Original textModern textKey line
If the great Gods be iust, they shall assistIf the great gods be just, they shall assistAC II.i.1
The deeds of iustest men.The deeds of justest men.AC II.i.2.1
Whiles we are sutors to their Throne, decayesWhiles we are suitors to their throne, decaysAC II.i.4
the thing we sue for.The thing we sue for.AC II.i.5.1
I shall do well:I shall do well.AC II.i.8.2
The people loue me, and the Sea is mine;The people love me, and the sea is mine;AC II.i.9
My powers are Cressent, and my Auguring hopeMy powers are crescent, and my auguring hopeAC II.i.10
Sayes it will come to'th'full. Marke AnthonySays it will come to th' full. Mark AntonyAC II.i.11
In Egypt sits at dinner, and will makeIn Egypt sits at dinner, and will makeAC II.i.12
No warres without doores. Casar gets money whereNo wars without doors. Caesar gets money whereAC II.i.13
He looses hearts: Lepidus flatters both,He loses hearts. Lepidus flatters both,AC II.i.14
Of both is flatter'd: but he neither loues,Of both is flattered; but he neither loves,AC II.i.15
Nor either cares for him.Nor either cares for him.AC II.i.16.1
Where haue you this? 'Tis false.Where have you this? 'Tis false.AC II.i.18.1
He dreames: I know they are in Rome togetherHe dreams. I know they are in Rome together,AC II.i.19
Looking for Anthony: but all the charmes of Loue,Looking for Antony. But all the charms of love,AC II.i.20
Salt Cleopatra soften thy wand lip,Salt Cleopatra, soften thy waned lip!AC II.i.21
Let Witchcraft ioyne with Beauty, Lust with both,Let witchcraft join with beauty, lust with both!AC II.i.22
Tye vp the Libertine in a field of Feasts,Tie up the libertine in a field of feasts;AC II.i.23
Keepe his Braine fuming. Epicurean Cookes,Keep his brain fuming. Epicurean cooksAC II.i.24
Sharpen with cloylesse sawce his Appetite,Sharpen with cloyless sauce his appetite,AC II.i.25
That sleepe and feeding may prorogue his Honour,That sleep and feeding may prorogue his honourAC II.i.26
Euen till a Lethied dulnesse--- Even till a Lethe'd dullness – AC II.i.27.1
How now Varrius?How now, Varrius?AC II.i.27.2
I could haue giuen lesse matterI could have given less matterAC II.i.31.2
A better eare. Menas, I did not thinkeA better ear. Menas, I did not thinkAC II.i.32
This amorous Surfetter would haue donn'd his HelmeThis amorous surfeiter would have donned his helmAC II.i.33
For such a petty Warre: His SouldiershipFor such a petty war. His soldiershipAC II.i.34
Is twice the other twaine: But let vs reareIs twice the other twain. But let us rearAC II.i.35
The higher our Opinion, that our stirringThe higher our opinion, that our stirringAC II.i.36
Can from the lap of Egypts Widdow, pluckeCan from the lap of Egypt's widow pluckAC II.i.37
The neere Lust-wearied Anthony.The ne'er lust-wearied Antony.AC II.i.38.1
I know not Menas,I know not, Menas,AC II.i.42.2
How lesser Enmities may giue way to greater,How lesser enmities may give way to greater.AC II.i.43
Were't not that we stand vp against them all:Were't not that we stand up against them all,AC II.i.44
'Twer pregnant they should square between themselues,'Twere pregnant they should square between themselves,AC II.i.45
For they haue entertained cause enoughFor they have entertained cause enoughAC II.i.46
To draw their swords: but how the feare of vsTo draw their swords. But how the fear of usAC II.i.47
May Ciment their diuisions, and binde vpMay cement their divisions and bind upAC II.i.48
The petty difference, we yet not know:The petty difference, we yet not know.AC II.i.49
Bee't as our Gods will haue't; it onely standsBe't as our gods will have't! It only standsAC II.i.50
Our liues vpon, to vse our strongest handsOur lives upon to use our strongest hands.AC II.i.51
Come Menas. Come, Menas.AC II.i.52
Your Hostages I haue, so haue you mine:Your hostages I have; so have you mine;AC II.vi.1
And we shall talke before we fight.And we shall talk before we fight.AC II.vi.2.1
To you all three,To you all three,AC II.vi.8.2
The Senators alone of this great world,The senators alone of this great world,AC II.vi.9
Chiefe Factors for the Gods. I do not know,Chief factors for the gods: I do not knowAC II.vi.10
Wherefore my Father should reuengers want,Wherefore my father should revengers want,AC II.vi.11
Hauing a Sonne and Friends, since Iulius Casar,Having a son and friends, since Julius Caesar,AC II.vi.12
Who at Phillippi the good Brutus ghosted,Who at Philippi the good Brutus ghosted,AC II.vi.13
There saw you labouring for him. What was'tThere saw you labouring for him. What was'tAC II.vi.14
That mou'd pale Cassius to conspire? And whatThat moved pale Cassius to conspire? And whatAC II.vi.15
Made all-honor'd, honest, Romaine Brutus,Made the all-honoured, honest, Roman Brutus,AC II.vi.16
With the arm'd rest, Courtiers of beautious freedome,With the armed rest, courtiers of beauteous freedom,AC II.vi.17
To drench the Capitoll, but that they wouldTo drench the Capitol, but that they wouldAC II.vi.18
Haue one man but a man, and that his itHave one man but a man? And that is itAC II.vi.19
Hath made me rigge my Nauie. At whose burthen,Hath made me rig my navy, at whose burdenAC II.vi.20
The anger'd Ocean fomes, with which I meantThe angered ocean foams; with which I meantAC II.vi.21
To scourge th'ingratitude, that despightfull RomeTo scourge th' ingratitude that despiteful RomeAC II.vi.22
Cast on my Noble Father.Cast on my noble father.AC II.vi.23.1
At Land indeedAt land indeed,AC II.vi.26.2
Thou dost orecount me of my Fatherrs house:Thou dost o'ercount me of my father's house;AC II.vi.27
But since the Cuckoo buildes not for himselfe,But since the cuckoo builds not for himself,AC II.vi.28
Remaine in't as thou maist.Remain in't as thou mayst.AC II.vi.29.1
You haue made me offerYou have made me offerAC II.vi.34.2
Of Cicelie, Sardinia: and I mustOf Sicily, Sardinia; and I mustAC II.vi.35
Rid all the Sea of Pirats. Then, to sendRid all the sea of pirates; then, to sendAC II.vi.36
Measures of Wheate to Rome: this greed vpon,Measures of wheat to Rome; this 'greed upon,AC II.vi.37
To part with vnhackt edges, and beare backeTo part with unhacked edges and bear backAC II.vi.38
Our Targes vndinted.Our targes undinted.AC II.vi.39.1
Know thenKnow, then,AC II.vi.39.3
I came before you heere, / A man prepar'dI came before you here a man preparedAC II.vi.40
To take this offer. But Marke Anthony,To take this offer. But Mark AntonyAC II.vi.41
Put me to some impatience: though I loosePut me to some impatience. Though I loseAC II.vi.42
The praise of it by telling. You must knowThe praise of it by telling, you must know,AC II.vi.43
When Casar and your Brother were at blowes,When Caesar and your brother were at blows,AC II.vi.44
Your Mother came to Cicelie, and did findeYour mother came to Sicily and did findAC II.vi.45
Her welcome Friendly.Her welcome friendly.AC II.vi.46.1
Let me haue your hand:Let me have your hand.AC II.vi.48.2
I did not thinke Sir, to haue met you heere,I did not think, sir, to have met you here.AC II.vi.49
Well, I know not,Well, I know notAC II.vi.53.2
What counts harsh Fotune cast's vpon my face,What counts harsh Fortune casts upon my face,AC II.vi.54
But in my bosome shall she neuer come,But in my bosom shall she never comeAC II.vi.55
To make my heart her vassaile.To make my heart her vassal.AC II.vi.56.1
I hope so Lepidus, thus we are agreed:I hope so, Lepidus. Thus we are agreed.AC II.vi.57
I craue our composion may be writtenI crave our composition may be written,AC II.vi.58
And seal'd betweene vs,And sealed between us.AC II.vi.59.1
Weele feast each other, ere we part, and lett'sWe'll feast each other ere we part, and let'sAC II.vi.60
Draw lots who shall begin.Draw lots who shall begin.AC II.vi.61.1
No Anthony take the lot:No, Antony, take the lot.AC II.vi.62
but first or last, your fine Egyptian cookerie But, first or last, your fine Egyptian cookeryAC II.vi.63
shall haue the fame, I haue heard that Iulius Casar,Shall have the fame. I have heard that Julius CaesarAC II.vi.64
grew fat with feasting there.Grew fat with feasting there.AC II.vi.65.1
I haue faire meaning Sir.I have fair meanings, sir.AC II.vi.66.1
Then so much haue I heard,Then so much have I heard.AC II.vi.67
And I haue heard Appolodorus carried---And I have heard Apollodorus carried – AC II.vi.68
What I pray you?What, I pray you?AC II.vi.69.2
I know thee now, how far'st thou Souldier?I know thee now. How far'st thou, soldier?AC II.vi.71.1
Let me shake thy hand,Let me shake thy hand;AC II.vi.73.2
I neuer hated thee: I haue seene thee fight,I never hated thee; I have seen thee fightAC II.vi.74
When I haue enuied thy behauiour.When I have envied thy behaviour.AC II.vi.75.1
Inioy thy plainnesse,Enjoy thy plainness;AC II.vi.78.2
It nothing ill becomes thee:It nothing ill becomes thee.AC II.vi.79
Aboord my Gally, I inuite you all.Aboard my galley I invite you all.AC II.vi.80
Will you leade Lords?Will you lead, lords?AC II.vi.81.1
Come. Come.AC II.vi.81.3
Sit, and some Wine: A health to Lepidus.Sit – and some wine! A health to Lepidus!AC I.vii.29
Say in mine eare, what is't.Say in mine ear; what is't?AC II.vii.37.2
Forbeare me till anon. Whispers in's Eare.Forbear me till anon.AC II.vii.39.2
This Wine for Lepidus.(aloud) This wine for Lepidus!AC II.vii.40
Go hang sir, hang: tell me of that? Away:Go hang, sir, hang! Tell me of that? Away!AC II.vii.53
Do as I bid you. Where's this Cup I call'd for?Do as I bid you. – Where's this cup I called for?AC II.vii.54
I thinke th'art mad: the matter?I think th'art mad. The matter?AC II.vii.56.2
Thou hast seru'd me with much faith: what's else to say?Thou hast served me with much faith. What's else to say? – AC II.vii.58
Be iolly Lords.Be jolly, lords.AC II.vii.59.1
What saist thou?What sayst thou?AC II.vii.61.2
How should that be?How should that be?AC II.vii.63.1
Hast thou drunke well.Hast thou drunk well?AC II.vii.65.2
Shew me which way?Show me which way.AC II.vii.69.2
Ah, this thou shouldst haue done,Ah, this thou shouldst have done,AC II.vii.73.2
And not haue spoke on't. In me 'tis villanie,And not have spoke on't. In me 'tis villainy;AC II.vii.74
In thee, 't had bin good seruice: thou must know,In thee't had been good service. Thou must knowAC II.vii.75
'Tis not my profit that does lead mine Honour:'Tis not my profit that does lead mine honour;AC II.vii.76
Mine Honour it, Repent that ere thy tongue,Mine honour, it. Repent that e'er thy tongueAC II.vii.77
Hath so betraide thine acte. Being done vnknowne,Hath so betrayed thine act. Being done unknown,AC II.vii.78
I should haue found it afterwards well done,I should have found it afterwards well done,AC II.vii.79
But must condemne it now: desist, and drinke.But must condemn it now. Desist, and drink.AC II.vii.80
This health to Lepidus.This health to Lepidus!AC II.vii.83.2
Fill till the cup be hid.Fill till the cup be hid.AC II.vii.86
This is not yet an Alexandrian Feast.This is not yet an Alexandrian feast.AC II.vii.94
Let's ha't good Souldier.Let's ha't, good soldier.AC II.vii.103.2
Ile try you on the shore.I'll try you on the shore.AC II.vii.124.2
Oh Anthony,O, Antony,AC II.vii.125.2
you haue my Father house. / But what, we are Friends?You have my father's house. But what, we are friends!AC II.vii.126
Come downe into the Boate.Come down into the boat.AC II.vii.127.1

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