Original textModern textKey line
Casar. I go.Caesar, I go.AC III.xii.33.2
Casar, I shall. Caesar, I shall.AC III.xii.36.2
Heare it apart.Hear it apart.AC III.xiii.47.1
So haply are they Friends to Anthony.So, haply, are they friends to Antony.AC III.xiii.48
So.So.AC III.xiii.52.2
Thus then thou most renown'd, Casar intreats,Thus then, thou most renowned: Caesar entreatsAC III.xiii.53
Not to consider in what case thou stand'stNot to consider in what case thou stand'stAC III.xiii.54
Further then he is Casars.Further than he is Caesar.AC III.xiii.55.1
He knowes that you embrace not AnthonyHe knows that you embraced not AntonyAC III.xiii.56
As you did loue, but as you feared him.As you did love, but as you feared him.AC III.xiii.57.1
The scarre's vpon your Honor, therefore heThe scars upon your honour therefore heAC III.xiii.58
Does pitty, as constrained blemishes,Does pity, as constrained blemishes,AC III.xiii.59
Not as deserued.Not as deserved.AC III.xiii.60.1
Shall I say to Casar,Shall I say to CaesarAC III.xiii.65.2
What you require of him: for he partly beggesWhat you require of him? For he partly begsAC III.xiii.66
To be desir'd to giue. It much would please him,To be desired to give. It much would please himAC III.xiii.67
That of his Fortunes you should make a staffeThat of his fortunes you should make a staffAC III.xiii.68
To leane vpon. But it would warme his spiritsTo lean upon. But it would warm his spiritsAC III.xiii.69
To heare from me you had left Anthony,To hear from me you had left Antony,AC III.xiii.70
And put your selfe vnder his shrowd,And put yourself under his shroud,AC III.xiii.71
the vniuersal Landlord.The universal landlord.AC III.xiii.72.1
My name is Thidias.My name is Thidias.AC III.xiii.73.1
'Tis your Noblest course:'Tis your noblest course.AC III.xiii.78.2
Wisedome and Fortune combatting together,Wisdom and fortune combating together,AC III.xiii.79
If that the former dare but what it can,If that the former dare but what it can,AC III.xiii.80
No chance may shake it. Giue me grace to layNo chance may shake it. Give me grace to layAC III.xiii.81
My dutie on your hand.My duty on your hand.AC III.xiii.82.1
One that but performesOne that but performsAC III.xiii.86.2
The bidding of the fullest man, and worthiestThe bidding of the fullest man, and worthiestAC III.xiii.87
To haue command obey'd.To have command obeyed.AC III.xiii.88.1
Marke Anthony.Mark Antony – AC III.xiii.102.1

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