Original textModern textKey line
Thy death and fortunes bid thy folowers flyThy death and fortunes bid thy followers fly.AC IV.xiv.111
This sword but shewne to Casar with this tydings,This sword but shown to Caesar, with this tidings,AC IV.xiv.112
Shall enter me with him.Shall enter me with him.AC IV.xiv.113
There Diomed there.There, Diomed, there.AC IV.xiv.114.2
I am call'd Decretas,I am called Decretas.AC V.i.5.2
Marke Anthony I seru'd, who best was worthieMark Antony I served, who best was worthyAC V.i.6
Best to be seru'd: whil'st he stood vp, and spokeBest to be served. Whilst he stood up and spoke,AC V.i.7
He was my Master, and I wore my lifeHe was my master, and I wore my lifeAC V.i.8
To spend vpon his haters. If thou pleaseTo spend upon his haters. If thou pleaseAC V.i.9
To take me to thee, as I was to him,To take me to thee, as I was to himAC V.i.10
Ile be to Casar: if yu pleasest not,I'll be to Caesar; if thou pleasest not,AC V.i.11
I yeild thee vp my life.I yield thee up my life.AC V.i.12.1
I say (Oh Caesar) Anthony is dead.I say, O Caesar, Antony is dead.AC V.i.13
He is dead Casar,He is dead, Caesar,AC V.i.19.2
Not by a publike minister of Iustice,Not by a public minister of justiceAC V.i.20
Nor by a hyred Knife, but that selfe-handNor by a hired knife; but that self handAC V.i.21
Which writ his Honor in the Acts it did,Which writ his honour in the acts it didAC V.i.22
Hath with the Courage which the heart did lend it,Hath, with the courage which the heart did lend it,AC V.i.23
Splitted the heart. This is his Sword,Splitted the heart. This is his sword;AC V.i.24
I robb'd his wound of it: behold it stain'dI robbed his wound of it. Behold it stainedAC V.i.25
With his most Noble blood.With his most noble blood.AC V.i.26.1

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