Original textModern textKey line
Your will?Your will?AC I.ii.7
In Natures infinite booke of Secrecie,In Nature's infinite book of secrecyAC I.ii.10
a little I can read.A little I can read.AC I.ii.11.1
I make not, but foresee.I make not, but foresee.AC I.ii.16
You shall be yet farre fairer then you are.You shall be yet far fairer than you are.AC I.ii.18
You shall be more belouing, then beloued.You shall be more beloving than beloved.AC I.ii.24
You shall out-liue the Lady whom you serue.You shall outlive the lady whom you serve.AC I.ii.32
You haue seene and proued a fairer former fortune,You have seen and proved a fairer former fortuneAC I.ii.34
then that which is to approach.Than that which is to approach.AC I.ii.35
If euery of your wishes had a wombe,If every of your wishes had a womb,AC I.ii.39
& foretell euery wish, a Million.And fertile every wish, a million.AC I.ii.40
Your Fortunes are alike.Your fortunes are alike.AC I.ii.56
I haue said.I have said.AC I.ii.58
Would I had neuer come from thence, nor Would I had never come from thence, norAC II.iii.11
you thither.AC II.iii.12
I see it in my motion: haue it not in my I see it in my motion, have it not in myAC II.iii.14
tongue, / But yet hie you to Egypt againe.tongue; but yet hie you to Egypt again.AC II.iii.15
Casars. Caesar's.AC II.iii.18
Therefore (oh Anthony) stay not by his sideTherefore, O Antony, stay not by his side.AC II.iii.19
Thy Damon that thy spirit which keepes thee, isThy demon – that thy spirit which keeps thee – isAC II.iii.20
Noble, Couragious, high vnmatchable,Noble, courageous, high, unmatchable,AC II.iii.21
Where Casars is not. But neere him, thy AngellWhere Caesar's is not. But near him thy angelAC II.iii.22
Becomes a feare: as being o're-powr'd, thereforeBecomes afeard, as being o'erpowered. ThereforeAC II.iii.23
Make space enough betweene you.Make space enough between you.AC II.iii.24.1
To none but thee no more but: when to thee,To none but thee; no more but when to thee.AC II.iii.25
If thou dost play with him at any game,If thou dost play with him at any game,AC II.iii.26
Thou art sure to loose: And of that Naturall lucke,Thou art sure to lose; and of that natural luckAC II.iii.27
He beats thee 'gainst the oddes. Thy Luster thickens,He beats thee 'gainst the odds. Thy lustre thickensAC II.iii.28
When he shines by: I say againe, thy spiritWhen he shines by. I say again, thy spiritAC II.iii.29
Is all affraid to gouerne thee neere him:Is all afraid to govern thee near him;AC II.iii.30
But he alway 'tis Noble.But, he away, 'tis noble.AC II.iii.31.1

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