Original textModern textKey line
Noble Ventidius,Noble Ventidius,AC III.i.5.2
Whil'st yet with Parthian blood thy Sword is warme,Whilst yet with Parthian blood thy sword is warm,AC III.i.6
The Fugitiue Parthians follow. Spurre through Media,The fugitive Parthians follow. Spur through Media,AC III.i.7
Mesapotamia, and the shelters, whetherMesopotamia, and the shelters whitherAC III.i.8
The routed flie. So thy grand Captaine AnthonyThe routed fly. So thy grand captain, Antony,AC III.i.9
Shall set thee on triumphant Chariots, andShall set thee on triumphant chariots, andAC III.i.10
Put Garlands on thy head.Put garlands on thy head.AC III.i.11.1
Thou hast Ventidius that,Thou hast, Ventidius, thatAC III.i.27.2
without the which a / Souldier and his SwordWithout the which a soldier and his swordAC III.i.28
graunts scarce distinction: thou wilt write to Anthony.Grants scarce distinction. Thou wilt write to Antony?AC III.I.29
Where is he now?Where is he now?AC III.i.34.2

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