Original textModern textKey line
Bring in the Banket quickly: Wine enough,Bring in the banquet quickly; wine enoughAC I.ii.12
Cleopatra's health to drinke.Cleopatra's health to drink.AC I.ii.13
Mine, and most of our Fortunes to night, Mine, and most of our fortunes, tonightAC I.ii.46
shall be drunke to bed.shall be drunk to bed.AC I.ii.47
Hush, heere comes Anthony.Hush! here comes Antony.AC I.ii.80.1
No Lady.No, lady.AC I.ii.81.2
Madam.Madam?AC I.ii.85
What's your pleasure, Sir?What's your pleasure, sir?AC I.ii.132
Why then we kill all our Women. We seeWhy, then we kill all our women. We seeAC I.ii.134
how mortall an vnkindnesse is to them, if they sufferhow mortal an unkindness is to them. If they sufferAC I.ii.135
our departure death's the word.our departure, death's the word.AC I.ii.136
Vnder a compelling an occasion, let women die.Under a compelling occasion, let women die.AC I.ii.138
It were pitty to cast them away for nothing, thoughIt were pity to cast them away for nothing, thoughAC I.ii.139
betweene them and a great cause, they should be esteemedbetween them and a great cause they should be esteemedAC I.ii.140
nothing. Cleopatra catching but the least noyse of this,nothing. Cleopatra, catching but the least noise of this,AC I.ii.141
dies instantly: I haue seene her dye twenty times vppondies instantly. I have seen her die twenty times uponAC I.ii.142
farre poorer moment: I do think there is mettle in death,far poorer moment. I do think there is mettle in death,AC I.ii.143
which commits some louing acte vpon her, she hath suchwhich commits some loving act upon her, she hath suchAC I.ii.144
a celerity in dying.a celerity in dying.AC I.ii.145
Alacke Sir no, her passions are made ofAlack, sir, no; her passions are made ofAC I.ii.147
nothing but the finest part of pure Loue. We cannot calnothing but the finest part of pure love. We cannot callAC I.ii.148
her winds and waters, sighes and teares: They are greater her winds and waters sighs and tears; they are greaterAC I.ii.149
stormes and Tempests then Almanackes can report. Thisstorms and tempests than almanacs can report. ThisAC I.ii.150
cannot be cunning in her; if it be, she makes a showrecannot be cunning in her; if it be, she makes a showerAC I.ii.151
of Raine as well as Ioue.of rain as well as Jove.AC I.ii.152
Oh sir, you had then left vnseene a wonderfullO, sir, you had then left unseen a wonderfulAC I.ii.154
peece of worke, which not to haue beene blest withall,piece of work, which not to have been blessed withalAC I.ii.155
would haue discredited your Trauaile.would have discredited your travel.AC I.ii.156
Sir.Sir?AC I.ii.158
Fuluia?Fulvia?AC I.ii.160
Why sir, giue the Gods a thankefull Sacrifice:Why, sir, give the gods a thankful sacrifice.AC I.ii.162
when it pleaseth their Deities to take the wife of a manWhen it pleaseth their deities to take the wife of a manAC I.ii.163
from him, it shewes to man the Tailors of the earth:from him, it shows to man the tailors of the earth;AC I.ii.164
comforting therein, that when olde Robes are worne out,comforting therein that when old robes are worn outAC I.ii.165
there are members to make new. If there were no morethere are members to make new. If there were no moreAC I.ii.166
Women but Fuluia, then had you indeede a cut, and thewomen but Fulvia, then had you indeed a cut, and theAC I.ii.167
case to be lamented: This greefe is crown'd with Consolation,case to be lamented. This grief is crowned with consolation:AC I.ii.168
your old Smocke brings foorth a new Petticoate,your old smock brings forth a new petticoat;AC I.ii.169
aud indeed the teares liue in an Onion, that should waterand indeed the tears live in an onion that should waterAC I.ii.170
this sorrow.this sorrow.AC I.ii.171
And the businesse you haue broach'd heereAnd the business you have broached hereAC I.ii.174
cannot be without you, especially that of Cleopatra's,cannot be without you; especially that of Cleopatra's,AC I.ii.175
which wholly depends on your abode.which wholly depends on your abode.AC I.ii.176
I shall doo't.I shall do't.AC I.ii.198
I shall intreat himI shall entreat himAC II.ii.3.2
To answer like himselfe: if Casar moue him,To answer like himself. If Caesar move him,AC II.ii.4
Let Anthony looke ouer Casars head,Let Antony look over Caesar's headAC II.ii.5
And speake as lowd as Mars. By Iupiter,And speak as loud as Mars. By Jupiter,AC II.ii.6
Were I the wearer of Anthonio's Beard,Were I the wearer of Antonio's beard,AC II.ii.7
I would not shaue't to day.I would not shave't today.AC II.ii.8.1
Euery time Every timeAC II.ii.9.2
serues for the matter that is then borne in't.Serves for the matter that is then born in't.AC II.ii.10
Not if the fmall come first.Not if the small come first.AC II.ii.12.1
And yonder Casar.And yonder Caesar.AC II.ii.14.2
Would we had all such wiues, that the menWould we had all such wives, that the menAC II.ii.69
might go to Warres with the women.might go to wars with the women.AC II.ii.70
Or if you borrow one anothers Loue for theOr, if you borrow one another's love for theAC II.ii.107
instant, you may when you heare no more words ofinstant, you may, when you hear no more words ofAC II.ii.108
Pompey returne it againe: you shall haue time to wranglePompey, return it again: you shall have time to wrangleAC II.ii.109
in, when you haue nothing else to do.in when you have nothing else to do.AC II.ii.110
That trueth should be silent, I had almost That truth should be silent I had almostAC II.ii.112
forgot. forgot.AC II.ii.113
Go too then: your Considerate stone.Go to, then; your considerate stone.AC II.ii.115
Halfe the heart of Casar, worthy Mecenas.Half the heart of Caesar, worthy Maecenas.AC II.ii.177
My honourable Friend Agrippa.My honourable friend, Agrippa.AC II.ii.178
I Sir, we did sleepe day out of countenaunce:Ay, sir, we did sleep day out of countenanceAC II.ii.182
and made the night light with drinking.and made the night light with drinking.AC II.ii.183
This was but as a Flye by an Eagle: we hadThis was but as a fly by an eagle. We hadAC II.ii.186
much more monstrous matter of Feast, which worthilymuch more monstrous matter of feast, which worthilyAC II.ii.187
deserued noting.deserved noting.AC II.ii.188
When she first met Marke Anthony, sheWhen she first met Mark Antony, sheAC II.ii.191
purst vp his heart vpon the Riuer of Sidnis.pursed up his heart, upon the river of Cydnus.AC II.ii.192
I will tell you,I will tell you.AC II.ii.195
The Barge she sat in, like a burnisht ThroneThe barge she sat in, like a burnished throne,AC II.ii.196
Burnt on the water: the Poope was beaten Gold,Burned on the water. The poop was beaten gold;AC II.ii.197
Purple the Sailes: and so perfumed thatPurple the sails, and so perfumed thatAC II.ii.198
The Windes were Loue-sicke. / With them the Owers were Siluer,The winds were lovesick with them. The oars were silver,AC II.ii.199
Which to the tune of Flutes kept stroke, and madeWhich to the tune of flutes kept stroke and madeAC II.ii.200
The water which they beate, to follow faster;The water which they beat to follow faster,AC II.ii.201
As amorous of their strokes. For her owne person,As amorous of their strokes. For her own person,AC II.ii.202
It beggerd all discription, she did lyeIt beggared all description. She did lieAC II.ii.203
In her Pauillion, cloth of Gold, of Tissue,In her pavilion, cloth-of-gold of tissue,AC II.ii.204
O're-picturing that Venns, where we seeO'erpicturing that Venus where we seeAC II.ii.205
The fancie out-worke Nature. On each side her,The fancy outwork nature. On each side herAC II.ii.206
Stood pretty Dimpled Boyes, like smiling Cupids,Stood pretty dimpled boys, like smiling Cupids,AC II.ii.207
With diuers coulour'd Fannes whose winde did seeme,With divers-coloured fans, whose wind did seemAC II.ii.208
To gloue the delicate cheekes which they did coole,To glow the delicate cheeks which they did cool,AC II.ii.209
And what they vndid did.And what they undid did.AC II.ii.210.1
Her Gentlewoman, like the Nereides,Her gentlewomen, like the Nereides,AC II.ii.211
So many Mer-maides tended her i'th'eyes,So many mermaids, tended her i'th' eyes,AC II.ii.212
And made their bends adornings. At the Helme.And made their bends adornings. At the helmAC II.ii.213
A seeming Mer-maide steeres: The Silken Tackle,A seeming mermaid steers. The silken tackleAC II.ii.214
Swell with the touches of those Flower-soft hands,Swell with the touches of those flower-soft hands,AC II.ii.215
That yarely frame the office. From the BargeThat yarely frame the office. From the bargeAC II.ii.216
A strange inuisible perfume hits the senseA strange invisible perfume hits the senseAC II.ii.217
Of the adiacent Wharfes. The Citty castOf the adjacent wharfs. The city castAC II.ii.218
Her people out vpon her: and AnthonyHer people out upon her; and Antony,AC II.ii.219
Enthron'd i'th'Market-place, did sit alone,Enthroned i'th' market-place, did sit alone,AC II.ii.220
Whisling to'th'ayre: which but for vacancie,Whistling to th' air; which, but for vacancy,AC II.ii.221
Had gone to gaze on Cleopater too,Had gone to gaze on Cleopatra too,AC II.ii.222
And made a gap in Nature.And made a gap in nature.AC II.ii.223.1
Vpon her landing, Anthony sent to her,Upon her landing, Antony sent to her,AC II.ii.224
Inuited her to Supper: she replyed,Invited her to supper. She repliedAC II.ii.225
It should be better, he became her guest:It should be better he became her guest;AC II.ii.226
Which she entreated, our Courteous Anthony,Which she entreated. Our courteous Antony,AC II.ii.227
Whom nere the word of no woman hard speake,Whom ne'er the word of ‘ No’ woman heard speak,AC II.ii.228
Being barber'd ten times o're, goes to the Feast;Being barbered ten times o'er, goes to the feast,AC II.ii.229
And for his ordinary, paies his heart,And, for his ordinary, pays his heartAC II.ii.230
For what his eyes eate onely.For what his eyes eat only.AC II.ii.231.1
I saw her onceI saw her onceAC II.ii.233.2
Hop forty Paces through the publicke streete,Hop forty paces through the public street;AC II.ii.234
And hauing lost her breath, she spoke, and panted,And, having lost her breath, she spoke, and panted,AC II.ii.235
That she did make defect, perfection,That she did make defect perfection,AC II.ii.236
And breathlesse powre breath forth.And, breathless, power breathe forth.AC II.ii.237
Neuer he will not:Never; he will not.AC II.ii.239
Age cannot wither her, nor custome staleAge cannot wither her, nor custom staleAC II.ii.240
Her infinite variety: other women cloyHer infinite variety. Other women cloyAC II.ii.241
The appetites they feede, but she makes hungry,The appetites they feed, but she makes hungryAC II.ii.242
Where most she satisfies. For vildest thingsWhere most she satisfies; for vilest thingsAC II.ii.243
Become themselues in her, that the holy PriestsBecome themselves in her, that the holy priestsAC II.ii.244
Blesse her, when she is Riggish.Bless her when she is riggish.AC II.ii.245
Humbly Sir I thanke you. Humbly, sir, I thank you.AC II.ii.250.2
No more that: he did so.No more of that: he did so.AC II.vi.69.1
A certaine Queene to Casar in a Matris.A certain queen to Caesar in a mattress.AC II.vi.70
Well,Well;AC II.vi.71.2
and well am like to do, for I perceiueAnd well am like to do, for I perceiveAC II.vi.72
Foure Feasts are toward.Four feasts are toward.AC II.vi.73.1
Sir,Sir,AC II.vi.75.2
I neuer lou'd you much, but I ha'prais'd ye,I never loved you much; but I ha' praised yeAC II.vi.76
When you haue well deseru'd ten times as much,When you have well deserved ten times as muchAC II.vi.77
As I haue said you did.As I have said you did.AC II.vi.78.1
At Sea, I thinke.At sea, I think.AC II.vi.84
You haue done well by water.You have done well by water.AC II.vi.86
I will praise any man that will praise me,I will praise any man that will praise me;AC II.vi.88
thogh it cannot be denied what I haue done by Land.though it cannot be denied what I have done by land.AC II.vi.89
Yes some-thing you can deny for your owneYes, something you can deny for your ownAC II.vi.91
safety: you haue bin a great Theefe by Sea.safety: you have been a great thief by sea.AC II.vi.92
There I deny my Land seruice: but giue meeThere I deny my land-service. But give meAC II.vi.94
your hand Menas, if our eyes had authority, heere theyyour hand, Menas. If our eyes had authority, here theyAC II.vi.95
might take two Theeues kissing.might take two thieves kissing.AC II.vi.96
But there is neuer a fayre Woman, ha's a trueBut there is never a fair woman has a trueAC II.vi.99
Face.face.AC II.vi.100
We came hither to fight with you.We came hither to fight with you.AC II.vi.102
If he do, sure he cannot weep't backe againe.If he do, sure he cannot weep't back again.AC II.vi.105
Casars Sister is call'd Octauia.Caesar's sister is called Octavia.AC II.vi.108
But she is now the wife of Marcus Anthonius.But she is now the wife of Marcus Antonius.AC II.vi.110
'Tis true.'Tis true.AC II.vi.112
If I were bound to Diuine of this vnity, IIf I were bound to divine of this unity, IAC II.vi.114
wold not Prophesie so.would not prophesy so.AC II.vi.115
I thinke so too. But you shall finde the bandI think so too. But you shall find the bandAC II.vi.118
that seemes to tye their friendship together, will bee thethat seems to tie their friendship together will be theAC II.vi.119
very strangler of their Amity: Octauia is of a holy, cold,very strangler of their amity. Octavia is of a holy, cold,AC II.vi.120
and still conuersation.and still conversation.AC II.vi.121
Not he that himselfe is not so: which is MarkeNot he that himself is not so; which is MarkAC II.vi.123
Anthony: he will to his Egyptian dish againe: then shallAntony. He will to his Egyptian dish again. Then shallAC II.vi.124
the sighes of Octauia blow the fire vp in Caesar, and (asthe sighs of Octavia blow the fire up in Caesar, and, asAC II.vi.125
I said before) that which is the strength of their Amity,I said before, that which is the strength of their amityAC II.vi.126
shall proue the immediate Author of their variance. shall prove the immediate author of their variance.AC II.vi.127
Anthony will vse his affection where it is. Hee married butAntony will use his affection where it is. He married butAC II.vi.128
his occasion heere.his occasion here.AC II.vi.129
I shall take it sir: we haue vs'd our ThroatsI shall take it, sir. We have used our throatsAC II.vi.132
in Egypt.in Egypt.AC II.vi.133
Not till you haue slept: I feare me you'l beeNot till you have slept; I fear me you'll beAC II.vii.32
in till then.in till then.AC II.vii.33
Heere's to thee Menas.Here's to thee, Menas!AC II.vii.85.1
There's a strong Fellow Menas.There's a strong fellow, Menas.AC II.vii.87
A beares the third part of the world man: seest not?'A bears the third part of the world, man; seest not?AC II.vii.89
Drinke thou: encrease the Reeles.Drink thou; increase the reels.AC II.vii.92
Ha my braue Emperour, Ha, my brave emperor!AC II.vii.101.2
shall we daunce now the Egyptian Backenals,Shall we dance now the Egyptian bacchanalsAC II.vii.102
and celebrate our drinke?And celebrate our drink?AC II.vii.103.1
All take hands:All take hands.AC II.vii.106.2
Make battery to our eares with the loud Musicke,Make battery to our ears with the loud music;AC II.vii.107
The while, Ile place you, then the Boy shall sing.The while I'll place you; then the boy shall sing.AC II.vii.108
The holding euery man shall beate as loud,The holding every man shall beat as loudAC II.vii.109
As his strong sides can volly.As his strong sides can volley.AC II.vii.110
Take heed you fall not Take heed you fall not.AC II.vii.127.2
Menas: Ile not on shore,Menas, I'll not on shore.AC II.vii.128.1
Hoo saies a there's my Cap.Hoo, says 'a. There's my cap.AC II.vii.132
They haue dispatcht with Pompey, he is gone,They have dispatched with Pompey; he is gone.AC III.ii.2
The other three are Sealing. Octauia weepesThe other three are sealing. Octavia weepsAC III.ii.3
To part from Rome: Casar is sad, and LepidusTo part from Rome; Caesar is sad, and LepidusAC III.ii.4
Since Pompey's feast, as Menas saies, is troubledSince Pompey's feast, as Menas says, is troubledAC III.ii.5
With the Greene-Sicknesse.With the green-sickness.AC III.ii.6.1
A very fine one: oh, how he loues Casar.A very fine one. O, how he loves Caesar!AC III.ii.7
Casar? why he's the Iupiter of men.Caesar? Why, he's the Jupiter of men.AC III.ii.9
Spake you of Casar? How, the non-pareill?Spake you of Caesar? How! The nonpareil!AC III.ii.11
Would you praise Casar, say Caesar go no further.Would you praise Caesar, say ‘ Caesar ’ – go no further.AC III.ii.13
But he loues Casar best, yet he loues Anthony:But he loves Caesar best, yet he loves Antony – AC III.ii.15
Hoo, Hearts, Tongues, Figure, Scribes, Bards, Poets, cannotHoo! Hearts, tongues, figures, scribes, bards, poets, cannotAC III.ii.16
Thinke speake, cast, write, sing, number: hoo,Think, speak, cast, write, sing, number – hoo! – AC III.ii.17
His loue to Anthony. But as for Casar,His love to Antony. But as for Caesar,AC III.ii.18
Kneele downe, kneele downe, and wonder.Kneel down, kneel down, and wonder.AC III.ii.19.1
They are his Shards, and he their Beetle, so:They are his shards, and he their beetle. So – AC III.ii.20
This is to horse: Adieu, Noble Agrippa.This is to horse. Adieu, noble Agrippa.AC III.ii.21
Will Casar weepe?Will Caesar weep?AC III.ii.50.2
He were the worse for that were he a Horse, He were the worse for that, were he a horse;AC III.ii.52
so is he being a man.So is he, being a man.AC III.ii.53.1
That year indeed, he was trobled with a rheume,That year indeed he was troubled with a rheum.AC III.ii.57
What willingly he did confound, he wail'd,What willingly he did confound he wailed,AC III.ii.58
Beleeu't till I weepe too.Believe't, till I wept too.AC III.ii.59.1
How now Friend Eros?How now, friend Eros?AC III.v.1
What man?What, man?AC III.v.3
This is old, what is the successe?This is old. What is the success?AC III.v.5
Then would thou hadst a paire of chaps no more,Then, world, thou hast a pair of chaps, no more;AC III.v.12
and throw betweene them all the food thou hast,And throw between them all the food thou hast,AC III.v.13
they'le grinde the other. Where's Anthony?They'll grind the one the other. Where's Antony?AC III.v.14
Our great Nauies rig'd.Our great navy's rigged.AC III.v.18.2
'Twillbe naught,'Twill be naught;AC III.v.21.2
but let it be: bring me to Anthony.But let it be. Bring me to Antony.AC III.v.22.1
But why, why, why?But why, why, why?AC III.vii.2
Well: is it, is it.Well, is it, is it?AC III.vii.4.2
Well, I could reply:Well, I could reply:AC III.vii.6.2
if wee should serue with / Horse and Mares together,If we should serve with horse and mares together,AC III.vii.7
the Horse were meerly lost: the Mares would beareThe horse were merely lost; the mares would bearAC III.vii.8
a Soldiour and his Horse.A soldier and his horse.AC III.vii.9.1
Your presence needs must puzle Anthony,Your presence needs must puzzle Antony,AC III.vii.10
Take from his heart, take from his Braine, from's time,Take from his heart, take from his brain, from's time,AC III.vii.11
What should not then be spar'd. He is alreadyWhat should not then be spared. He is alreadyAC III.vii.12
Traduc'd for Leuity, and 'tis said in Rome,Traduced for levity; and 'tis said in RomeAC III.vii.13
That Photinus an Eunuch, and your MaidesThat Photinus, an eunuch, and your maidsAC III.vii.14
Mannage this warre.Manage this war.AC III.vii.15.1
Nay I haue done,Nay, I have done.AC III.vii.19.2
here comes the Emperor.Here comes the Emperor.AC III.vii.20.1
So hath my Lord, dar'd him to single fight.So hath my lord dared him to single fight.AC III.vii.30
Your Shippes are not well mann'd,Your ships are not well manned.AC III.vii.34.2
Your Marriners are Militers, Reapers, peopleYour mariners are muleteers, reapers, peopleAC III.vii.35
Ingrost by swift Impresse. In Casars Fleete,Engrossed by swift impress. In Caesar's fleetAC III.vii.36
Are those, that often haue 'gainst Pompey fought,Are those that often have 'gainst Pompey fought;AC III.vii.37
Their shippes are yare, yours heauy: no disgraceTheir ships are yare; yours, heavy. No disgraceAC III.vii.38
Shall fall you for refusing him at Sea,Shall fall you for refusing him at sea,AC III.vii.39
Being prepar'd for Land.Being prepared for land.AC III.vii.40.1
Most worthy Sir, you therein throw awayMost worthy sir, you therein throw awayAC III.vii.41
The absolute Soldiership you haue by Land,The absolute soldiership you have by land,AC III.vii.42
Distract your Armie, which doth most consistDistract your army, which doth most consistAC III.vii.43
Of Warre-markt-footmen, leaue vnexecutedOf war-marked footmen, leave unexecutedAC III.vii.44
Your owne renowned knowledge, quite forgoeYour own renowned knowledge, quite forgoAC III.vii.45
The way which promises assurance, andThe way which promises assurance, andAC III.vii.46
Giue vp your selfe meerly to chance and hazard,Give up yourself merely to chance and hazardAC III.vii.47
From firme Securitie.From firm security.AC III.vii.48.1
Naught, naught, al naught, I can behold no longer:Naught, naught, all naught! I can behold no longer.AC III.x.1
Thantoniad, the Egyptian Admirall,Th' Antoniad, the Egyptian admiral,AC III.x.2
With all their sixty flye, and turne the Rudder:With all their sixty, fly and turn the rudder.AC III.x.3
To see't, mine eyes are blasted.To see't mine eyes are blasted.AC III.x.4.1
What's thy passion.What's thy passion?AC III.x.5.2
How appeares the Fight?How appears the fight?AC III.x.8.2
That I beheld:That I beheld.AC III.x.15.2
Mine eyes did sicken at the sight, and could notMine eyes did sicken at the sight, and could notAC III.x.16
Indure a further view.Endure a further view.AC III.x.17.1
Alacke, alacke.Alack, alack!AC III.x.23.2
I, are you thereabouts? Why then goodnight indeede.Ay, are you thereabouts? Why then, good night indeed.AC III.x.29
Ile yet followI'll yet followAC III.x.34.2
The wounded chance of Anthony, though my reasonThe wounded chance of Antony, though my reasonAC III.x.35
Sits in the winde against me.Sits in the wind against me.AC III.x.36
Thinke, and dye.Think, and die.AC III.xiii.1.2
Anthony onely, that would make his willAntony only, that would make his willAC III.xiii.3
Lord of his Reason. What though you fled,Lord of his reason. What though you fledAC III.xiii.4
From that great face of Warre, whose seuerall rangesFrom that great face of war, whose several rangesAC III.xiii.5
Frighted each other? Why should he follow?Frighted each other? Why should he follow?AC III.xiii.6
The itch of his Affection should not thenThe itch of his affection should not thenAC III.xiii.7
Haue nickt his Captain-ship, at such a point,Have nicked his captainship, at such a point,AC III.xiii.8
When halfe to halfe the world oppos'd, he beingWhen half to half the world opposed, he beingAC III.xiii.9
The meered question? 'Twas a shame no lesseThe mered question. 'Twas a shame no lessAC III.xiii.10
Then was his losse, to course your flying Flagges,Than was his loss, to course your flying flagsAC III.xiii.11
And leaue his Nauy gazing.And leave his navy gazing.AC III.xiii.12.1
Yes like enough: hye battel'd Casar willYes, like enough, high-battled Caesar willAC III.xiii.29
Vnstate his happinesse, and be Stag'd to'th'shewUnstate his happiness and be staged to th' show,AC III.xiii.30
Against a Sworder. I see mens Iudgements areAgainst a sworder! I see men's judgements areAC III.xiii.31
A parcell of their Fortunes, and things outwardA parcel of their fortunes, and things outwardAC III.xiii.32
Do draw the inward quality after themDo draw the inward quality after themAC III.xiii.33
To suffer all alike, that he should dreame,To suffer all alike. That he should dream,AC III.xiii.34
Knowing all measures, the full Casar willKnowing all measures, the full Caesar willAC III.xiii.35
Answer his emptinesse; Casar thou hast subdu'deAnswer his emptiness! Caesar, thou hast subduedAC III.xiii.36
His iudgement too.His judgement too.AC III.xiii.37.1
Mine honesty, and I, beginne to square,Mine honesty and I begin to square.AC III.xiii.41
The Loyalty well held to Fooles, does makeThe loyalty well held to fools does makeAC III.xiii.42
Our Faith meere folly: yet he that can endureOur faith mere folly. Yet he that can endureAC III.xiii.43
To follow with Allegeance a falne Lord,To follow with allegiance a fallen lordAC III.xiii.44
Does conquer him that did his Master conquer,Does conquer him that did his master conquerAC III.xiii.45
And earnes a place i'th'Story.And earns a place i'th' story.AC III.xiii.46.1
He needs as many (Sir) as Casar ha's,He needs as many, sir, as Caesar has,AC III.xiii.49
Or needs not vs. If Casar please, our MasterOr needs not us. If Caesar please, our masterAC III.xiii.50
Will leape to be his Friend: For vs you know,Will leap to be his friend; for us, you know,AC III.xiii.51
Whose he is, we are, and that is Caesars.Whose he is we are, and that is Caesar's.AC III.xiii.52.1
To be sure of that,To be sure of that,AC III.xiii.62.2
I will aske Anthony. / Sir, sir, thou art so leakieI will ask Antony. Sir, sir, thou art so leakyAC III.xiii.63
That we must leaue thee to thy sinking, forThat we must leave thee to thy sinking, forAC III.xiii.64
Thy deerest quit thee. Thy dearest quit thee.AC III.xiii.65.1
You will be whipt.You will be whipped.AC III.xiii.88.2
'Tis better playing with a Lions whelpe,'Tis better playing with a lion's whelpAC III.xiii.94
Then with an old one dying.Than with an old one dying.AC III.xiii.95.1
Now hee'l out-stare the Lightning, to be furiousNow he'll outstare the lightning. To be furiousAC III.xiii.194
Is to be frighted out of feare, and in that moodeIs to be frighted out of fear, and in that moodAC III.xiii.195
The Doue will pecke the Estridge; and I see stillThe dove will peck the estridge; and I see stillAC III.xiii.196
A diminution in our Captaines braine,A diminution in our captain's brainAC III.xiii.197
Restores his heart; when valour prayes in reason,Restores his heart. When valour preys on reason,AC III.xiii.198
It eates the Sword it fights with: I will seekeIt eats the sword it fights with. I will seekAC III.xiii.199
Some way to leaue him. Some way to leave him.AC III.xiii.200
No?No.AC IV.ii.1.2
He thinks, being twenty times of better fortune,He thinks, being twenty times of better fortune,AC IV.ii.3
He is twenty men to one.He is twenty men to one.AC IV.ii.4.1
Ile strike, and cry, Take all.I'll strike, and cry ‘ Take all.’AC IV.ii.8.1
'Tis one of those odde tricks which sorow shoots'Tis one of those odd tricks which sorrow shootsAC IV.ii.14
Out of the minde.Out of the mind.AC IV.ii.15.1
To make his Followers weepe.To make his followers weep.AC IV.ii.24.1
What meane you (Sir)What mean you, sir,AC IV.ii.33.2
To giue them this discomfort? Looke they weepe,To give them this discomfort? Look, they weep,AC IV.ii.34
And I an Asse, am Onyon-ey'd; for shame,And I, an ass, am onion-eyed. For shame,AC IV.ii.35
Transforme vs not to women.Transform us not to women.AC IV.ii.36.1
Alexas did reuolt, and went to Iewrij onAlexas did revolt and went to Jewry onAC IV.vi.12
Affaires of Anthony, there did disswadeAffairs of Antony; there did dissuadeAC IV.vi.13
Great Herod to incline himselfe to Casar,Great Herod to incline himself to CaesarAC IV.vi.14
And leaue his Master Anthony. For this paines,And leave his master Antony. For this painsAC IV.vi.15
Casar hath hang'd him: Camindius and the restCaesar hath hanged him. Canidius and the restAC IV.vi.16
That fell away, haue entertainment, butThat fell away have entertainment, butAC IV.vi.17
No honourable trust: I haue done ill,No honourable trust. I have done ill,AC IV.vi.18
Of which I do accuse my selfe so forely,Of which I do accuse myself so sorelyAC IV.vi.19
That I will ioy no more.That I will joy no more.AC IV.vi.20.1
I giue it you.I give it you.AC IV.vi.24.2
I am alone the Villaine of the earth,I am alone the villain of the earth,AC IV.vi.30
And feele I am so most. Oh Anthony,And feel I am so most. O Antony,AC IV.vi.31
Thou Mine of Bounty, how would'st thou haue payedThou mine of bounty, how wouldst thou have paidAC IV.vi.32
My better seruice, when my turpitudeMy better service, when my turpitudeAC IV.vi.33
Thou dost so Crowne with Gold. This blowes my hart,Thou dost so crown with gold! This blows my heart.AC IV.vi.34
If swift thought breake it not: a swifter meaneIf swift thought break it not, a swifter meanAC IV.vi.35
Shall out-strike thought, but thought will doo't. I feeleShall outstrike thought; but thought will do't, I feel.AC IV.vi.36
I fight against thee: No I will go seekeI fight against thee? No, I will go seekAC IV.vi.37
Some Ditch, wherein to dye: the foul'st best fitsSome ditch wherein to die; the foul'st best fitsAC IV.vi.38
My latter part of life. My latter part of life.AC IV.vi.39
Oh beare me witnesse night.O, bear me witness, night – AC IV.ix.5.2
Be witnesse to me (O thou blessed Moone)Be witness to me, O thou blessed moon,AC IV.ix.7
When men reuolted shall vpon RecordWhen men revolted shall upon recordAC IV.ix.8
Beare hatefull memory: poore Enobarbus didBear hateful memory, poor Enobarbus didAC IV.ix.9
Before thy face repent.Before thy face repent!AC IV.ix.10.1
Oh Soueraigne Mistris of true Melancholly,O sovereign mistress of true melancholy,AC IV.ix.12
The poysonous dampe of night dispunge vpon me,The poisonous damp of night disponge upon me,AC IV.ix.13
That Life, a very Rebell to my will,That life, a very rebel to my will,AC IV.ix.14
May hang no longer on me. Throw my heartMay hang no longer on me. Throw my heartAC IV.ix.15
Against the flint and hardnesse of my fault,Against the flint and hardness of my fault,AC IV.ix.16
Which being dried with greefe, will breake to powder,Which, being dried with grief, will break to powder,AC IV.ix.17
And finish all foule thoughts. Oh Anthony,And finish all foul thoughts. O Antony,AC IV.ix.18
Nobler then my reuolt is Infamous,Nobler than my revolt is infamous,AC IV.ix.19
Forgiue me in thine owne particular,Forgive me in thine own particular,AC IV.ix.20
But let the world ranke me in RegisterBut let the world rank me in registerAC IV.ix.21
A Master leauer, and a fugitiue:A master-leaver and a fugitive.AC IV.ix.22
Oh Anthony! Oh Anthony!O Antony! O Antony! He diesAC IV.ix.23.1

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