Original textModern textKey line
Where's Anthony?Where's Antony?AC IV.xiv.114.1
Liues he:Lives he?AC IV.xiv.114.3
wilt thou not answer man?Wilt thou not answer, man?AC IV.xiv.115
Most absolute Lord:Most absolute lord,AC IV.xiv.117.2
My Mistris Cleopatra sent me to thee.My mistress Cleopatra sent me to thee.AC IV.xiv.118
Now my Lord.Now, my lord.AC IV.xiv.119.2
Lockt in her Monument: she had a Prophesying (feareLocked in her monument. She had a prophesying fearAC IV.xiv.120
Of what hath come to passe: for when she sawOf what hath come to pass; for when she saw – AC IV.xiv.121
(Which neuer shall be found) you did suspectWhich never shall be found – you did suspectAC IV.xiv.122
She had dispos'd with Casar, and that your rageShe had disposed with Caesar, and that your rageAC IV.xiv.123
Would not be purg'd, she sent you word she was dead:Would not be purged, she sent you word she was dead;AC IV.xiv.124
But fearing since how it might worke, hath sentBut, fearing since how it might work, hath sentAC IV.xiv.125
Me to proclaime the truth, and I am comeMe to proclaim the truth, and I am come,AC IV.xiv.126
I dread, too late.I dread, too late.AC IV.xiv.127
What hoa: the Emperors Guard, / The Guard, what hoa?What ho! The Emperor's guard! The guard, what ho!AC IV.xiv.129
Come, your Lord calles.Come, your lord calls!AC IV.xiv.130
His death's vpon him, but not dead.His death's upon him, but not dead.AC IV.xv.7
Looke out o'th other side your Monument,Look out o'th' other side your monument;AC IV.xv.8
His Guard haue brought him thither.His guard have brought him thither.AC IV.xv.9.1

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