Original text | Modern text | Key line |
Casar. I go. | Caesar, I go. | AC III.xii.33.2 |
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Casar, I shall. | Caesar, I shall. | AC III.xii.36.2 |
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Heare it apart. | Hear it apart. | AC III.xiii.47.1 |
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So haply are they Friends to Anthony. | So, haply, are they friends to Antony. | AC III.xiii.48 |
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So. | So. | AC III.xiii.52.2 |
Thus then thou most renown'd, Casar intreats, | Thus then, thou most renowned: Caesar entreats | AC III.xiii.53 |
Not to consider in what case thou stand'st | Not to consider in what case thou stand'st | AC III.xiii.54 |
Further then he is Casars. | Further than he is Caesar. | AC III.xiii.55.1 |
| | |
He knowes that you embrace not Anthony | He knows that you embraced not Antony | AC III.xiii.56 |
As you did loue, but as you feared him. | As you did love, but as you feared him. | AC III.xiii.57.1 |
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The scarre's vpon your Honor, therefore he | The scars upon your honour therefore he | AC III.xiii.58 |
Does pitty, as constrained blemishes, | Does pity, as constrained blemishes, | AC III.xiii.59 |
Not as deserued. | Not as deserved. | AC III.xiii.60.1 |
| | |
Shall I say to Casar, | Shall I say to Caesar | AC III.xiii.65.2 |
What you require of him: for he partly begges | What you require of him? For he partly begs | AC III.xiii.66 |
To be desir'd to giue. It much would please him, | To be desired to give. It much would please him | AC III.xiii.67 |
That of his Fortunes you should make a staffe | That of his fortunes you should make a staff | AC III.xiii.68 |
To leane vpon. But it would warme his spirits | To lean upon. But it would warm his spirits | AC III.xiii.69 |
To heare from me you had left Anthony, | To hear from me you had left Antony, | AC III.xiii.70 |
And put your selfe vnder his shrowd, | And put yourself under his shroud, | AC III.xiii.71 |
the vniuersal Landlord. | The universal landlord. | AC III.xiii.72.1 |
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My name is Thidias. | My name is Thidias. | AC III.xiii.73.1 |
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'Tis your Noblest course: | 'Tis your noblest course. | AC III.xiii.78.2 |
Wisedome and Fortune combatting together, | Wisdom and fortune combating together, | AC III.xiii.79 |
If that the former dare but what it can, | If that the former dare but what it can, | AC III.xiii.80 |
No chance may shake it. Giue me grace to lay | No chance may shake it. Give me grace to lay | AC III.xiii.81 |
My dutie on your hand. | My duty on your hand. | AC III.xiii.82.1 |
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One that but performes | One that but performs | AC III.xiii.86.2 |
The bidding of the fullest man, and worthiest | The bidding of the fullest man, and worthiest | AC III.xiii.87 |
To haue command obey'd. | To have command obeyed. | AC III.xiii.88.1 |
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Marke Anthony. | Mark Antony – | AC III.xiii.102.1 |