Original textModern textKey line
Heere they'l be man: some o'th'theirHere they'll be, man. Some o' theirAC II.vii.1
Plants are ill rooted already, the least winde i'th'worldplants are ill-rooted already; the least wind i'th' worldAC II.vii.2
wil blow them downe.will blow them down.AC II.vii.3
They haue made him drinke Almes drinke.They have made him drink alms drink.AC II.vii.5
But it raises the greatet warre betweeneBut it raises the greater war betweenAC II.vii.9
him & his discretion.him and his discretion.AC II.vii.10
To be call'd into a huge Sphere, andTo be called into a huge sphere, andAC II.vii.14
not to be seene to moue in't, are the holes where eyes not to be seen to move in't, are the holes where eyesAC II.vii.15
should bee, which pittifully disaster the cheekes.should be, which pitifully disaster the cheeks.AC II.vii.16

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