EmpireHath nodded him to her. He hath given his empireAC
Vp to a Whore, who now are leuyingUp to a whore; who now are levyingAC
The Kings o'th'earth for Warre. He hath assembled,The kings o'th' earth for war. He hath assembledAC
Bochus the King of Lybia, ArchilausBocchus, the King of Libya; Archelaus,AC
Of Cappadocia, Philadelphos KingOf Cappadocia; Philadelphos, KingAC
Of Paphlagonia: the Thracian King Adullas,Of Paphlagonia; the Thracian king, Adallas;AC
King Manchus of Arabia, King of Pont,King Mauchus of Arabia; King of Pont;AC
Herod of Iewry, Mithridates KingHerod of Jewry; Mithridates, KingAC
Of Comageat, Polemen and Amintas,Of Comagene; Polemon and Amyntas,AC
The Kings of Mede, and Licoania,The Kings of Mede and Lycaonia;AC
With a more larger List of Scepters.With a more larger list of sceptres.AC
Welcom hither:Welcome hither.AC
your Letters did with-holde our breaking forthYour letters did withhold our breaking forth,AC
Till we perceiu'd both how you were wrong led,Till we perceived both how you were wrong ledAC
And we in negligent danger: cheere your heart,And we in negligent danger. Cheer your heart;AC
Be you not troubled with the time, which driuesBe you not troubled with the time, which drivesAC
O're your content, these strong necessities,O'er your content these strong necessities;AC
But let determin'd things to destinieBut let determined things to destinyAC
Hold vnbewayl'd their way. Welcome to Rome,Hold unbewailed their way. Welcome to Rome;AC
Nothing more deere to me: You are abus'dNothing more dear to me. You are abusedAC
Beyond the marke of thought: and the high GodsBeyond the mark of thought, and the high gods,AC
To do you Iustice, makes his MinistersTo do you justice, makes his ministersAC
Of vs, and those that loue you. Best of comfort,Of us and those that love you. Best of comfort,AC
And euer welcom to vs. And ever welcome to us.AC
Most certaine: Sister welcome: pray youMost certain. Sister, welcome. Pray youAC
Be euer knowne to patience. My deer'st Sister. Be ever known to patience. My dear'st sister!AC
Towrus?Taurus!AC III.viii.1
Strike not by Land, / Keepe whole, prouoke not BattaileStrike not by land; keep whole: provoke not battleAC III.viii.3
Till we haue done at Sea. Do not exceedeTill we have done at sea. Do not exceedAC III.viii.4
The Prescript of this Scroule: Our fortune lyesThe prescript of this scroll. Our fortune liesAC III.viii.5
Vpon this iumpe. Upon this jump.AC III.viii.6
Let him appeare that's come from Anthony.Let him appear that's come from Antony.AC III.xii.1
Know you him.Know you him?AC III.xii.2.1
Approach, and speake.Approach and speak.AC III.xii.6.2
Bee't so, declare thine office.Be't so. Declare thine office.AC III.xii.10.2
For Anthony,For Antony,AC III.xii.19.2
I haue no eares to his request. The Queene,I have no ears to his request. The QueenAC III.xii.20
Of Audience, nor Desire shall faile, so sheeOf audience nor desire shall fail, so sheAC III.xii.21
From Egypt driue her all-disgraced Friend,From Egypt drive her all-disgraced friendAC III.xii.22
Or take his life there. This if shee performe,Or take his life there. This if she perform,AC III.xii.23
She shall not sue vnheard. So to them both.She shall not sue unheard. So to them both.AC III.xii.24
Bring him through the Bands:Bring him through the bands.AC III.xii.25.2
To try thy Eloquence, now 'tis time, dispatch,(To Thidias) To try eloquence now 'tis time. Dispatch.AC III.xii.26
From Anthony winne Cleopatra, promiseFrom Antony win Cleopatra. Promise,AC III.xii.27
And in our Name, what she requires, adde moreAnd in our name, what she requires; add more,AC III.xii.28
From thine inuention, offers. Women are notFrom thine invention, offers. Women are notAC III.xii.29
In their best Fortunes strong; but want will periureIn their best fortunes strong, but want will perjureAC III.xii.30
The ne're touch'd Vestall. Try thy cunning Thidias,The ne'er-touched vestal. Try thy cunning, Thidias.AC III.xii.31
Make thine owne Edict for thy paines, which weMake thine own edict for thy pains, which weAC III.xii.32
Will answer as a Law.Will answer as a law.AC III.xii.33.1
Obserue how Anthony becomes his flaw,Observe how Antony becomes his flaw,AC III.xii.34
And what thou think'st his very action speakesAnd what thou think'st his very action speaksAC III.xii.35
In euery power that mooues.In every power that moves.AC III.xii.36.1
He calles me Boy, and chides as he had powerHe calls me boy, and chides as he had powerAC IV.i.1
To beate me out of Egypt. My MessengerTo beat me out of Egypt. My messengerAC IV.i.2
He hath whipt with Rods, dares me to personal Combat.He hath whipped with rods; dares me to personal combat,AC IV.i.3
Casar to Anthony: let the old Russian know,Caesar to Antony. Let the old ruffian knowAC IV.i.4
I haue many other wayes to dye: meane timeI have many other ways to die; meantimeAC IV.i.5
Laugh at his Challenge.Laugh at his challenge.AC IV.i.6.1
Let our best headsLet our best headsAC IV.i.10.2
know, / That to morrow, the last of many BattailesKnow that tomorrow the last of many battlesAC IV.i.11
We meane to fight. Within our Files there are,We mean to fight. Within our files there are,AC IV.i.12
Of those that seru'd Marke Anthony but late,Of those that served Mark Antony but late,AC IV.i.13
Enough to fetch him in. See it done,Enough to fetch him in. See it done,AC IV.i.14
And Feast the Army, we haue store to doo't,And feast the army; we have store to do't,AC IV.i.15
And they haue earn'd the waste. Poore Anthony. And they have earned the waste. Poor Antony!AC IV.i.16
Go forth Agrippa, and begin the fight:Go forth, Agrippa, and begin the fight.AC
Our will is Anthony be tooke aliue:Our will is Antony be took alive;AC
Make it so knowne.Make it so known.AC
The time of vniuersall peace is neere:The time of universal peace is near.AC
Proue this a prosp'rous day, the three nook'd worldProve this a prosperous day, the three-nooked worldAC
Shall beare the Oliue freely.Shall bear the olive freely.AC
Go charge Agrippa,Go charge AgrippaAC
Plant those that haue reuolted in the Vant,Plant those that have revolted in the vant,AC
That Anthony may seeme to spend his FuryThat Antony may seem to spend his furyAC
Vpon himselfe. Upon himself.AC
But being charg'd, we will be still by Land,But being charged, we will be still by land – AC IV.xi.1
Which as I tak't we shall, for his best forceWhich, as I take't, we shall, for his best forceAC IV.xi.2
Is forth to Man his Gallies. To the Vales,Is forth to man his galleys. To the vales,AC IV.xi.3
And hold our best aduantage. And hold our best advantage.AC IV.xi.4
Go to him Dollabella, bid him yeeld,Go to him, Dolabella, bid him yield.AC V.i.1
Being so frustrate, tell him, / He mockesBeing so frustrate, tell him, he mocksAC V.i.2
the pawses that he makes.The pauses that he makes.AC V.i.3.1
Wherefore is that? And what art thou that dar'stWherefore is that? And what art thou that dar'stAC V.i.4
Appeare thus to vs?Appear thus to us?AC V.i.5.1
What is't thou say'st?What is't thou sayst?AC V.i.12.2
The breaking of so great a thing, should makeThe breaking of so great a thing should makeAC V.i.14
A greater cracke. The round WorldA greater crack. The round worldAC V.i.15
Should haue shooke Lyons into ciuill streets,Should have shook lions into civil streetsAC V.i.16
And Cittizens to their dennes. The death of AnthonyAnd citizens to their dens. The death of AntonyAC V.i.17
Is not a single doome, in the name layIs not a single doom; in the name layAC V.i.18
A moity of the world.A moiety of the world.AC V.i.19.1
Looke you sad Friends,Look you, sad friends.AC V.i.26.2
The Gods rebuke me, but it is TydingsThe gods rebuke me, but it is tidingsAC V.i.27
To wash the eyes of Kings.To wash the eyes of kings.AC V.i.28.1
Oh Anthony,O Antony,AC V.i.35.2
I haue followed thee to this, but we do launchI have followed thee to this. But we do launchAC V.i.36
Diseases in our Bodies. I must perforceDiseases in our bodies. I must perforceAC V.i.37
Haue shewne to thee such a declining day,Have shown to thee such a declining dayAC V.i.38
Or looke on thine: we could not stall together,Or look on thine. We could not stall togetherAC V.i.39
In the whole world. But yet let me lamentIn the whole world. But yet let me lamentAC V.i.40
With teares as Soueraigne as the blood of hearts,With tears as sovereign as the blood of heartsAC V.i.41
That thou my Brother, my Competitor,That thou, my brother, my competitorAC V.i.42
In top of all designe; my Mate in Empire,In top of all design, my mate in empire,AC V.i.43
Friend and Companion in the front of Warre,Friend and companion in the front of war,AC V.i.44
The Arme of mine owne Body, and the HeartThe arm of mine own body, and the heartAC V.i.45
Where mine his thoughts did kindle; that our StarresWhere mine his thoughts did kindle – that our stars,AC V.i.46
Vnreconciliable, should diuideUnreconciliable, should divideAC V.i.47
our equalnesse to this. / Heare me good Friends,Our equalness to this. Hear me, good friends – AC V.i.48
But I will tell you at some meeter Season,But I will tell you at some meeter season.AC V.i.49
The businesse of this man lookes out of him,The business of this man looks out of him;AC V.i.50
Wee'l heare him what he sayes. / Whence are you?We'll hear him what he says. Whence are you?AC V.i.51
Bid her haue good heart,Bid her have good heart.AC V.i.56.2
She soone shall know of vs, by some of ours,She soon shall know of us, by some of ours,AC V.i.57
How honourable, and how kindely WeeHow honourable and how kindly weAC V.i.58
Determine for her. For Casar cannot leaueDetermine for her. For Caesar cannot liveAC V.i.59
to be vngentleTo be ungentle.AC V.i.60.1
Come hither Proculeius. Go and sayCome hither, Proculeius. Go and sayAC V.i.61
We purpose her no shame: giue her what comfortsWe purpose her no shame. Give her what comfortsAC V.i.62
The quality of her passion shall require;The quality of her passion shall require,AC V.i.63
Least in her greatnesse, by some mortall strokeLest in her greatness, by some mortal stroke,AC V.i.64
She do defeate vs. For her life in Rome,She do defeat us. For her life in RomeAC V.i.65
Would be eternall in our Triumph: Go,Would be eternal in our triumph. Go,AC V.i.66
And with your speediest bring vs what she sayes,And with your speediest bring us what she saysAC V.i.67
And how you finde of her.And how you find her.AC V.i.68.1
Gallus, go you along:Gallus, go you along.AC V.i.69.1
where's Dolabella,Where's Dolabella,AC V.i.69.2
to second Proculeius?To second Proculeius?AC V.i.70.1
Let him alone: for I remember nowLet him alone, for I remember nowAC V.i.71
How hee's imployd: he shall in time be ready.How he's employed. He shall in time be ready.AC V.i.72
Go with me to my Tent, where you shall seeGo with me to my tent, where you shall seeAC V.i.73
How hardly I was drawne into this Warre,How hardly I was drawn into this war,AC V.i.74
How calme and gentle I proceeded stillHow calm and gentle I proceeded stillAC V.i.75
In all my Writings. Go with me, and seeIn all my writings. Go with me, and seeAC V.i.76
What I can shew in this. What I can show in this.AC V.i.77
Which is the Queene of Egypt.Which is the Queen of Egypt?AC V.ii.112
Arise, you shall not kneele:Arise! You shall not kneel.AC V.ii.114
I pray you rise, rise Egypt.I pray you rise; rise, Egypt.AC V.ii.115.1
Take to you no hard thoughts,Take to you no hard thoughts.AC V.ii.117.2
The Record of what iniuries you did vs,The record of what injuries you did us,AC V.ii.118
Though written in our flesh, we shall rememberThough written in our flesh, we shall rememberAC V.ii.119
As things but done by chance.As things but done by chance.AC V.ii.120.1
Cleopatra know,Cleopatra, know,AC V.ii.124.2
We will extenuate rather then inforce:We will extenuate rather than enforce.AC V.ii.125
If you apply your selfe to our intents,If you apply yourself to our intents,AC V.ii.126
Which towards you are most gentle, you shall findeWhich towards you are most gentle, you shall findAC V.ii.127
A benefit in this change: but if you seekeA benefit in this change; but if you seekAC V.ii.128
To lay on me a Cruelty, by takingTo lay on me a cruelty by takingAC V.ii.129
Anthonies course, you shall bereaue your selfeAntony's course, you shall bereave yourselfAC V.ii.130
Of my good purposes, and put your childrenOf my good purposes, and put your childrenAC V.ii.131
To that destruction which Ile guard them from,To that destruction which I'll guard them fromAC V.ii.132
If thereon you relye. Ile take my leaue.If thereon you rely. I'll take my leave.AC V.ii.133
You shall aduise me in all for Cleopatra.You shall advise me in all for Cleopatra.AC V.ii.137
Nay blush not Cleopatra, I approueNay, blush not, Cleopatra. I approveAC V.ii.149
Your Wisedome in the deede.Your wisdom in the deed.AC V.ii.150.1
Good Queene, let vs intreat you.Good queen, let us entreat you.AC V.ii.158.2
Forbeare Seleucus.Forbear, Seleucus.AC V.ii.175.2
Cleopatra,Cleopatra,AC V.ii.179.2
Not what you haue reseru'd, nor what acknowledg'dNot what you have reserved nor what acknowledged,AC V.ii.180
Put we i'th' Roll of Conquest: still bee't yours,Put we i'th' roll of conquest. Still be't yours;AC V.ii.181
Bestow it at your pleasure, and beleeueBestow it at your pleasure, and believeAC V.ii.182
Casars no Merchant, to make prize with youCaesar's no merchant, to make prize with youAC V.ii.183
Of things that Merchants sold. Therefore be cheer'd,Of things that merchants sold. Therefore be cheered.AC V.ii.184
Make not your thoughts your prisons: No deere Queen,Make not your thoughts your prisons. No, dear queen,AC V.ii.185
For we intend so to dispose you, asFor we intend so to dispose you asAC V.ii.186
Your selfe shall giue vs counsell: Feede, and sleepe:Yourself shall give us counsel. Feed and sleep.AC V.ii.187
Our care and pitty is so much vpon you,Our care and pity is so much upon youAC V.ii.188
That we remaine your Friend, and so adieu.That we remain your friend; and so adieu.AC V.ii.189
Not so: Adieu. Not so. Adieu.AC V.ii.190.2
Brauest at the last,Bravest at the last,AC V.ii.333.2
She leuell'd at our purposes, and being RoyallShe levelled at our purposes and, being royal,AC V.ii.334
Tooke her owne way: the manner of their deaths,Took her own way. The manner of their deaths?AC V.ii.335
I do not see them bleede.I do not see them bleed.AC V.ii.336.1
Poyson'd then.Poisoned, then.AC V.ii.338.2
Oh Noble weakenesse:O, noble weakness!AC V.ii.342.2
If they had swallow'd poyson, 'twould appeareIf they had swallowed poison, 'twould appearAC V.ii.343
By externall swelling: but she lookes like sleepe,By external swelling: but she looks like sleep,AC V.ii.344
As she would catch another AnthonyAs she would catch another AntonyAC V.ii.345
In her strong toyle of Grace.In her strong toil of grace.AC V.ii.346.1
Most probableMost probableAC V.ii.351.2
That so she dyed: for her Physitian tels meeThat so she died; for her physician tells meAC V.ii.352
She hath pursu'de Conclusions infiniteShe hath pursued conclusions infiniteAC V.ii.353
Of easie wayes to dye. Take vp her bed,Of easy ways to die. Take up her bed,AC V.ii.354
And beare her Women from the Monument,And bear her women from the monument.AC V.ii.355
She shall be buried by her Anthony.She shall be buried by her Antony.AC V.ii.356
No Graue vpon the earth shall clip in itNo grave upon the earth shall clip in itAC V.ii.357
A payre so famous: high euents as theseA pair so famous. High events as theseAC V.ii.358
Strike those that make them: and their Story isStrike those that make them; and their story isAC V.ii.359
No lesse in pitty, then his Glory whichNo less in pity than his glory whichAC V.ii.360
Brought them to be lamented. Our Army shallBrought them to be lamented. Our army shallAC V.ii.361
In solemne shew, attend this Funerall,In solemn show attend this funeral,AC V.ii.362
And then to Rome. Come, Dolabella, seeAnd then to Rome. Come, Dolabella, seeAC V.ii.363
High Order, in this great Solmemnity.High order in this great solemnity.AC V.ii.364

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