Original textModern textKey line
Casar I shall. Caesar, I shall.AC V.i.68.2
Casar sends greeting to the Queene of Egypt,Caesar sends greeting to the Queen of Egypt,AC V.ii.9
And bids thee study on what faire demandsAnd bids thee study on what fair demandsAC V.ii.10
Thou mean'st to haue him grant thee.Thou mean'st to have him grant thee.AC V.ii.11.1
My name is Proculeius.My name is Proculeius.AC V.ii.12.1
Be of good cheere:Be of good cheer;AC V.ii.21.2
Y'are falne into a Princely hand, feare nothing,Y'are fall'n into a princely hand; fear nothing.AC V.ii.22
Make your full reference freely to my Lord,Make your full reference freely to my lord,AC V.ii.23
Who is so full of Grace, that it flowes ouerWho is so full of grace that it flows overAC V.ii.24
On all that neede. Let me report to himOn all that need. Let me report to himAC V.ii.25
Your sweet dependacie, and you shall findeYour sweet dependency, and you shall findAC V.ii.26
A Conqueror that will pray in ayde for kindnesse,A conqueror that will pray in aid for kindness,AC V.ii.27
Where he for grace is kneel'd too.Where he for grace is kneeled to.AC V.ii.28.1
This Ile report (deere Lady)This I'll report, dear lady.AC V.ii.32.2
Haue comfort, for I know your plight is pittiedHave comfort, for I know your plight is pitiedAC V.ii.33
Of him that caus'd it.Of him that caused it.AC V.ii.34
Hold worthy Lady, hold:Hold, worthy lady, hold!AC V.ii.39.2
Doe not your selfe such wrong, who are in thisDo not yourself such wrong, who are in thisAC V.ii.40
Releeu'd, but not betraid.Relieved, but not betrayed.AC V.ii.41.1
Cleopatra, Cleopatra,AC V.ii.42.2
do not abuse my Masters bounty, byDo not abuse my master's bounty byAC V.ii.43
Th'vndoing of your selfe: Let the World seeTh' undoing of yourself. Let the world seeAC V.ii.44
His Noblenesse well acted, which your deathHis nobleness well acted, which your deathAC V.ii.45
Will neuer let come forth.Will never let come forth.AC V.ii.46.1
Oh temperance Lady.O, temperance, lady!AC V.ii.48.2
You do extendYou do extendAC V.ii.62.2
These thoughts of horror further then you shallThese thoughts of horror further than you shallAC V.ii.63
Finde cause in Casar.Find cause in Caesar.AC V.ii.64.1
So Dolabella,So, Dolabella,AC V.ii.67.2
It shall content me best: Be gentle to her,It shall content me best. Be gentle to her.AC V.ii.68
To Casar I will speake, what you shall please,(To Cleopatra) To Caesar I will speak what you shall please,AC V.ii.69
If you'l imploy me to him. If you'll employ me to him.AC V.ii.70.1
All. ALL
Make way there Casar.Make way there! Caesar!AC V.ii.111

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