Original textModern textKey line
The Duke do's greet you (Generall)The Duke does greet you, General,Oth I.ii.36.2
And he requires your haste, Post-haste appearance,And he requires your haste-post-haste appearanceOth I.ii.37
Enen on the instant.Even on the instant.Oth I.ii.38.1
Something from Cyprus, as I may diuine:Something from Cyprus, as I may divine:Oth I.ii.39
It is a businesse of some heate. The GalliesIt is a business of some heat. The galleysOth I.ii.40
Haue sent a dozen sequent MessengersHave sent a dozen sequent messengersOth I.ii.41
This very night, at one anothers heeles:This very night at one another's heels;Oth I.ii.42
And many of the Consuls, rais'd and met,And many of the consuls, raised and met,Oth I.ii.43
Are at the Dukes already. You haue bin hotly call'd for,Are at the Duke's already. You have been hotly called for,Oth I.ii.44
When being not at your Lodging to be found,When being not at your lodging to be found.Oth I.ii.45
The Senate hath sent about three seuerall Quests,The senate hath sent about three several questsOth I.ii.46
To search you out.To search you out.Oth I.ii.47.1
Aunciant, what makes he heere?Ancient, what makes he here?Oth I.ii.49.2
I do not vnderstand.I do not understand.Oth I.ii.52.1
To who?To who?Oth I.ii.52.3
Here comes another Troope to seeke for you.Here comes another troop to seek for you.Oth I.ii.54
Thankes you, the valiant of the warlike Isle,Thanks, you the valiant of this warlike isleOth II.i.43
That so approoue the Moore: Oh let the HeauensThat so approve the Moor! O, let the heavensOth II.i.44
Giue him defence against the Elements,Give him defence against the elements,Oth II.i.45
For I haue lost him on a dangerous Sea.For I have lost him on a dangerous sea.Oth II.i.46
His Barke is stoutly Timber'd, and his PylotHis bark is stoutly timbered, and his pilotOth II.i.48
Of verie expert, and approu'd Allowance;Of very expert and approved allowance;Oth II.i.49
Therefore my hope's (not surfetted to death)Therefore my hopes, not surfeited to death,Oth II.i.50
Stand in bold Cure.Stand in bold cure.Oth II.i.51
What noise?What noise?Oth II.i.52
My hopes do shape him for the Gouernor.My hopes do shape him for the Governor.Oth II.i.55
I pray you Sir, go forth,I pray you, sir, go forth,Oth II.i.57.2
And giue vs truth who 'tis that is arriu'd.And give us truth who 'tis that is arrived.Oth II.i.58
Most fortunately: he hath atchieu'd a MaidMost fortunately: he hath achieved a maidOth II.i.61
That paragons description, and wilde Fame:That paragons description and wild fame;Oth II.i.62
One that excels the quirkes of Blazoning pens,One that excels the quirks of blazoning pens,Oth II.i.63
And in th'essentiall Vesture of Creation,And in th' essential vesture of creationOth II.i.64
Do's tyre the Ingeniuer.Does tire the ingener.Oth II.i.65.1
How now? Who ha's put in?How now? Who has put in?Oth II.i.65.2
Ha's had most fauourable, and happie speed:He's had most favourable and happy speed:Oth II.i.67
Tempests themselues, high Seas, and howling windes,Tempests themselves, high seas, and howling winds,Oth II.i.68
The gutter'd-Rockes, and Congregated Sands,The guttered rocks and congregated sands,Oth II.i.69
Traitors ensteep'd, to enclogge the guiltlesse Keele,Traitors enscarped to clog the guiltless keel,Oth II.i.70
As hauing sence of Beautie, do omitAs having sense of beauty, do omitOth II.i.71
Their mortall Natures, letting go safely byTheir mortal natures, letting go safely byOth II.i.72
The Diuine Desdemona.The divine Desdemona.Oth II.i.73.1
She that I spake of: / Our great Captains Captaine,She that I spake of, our great Captain's Captain,Oth II.i.74
Left in the conduct of the bold Iago,Left in the conduct of the bold Iago,Oth II.i.75
Whose footing heere anticipates our thoughts,Whose footing here anticipates our thoughtsOth II.i.76
A Senights speed. Great Ioue, Othello guard,A se'nnight's speed. Great Jove, Othello guard,Oth II.i.77
And swell his Saile with thine owne powrefull breath,And swell his sail with thine own powerful breath,Oth II.i.78
That he may blesse this Bay with his tall Ship,That he may bless this bay with his tall ship,Oth II.i.79
Make loues quicke pants in Desdemonaes Armes,Make love's quick pants in Desdemona's arms,Oth II.i.80
Giue renew'd fire to our extincted Spirits.Give renewed fire to our extincted spiritsOth II.i.81
And bring all Cyprus comfort.Oth II.i.82.1
Oh behold,O, behold,Oth II.i.82.2
The Riches of the Ship is come on shore:The riches of the ship is come on shore!Oth II.i.83
You men of Cyprus, let her haue your knees.You men of Cyprus, let her have your knees.Oth II.i.84
Haile to thee Ladie: and the grace of Heauen,Hail to thee, lady! And the grace of heaven,Oth II.i.85
Before, behinde thee, and on euery handBefore, behind thee, and on every hand,Oth II.i.86
Enwheele thee round.Enwheel thee round.Oth II.i.87.1
He is not yet arriu'd, nor know I oughtHe is not yet arrived; nor know I aughtOth II.i.89
But that he's well, and will be shortly heere.But that he's well, and will be shortly here.Oth II.i.90
The great Contention of Sea, and SkiesThe great contention of the sea and skiesOth II.i.92
Parted our fellowship.Parted our fellowship.Oth II.i.93.1
But hearke, a Saile.But hark, a sail!Oth II.i.93.2
See for the Newes:See for the news.Oth II.i.95.2
Good Ancient, you are welcome. Welcome Mistris:Good Ancient, you are welcome. Welcome, mistress.Oth II.i.96
Let it not gaule your patience (good Iago)Let it not gall your patience, good Iago,Oth II.i.97
That I extend my Manners. 'Tis my breeding,That I extend my manners. 'Tis my breedingOth II.i.98
That giues me this bold shew of Curtesie.That gives me this bold show of courtesy.Oth II.i.99
He speakes home (Madam) you may rellish him moreHe speaks home, madam; you may relish him moreOth II.i.162
in the Souldier, then in the the soldier than in the scholar.Oth II.i.163
'Tis truely so.'Tis truly so.Oth II.i.174.2
Loe, where he comes.Lo, where he comes!Oth II.i.175.2
Iago, hath direction what to do.Iago hath direction what to do;Oth II.iii.4
But notwithstanding with my personall eyeBut, notwithstanding, with my personal eyeOth II.iii.5
Will I looke to't.Will I look to't.Oth II.iii.6.1
Welcome Iago: we must to the Watch.Welcome, Iago; we must to the watch.Oth II.iii.12
She's a most exquisite Lady.She is a most exquisite lady.Oth II.iii.18
Indeed shes a most fresh and delicate creature.Indeed, she is a most fresh and delicate creature.Oth II.iii.20
An inuiting eye:/ And yet me thinkes right modest.An inviting eye, and yet methinks right modest.Oth II.iii.23
She is indeed perfection.She is indeed perfection.Oth II.iii.25
Not to night, good Iago, I haue very poore, andNot tonight, good Iago. I have very poor andOth II.iii.30
vnhappie Braines for drinking. I could well wish Curtesieunhappy brains for drinking. I could well wish courtesyOth II.iii.31
would inuent some other Custome of entertainment.would invent some other custom of entertainment.Oth II.iii.32
I haue drunke but one Cup to night, and that wasI have drunk but one cup tonight, and that wasOth II.iii.35
craftily qualified too: and behold what inouation itcraftily qualified too; and behold what innovation itOth II.iii.36
makes heere. I am infortunate in the infirmity, and daremakes here. I am unfortunate in the infirmity and dareOth II.iii.37
not taske my weakenesse with any more.not task my weakness with any more.Oth II.iii.38
Where are they?Where are they?Oth II.iii.41
Ile do't, but it dislikes me. I'll do't, but it dislikes me.Oth II.iii.43
'Fore heauen, they haue giuen me a rowse already.'Fore God, they have given me a rouse already.Oth II.iii.60
'Fore Heauen: an excellent Song.'Fore God, an excellent song.Oth II.iii.70
Is your Englishmen so exquisite in his drinking? Is your Englishman so expert in his drinking?Oth II.iii.75
To the health of our Generall.To the health of our General!Oth II.iii.80
Why this is a more exquisite Song then the'Fore God, this is a more exquisite song than theOth II.iii.93
other. other.Oth II.iii.94
No: for I hold him to be vnworthy of his Place,No, for I hold him to be unworthy of his placeOth II.iii.96
that do's those things. Well: heau'ns aboue all: and therethat does those things. Well, God's above all; and thereOth II.iii.97
be soules must be saued, and there be soules must not be be souls must be saved, and there be souls must not beOth II.iii.98
saued.saved.Oth II.iii.99
For mine owne part, no offence to the Generall,For mine own part – no offence to the General,Oth II.iii.101
nor any man of qualitie: I hope to be saued.nor any man of quality – I hope to be saved.Oth II.iii.102
I: (but by your leaue) not before me. TheAy, but, by your leave, not before me. TheOth II.iii.104
Lieutenant is to be saued before the Ancient. Let's haueLieutenant is to be saved before the Ancient. Let's haveOth II.iii.105
no more of this: let's to our Affaires. Forgiue vs ourno more of this; let's to our affairs. God forgive us ourOth II.iii.106
sinnes: Gentlemen let's looke to our businesse. Do notsins. Gentlemen, let's look to our business. Do notOth II.iii.107
thinke Gentlemen, I am drunke: this is my Ancient, thisthink, gentlemen, I am drunk: this is my Ancient, thisOth II.iii.108
is my right hand, and this is my left. I am not drunkeis my right hand, and this is my left. I am not drunkOth II.iii.109
now: I can stand well enough, and I speake well I can stand well enough and I speak well enough.Oth II.iii.110
Why very well then: you must not thinke then, that IWhy, very well; you must not think then that IOth II.iii.112
am drunke. am drunk.Oth II.iii.113
You Rogue: you Rascall.Zounds, you rogue, you rascal!Oth II.iii.140
A Knaue teach me my dutie? Ile beate the Knaue intoA knave teach me my duty? I'll beat the knave intoOth II.iii.142
a Twiggen-Bottle.a twiggen bottle.Oth II.iii.143
Dost thou prate, Rogue?Dost thou prate, rogue?Oth II.iii.145
Let me go (Sir) / Or Ile knocke you o're the Mazard.Let me go, sir, or I'll knock you o'er the mazzard.Oth II.iii.148
Drunke?Drunk!Oth II.iii.150
I pray you pardon me, I cannot speake.I pray you, pardon me: I cannot speak.Oth II.iii.183
I, past all Surgery.Ay, past all surgery.Oth II.iii.253
Reputation, Reputation, Reputation: Oh I haue lost Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lostOth II.iii.255
my Reputation. I haue lost the immortall part of myselfe,my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself,Oth II.iii.256
and what remaines is bestiall. My Reputation, Iago, myand what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, myOth II.iii.257
Reputation.reputation!Oth II.iii.258
I will rather sue to be despis'd, then to deceiue soI will rather sue to be despised than to deceive soOth II.iii.270
good a Commander, with so slight, so drunken, and sogood a commander with so slight, so drunken, and soOth II.iii.271
indiscreet an Officer. Drunke? And speake Parrat? Andindiscreet an officer. Drunk! And speak parrot! AndOth II.iii.272
squabble? Swagger? Sweare? And discourse Fustian withsquabble! Swagger! Swear! And discourse fustian withOth II.iii.273
ones owne shadow? Oh thou invisible spirit of Wine, ifone's own shadow! O, thou invisible spirit of wine, ifOth II.iii.274
thou hast no name to be knowne by, let vs call thee Diuell.thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil.Oth II.iii.275
I know not.I know not.Oth II.iii.278
I remember a masse of things, but nothing distinctly:I remember a mass of things, but nothing distinctly;Oth II.iii.280
a Quarrell, but nothing wherefore. Oh, thata quarrel, but nothing wherefore. O God, thatOth II.iii.281
men should put an Enemie in their mouthes, to steale awaymen should put an enemy in their mouths to steal awayOth II.iii.282
their Braines? that we should with ioy, pleasance, reuelltheir brains! That we should with joy, pleasance, revelOth II.iii.283
and applause, transforme our selues into Beasts.and applause transform ourselves into beasts!Oth II.iii.284
It hath pleas'd the diuell drunkennesse, to giue placeIt hath pleased the devil drunkenness to give placeOth II.iii.287
to the diuell wrath, one vnperfectnesse, shewes me anotherto the devil wrath: one unperfectness shows me another,Oth II.iii.288
to make me frankly despise my make me frankly despise myself.Oth II.iii.289
I will aske him for my Place againe, he shall tell me,I will ask him for my place again; he shall tell meOth II.iii.294
I am a drunkard: had I as many mouthes as Hydra, suchI am a drunkard. Had I as many mouths as Hydra, suchOth II.iii.295
an answer would stop them all. To be now a sensiblean answer would stop them all. To be now a sensibleOth II.iii.296
man, by and by a Foole, and presently a Beast. Oh strange!man, by and by a fool, and presently a beast! O, strange!Oth II.iii.297
Euery inordinate cup is vnbless'd, and the IngredientEvery inordinate cup is unblessed and the ingredienceOth II.iii.298
is a a devil.Oth II.iii.299
I haue well approued it, Sir. I drunke?I have well approved it, sir. I drunk!Oth II.iii.303
You aduise me well.You advise me well.Oth II.iii.317
I thinke it freely: and betimes in the morning, I willI think it freely; and betimes in the morning I willOth II.iii.320
beseech the vertuous Desdemona to vndertake for me:beseech the virtuous Desdemona to undertake for me.Oth II.iii.321
I am desperate of my Fortunes if they check me.I am desperate of my fortunes if they check me here.Oth II.iii.322
Good night, honest Iago.Good night, honest Iago.Oth II.iii.325
Masters, play heere, I wil content your paines,Masters, play here – I will content your pains –Oth III.i.1
Something that's briefe: and bid, goodmorrow General.Something that's brief; and bid ‘ Good morrow, General.’Oth III.i.2
Dost thou heare me, mine honest Friend?Dost thou hear, mine honest friend?Oth III.i.21
Prythee keepe vp thy Quillets, ther's a poore peecePrithee keep up thy quillets – there's a poor pieceOth III.i.23
of Gold for thee: if the Gentlewoman that attends theof gold for thee. If the gentlewoman that attends theOth III.i.24
Generall be stirring, tell her, there's one Cassio General's wife be stirring, tell her there's one CassioOth III.i.25
entreats her a little fauour of Speech. Wilt thou do this?entreats her a little favour of speech. Wilt thou do this?Oth III.i.26
Do, good my friend.Oth III.i.29
In happy time, Iago.In happy time, Iago.Oth III.i.30.1
Why no: the day had broke before we parted.Why, no: the day had broke before we parted.Oth III.i.31
I haue made bold (Iago)I have made bold, Iago,Oth III.i.32
to send in to your wife: / My suite to herTo send in to your wife. My suit to herOth III.i.33
is, that she will to vertuous DesdemonaIs that she will to virtuous DesdemonaOth III.i.34
Procure me some accesse.Procure me some access.Oth III.i.35.1
I humbly thanke you for't.I humbly thank you for't.Oth III.i.38.2
I neuer knew / A Florentine more kinde, and honest.I never knew a Florentine more kind and honest.Oth III.i.39
Yet I beseech you,Yet I beseech you,Oth III.i.49.2
If you thinke fit, or that it may be done,If you think fit, or that it may be done,Oth III.i.50
Giue me aduantage of some breefe DiscourseGive me advantage of some brief discourseOth III.i.51
With Desdemon alone.With Desdemona alone.Oth III.i.52.1
I am much bound to you.I am much bound to you.Oth III.i.54.2
Bounteous Madam,Bounteous madam,Oth III.iii.7.2
What euer shall become of Michael Cassio,Whatever shall become of Michael Cassio,Oth III.iii.8
He's neuer any thing but your true Seruant.He's never anything but your true servant.Oth III.iii.9
I, but Lady,Ay, but, lady,Oth III.iii.13.2
That policie may either last so long,That policy may either last so long,Oth III.iii.14
Or feede vpon such nice and waterish diet,Or feed upon such nice and waterish diet,Oth III.iii.15
Or breede it selfe so out of Circumstances,Or breed itself so out of circumstance,Oth III.iii.16
That I being absent, and my place supply'd,That I being absent and my place supplied,Oth III.iii.17
My Generall will forget my Loue, and Seruice.My General will forget my love and service.Oth III.iii.18
Madam, Ile take my leaue.Madam, I'll take my leave.Oth III.iii.30
Madam, not now: I am very ill at ease,Madam, not now: I am very ill at ease,Oth III.iii.32
Vnfit for mine owne purposes.Unfit for mine own purposes.Oth III.iii.33
Madam, my former suite. I do beseech you,Madam, my former suit. I do beseech youOth III.iv.106
That by your vertuous meanes, I may againeThat by your virtuous means I may againOth III.iv.107
Exist, and be a member of his loue,Exist and be a member of his love,Oth III.iv.108
Whom I, with all the Office of my heartWhom I, with all the office of my heart,Oth III.iv.109
Intirely honour, I would not be delayd.Entirely honour. I would not be delayed.Oth III.iv.110
If my offence, be of such mortall kinde,If my offence be of such mortal kindOth III.iv.111
That nor my Seruice past, nor present Sorrowes,That nor my service past, nor present sorrow,Oth III.iv.112
Nor purpos'd merit in futurity,Nor purposed merit in futurity,Oth III.iv.113
Can ransome me into his loue againe,Can ransom me into his love again,Oth III.iv.114
But to know so, must be my benefit:But to know so must be my benefit:Oth III.iv.115
So shall I cloath me in a forc'd content,So shall I clothe me in a forced content,Oth III.iv.116
And shut my selfe vp in some other courseAnd shut myself up in some other courseOth III.iv.117
To Fortunes Almes.To Fortune's alms.Oth III.iv.118.1
I humbly thanke your Ladyship.I humbly thank your ladyship.Oth III.iv.164
What make you from home?What make you from home?Oth III.iv.165.2
How is't with you, my most faire Bianca?How is it with you, my most fair Bianca?Oth III.iv.166
Indeed (sweet Loue) I was comming to your house.I'faith, sweet love, I was coming to your house.Oth III.iv.167
Pardon me, Bianca:Pardon me, Bianca.Oth III.iv.172.2
I haue this while with leaden thoughts beene prest,I have this while with leaden thoughts been pressed:Oth III.iv.173
But I shall in a more continuate timeBut I shall in a more continuate timeOth III.iv.174
Strike off this score of absence. Sweet BiancaStrike off this score of absence. Sweet Bianca,Oth III.iv.175
Take me this worke out.Take me this work out.Oth III.iv.176.1
Go too, woman:Go to, woman!Oth III.iv.179.2
Throw your vilde gesses in the Diuels teeth,Throw your vile guesses in the devil's teethOth III.iv.180
From whence you haue them. You are iealious now,From whence you have them. You are jealous nowOth III.iv.181
That this is from some Mistris, some remembrance;That this is from some mistress, some remembrance:Oth III.iv.182
No, in good troth Bianca.No, by my faith, Bianca.Oth III.iv.183.1
I know not neither: / I found it in my Chamber,I know not, sweet. I found it in my chamber.Oth III.iv.184
I like the worke well; Ere it be demandedI like the work well. Ere it be demandedOth III.iv.185
(As like enough it will) I would haue it coppied:As like enough it will – I'd have it copied.Oth III.iv.186
Take it, and doo't, and leaue me for this time.Take it and do't, and leave me for this time.Oth III.iv.187
I do attend heere on the Generall,I do attend here on the General,Oth III.iv.189
And thinke it no addition nor my wishAnd think it no addition, nor my wish,Oth III.iv.190
To haue him see me woman'd.To have him see me womaned.Oth III.iv.191.1
Not that I loue you not.Not that I love you not.Oth III.iv.192.1
'Tis but a little way that I can bring you,'Tis but a little way that I can bring you,Oth III.iv.195
For I attend heere: But Ile see you soone.For I attend here: but I'll see you soon.Oth III.iv.196
What's the matter?What's the matter?Oth IV.i.49
Rub him about the Temples.Rub him about the temples.Oth IV.i.52.1
The worser, that you giue me the addition,The worser that you give me the additionOth IV.i.104
Whose want euen killes me.Whose want even kills me.Oth IV.i.105
Alas poore Caitiffe.Alas, poor caitiff!Oth IV.i.108.2
Alas poore Rogue, I thinke indeed she loues me.Alas, poor rogue! I think i'faith she loves me.Oth IV.i.111
Ha, ha, ha.Ha, ha, ha!Oth IV.i.118
I marry. What? A customer; prythee beare / SomeI marry her! What! A customer! Prithee bear someOth IV.i.120
Charitie to my wit, do not thinke it / So vnwholesome. Ha,charity to my wit: do not think it so unwholesome. Ha,Oth IV.i.121
ha, ha.ha, ha!Oth IV.i.122
Prythee say true.Prithee, say true.Oth IV.i.125
This is the Monkeys owne giuing out: / She isThis is the monkey's own giving out. She isOth IV.i.128
perswaded I will marry her / Out of her owne loue & persuaded I will marry her out of her own love andOth IV.i.129
flattery, not out of my promise.flattery, not out of my promise.Oth IV.i.130
She was heere euen now: she haunts me in eueryShe was here even now. She haunts me in everyOth IV.i.133
place. I was the other day talking on the Sea-banke withplace. I was the other day talking on the sea-bank withOth IV.i.134
certaine Venetians, and thither comes the Bauble, andcertain Venetians, and thither comes the bauble and, byOth IV.i.135
falls me thus about my neck.this hand, she falls me thus about my neck.Oth IV.i.136
So hangs, and lolls, and weepes vpon me: / So shakes,So hangs and lolls and weeps upon me, so halesOth IV.i.139
and pulls me. Ha, ha, ha.and pulls me. Ha, ha, ha!Oth IV.i.140
Well, I must leaue her companie.Well, I must leave her company.Oth IV.i.144
'Tis such another Fitchew: marry a perfum'd one?'Tis such another fitchew! Marry, a perfumed one!Oth IV.i.146
What do you meane by this haunting of me?What do you mean by this haunting of me?Oth IV.i.147
How now, my sweete Bianca? How now? How now?How now, my sweet Bianca! How now, how now!Oth IV.i.156
I must, shee'l rayle in the streets else.Faith I must: she'll rail in the street else.Oth IV.i.162
Yes, I intend so.Faith, I intend to.Oth IV.i.164
Prythee come: will you?Prithee come, will you?Oth IV.i.167
That thrust had beene mine enemy indeed,That thrust had been mine enemy indeed,Oth V.i.24
But that my Coate is better then thou know'st:But that my coat is better than thou think'st.Oth V.i.25
I will make proofe of thine.I will make proof of thine.Oth V.i.26.1
I am maym'd for euer: / Helpe hoa: Murther, murther.I am maimed for ever. Help, ho! Murder, murder!Oth V.i.27
Oh helpe hoa: Light, a Surgeon.O, help, ho! Light! A surgeon!Oth V.i.30
What hoa? no Watch? No passage? / Murther, Murther.What, ho! No watch? No passage? Murder, murder!Oth V.i.37
Oh helpe.O, help!Oth V.i.39
Heere, heere: for heauen sake helpe me.Here, here: for heaven's sake help me!Oth V.i.50.1
Iago? Oh I am spoyl'd, vndone by Villaines:Iago? O, I am spoiled, undone by villains!Oth V.i.54
Giue me some helpe.Give me some help.Oth V.i.55
I thinke that one of them is heereabout.I think that one of them is hereaboutOth V.i.57
And cannot make away.And cannot make away.Oth V.i.58.1
That's one of them.That's one of them.Oth V.i.61.1
My Legge is cut in two.My leg is cut in two.Oth V.i.72.1
No.No.Oth V.i.80
None in the world: nor do I know the man?None in the world, nor do I know the man.Oth V.i.103
Deere Generall, I neuer gaue you cause.Dear General, I never gave you cause.Oth V.ii.296
Most Heathenish, and most grosse.Most heathenish and most gross!Oth V.ii.309.3
I found it in my Chamber:I found it in my chamber;Oth V.ii.316.2
And he himselfe confest it but euen now,And he himself confessed but even nowOth V.ii.317
That there he dropt it for a speciall purpose,That there he dropped it for a special purposeOth V.ii.318
Which wrought to his desire.Which wrought to his desire.Oth V.ii.319.1
There is besides, in Rodorigo's Letter,There is besides, in Roderigo's letter,Oth V.ii.320
How he vpbraides Iago, that he made himHow he upbraids Iago, that he made himOth V.ii.321
Braue me vpon the Watch: whereon it cameBrave me upon the watch, whereon it cameOth V.ii.322
That I was cast: and euen but now he spakeThat I was cast; and even but now he spakeOth V.ii.323
(After long seeming dead) Iago hurt him,After long seeming dead – Iago hurt him,Oth V.ii.324
Iago set him on.Iago set him on.Oth V.ii.325
This did I feare, but thought he had no weapon:This did I fear, but thought he had no weapon,Oth V.ii.356
For he was great of heart.For he was great of heart.Oth V.ii.357.1

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