Original textModern textKey line
Saue you worthy Generall.God save you, worthy General!Oth IV.i.215.1
The Duke, and the Senators of Venice greet you.The Duke and Senators of Venice greet you.Oth IV.i.216
I thanke you: how do's Lieutenant Cassio?I thank you. How does Lieutenant Cassio?Oth IV.i.221
He did not call: he's busie in the paper,He did not call: he's busy in the paper.Oth IV.i.228
Is there deuision 'twixt my Lord, and Cassio?Is there division 'twixt my lord and Cassio?Oth IV.i.229
May be th Letter mou'd him.Maybe the letter moved him.Oth IV.i.235.2
For as I thinke, they do command him home,For, as I think, they do command him home,Oth IV.i.236
Deputing Cassio in his Gouernment.Deputing Cassio in his government.Oth IV.i.237
My Lord, this would not be beleeu'd in Venice,My lord, this would not be believed in Venice,Oth IV.i.242
Though I should sweare I saw't. 'Tis very much,Though I should swear I saw't. 'Tis very much.Oth IV.i.243
Make her amends: she weepes.Make her amends; she weeps.Oth IV.i.244.1
Truely obedient Lady:Truly an obedient lady.Oth IV.i.248
I do beseech your Lordship call her backe.I do beseech your lordship call her back.Oth IV.i.249
Who I, my Lord?Who? I, my lord?Oth IV.i.253
Is this the Noble Moore, whom our full SenateIs this the noble Moor, whom our full senateOth IV.i.266
Call all in all sufficient? Is this the NatureCall all-in-all sufficient? Is this the natureOth IV.i.267
Whom Passion could not shake? Whose solid vertueWhom passion could not shake? Whose solid virtueOth IV.i.268
The shot of Accident, nor dart of ChanceThe shot of accident nor dart of chanceOth IV.i.269
Could neither graze, nor pierce?Could neither graze nor pierce?Oth IV.i.270.1
Are his wits safe? Is he not light of Braine?Are his wits safe? Is he not light of brain?Oth IV.i.271
What? Strike his wife?What! Strike his wife!Oth IV.i.274.2
Is it his vse?Is it his use?Oth IV.i.276.2
Or did the Letters, worke vpon his blood,Or did the letters work upon his bloodOth IV.i.277
And new create his fault?And new-create this fault?Oth IV.i.278.1
I am sorry that I am deceiu'd in him. I am sorry that I am deceived in him.Oth IV.i.284
I do beseech you Sir, trouble your selfe no further.I do beseech you, sir, trouble yourself no further.Oth IV.iii.1
Madam, good night: I humbly thanke your Ladyship.Madam, good night. I humbly thank your ladyship.Oth IV.iii.3
Hearke.Hark!Oth V.i.40
Two or three groane. 'Tis heauy night;Two or three groan. It is a heavy night.Oth V.i.42
These may be counterfeits: Let's think't vnsafeThese may be counterfeits. Let's think't unsafeOth V.i.43
To come into the cry, without more helpe.To come in to the cry without more help.Oth V.i.44
Hearke.Hark!Oth V.i.46
We do not know.We do not know.Oth V.i.49.1
The same indeede, a very valiant Fellow.The same indeed, a very valiant fellow.Oth V.i.52
As you shall proue vs, praise vs.As you shall prove us, praise us.Oth V.i.66
He Sir.He, sir.Oth V.i.68
Where is this rash, and most vnfortunate man?Where is this rash and most unfortunate man?Oth V.ii.280
Where is that Viper? / Bring the Villaine forth.Where is that viper? Bring the villain forth.Oth V.ii.282
Wrench his Sword from him.Wrench his sword from him.Oth V.ii.285.1
Oh thou Othello, that was once so good,O, thou Othello, that wast once so good,Oth V.ii.288
Falne in the practise of a cursed Slaue,Fallen in the practice of a damned slave,Oth V.ii.289
What shall be saide to thee.What shall be said to thee?Oth V.ii.290.1
This wretch hath part confest his Villany:This wretch hath part confessed his villainy.Oth V.ii.293
Did you and he consent in Cassio's death.Did you and he consent in Cassio's death?Oth V.ii.294
What? not to pray?What! Not to pray?Oth V.ii.302
Sir, / You shall vnderstand what hath befalne,Sir, you shall understand what hath befallen,Oth V.ii.304
(Which, as I thinke, you know not) heere is a LetterWhich, as I think, you know not. Here is a letterOth V.ii.305
Found in the pocket of the slaine Rodorigo,Found in the pocket of the slain Roderigo,Oth V.ii.306
And heere another, the one of them importsAnd here another: the one of them importsOth V.ii.307
The death of Cassio, to be vndertookeThe death of Cassio, to be undertookOth V.ii.308
By Rodorigo.By Roderigo.Oth V.ii.309.1
Now, heere's another discontented paperNow here's another discontented paperOth V.ii.310
Found in his pocket too: and this it seemesFound in his pocket too; and this, it seemsOth V.ii.311
Rodorigo meant t'haue sent this damned villaine:Roderigo meant to have sent this damned villain,Oth V.ii.312
But that (belike) Iago in the interimBut that, belike, Iago, in the nick,Oth V.ii.313
Came in, and satisfi'd him.Came in and satisfied him.Oth V.ii.314.1
You must forsake this roome, and go with vs:You must forsake this room and go with us.Oth V.ii.326
Your Power, and your Command is taken off,Your power and your command is taken offOth V.ii.327
And Cassio rules in Cyprus. For this Slaue,And Cassio rules in Cyprus. For this slave,Oth V.ii.328
If there be any cunning Crueltie,If there be any cunning crueltyOth V.ii.329
That can torment him much, and hold him long,That can torment him much, and hold him long,Oth V.ii.330
It shall be his. You shall close Prisoner rest,It shall be his. You shall close prisoner rest,Oth V.ii.331
Till that the Nature of your fault be knowneTill that the nature of your fault be knownOth V.ii.332
To the Venetian State. Come, bring away.To the Venetian state. Come, bring him away.Oth V.ii.333
Oh bloody period.O bloody period!Oth V.ii.353.1
Oh Sparton Dogge:O, Spartan dog,Oth V.ii.357.2
More fell then Anguish, Hunger, or the Sea:More fell than anguish, hunger, or the sea,Oth V.ii.358
Looke on the Tragicke Loading of this bed:Look on the tragic loading of this bed:Oth V.ii.359
This is thy worke: / The Obiect poysons Sight,This is thy work. The object poisons sight:Oth V.ii.360
Let it be hid. Let it be hid.Oth V.ii.361.1
Gratiano, keepe the house,Gratiano, keep the houseOth V.ii.361.2
And seize vpon the Fortunes of the Moore,And seize upon the fortunes of the Moor,Oth V.ii.362
For they succeede on you. To you, Lord Gouernor,For they succeed on you. To you, Lord Governor,Oth V.ii.363
Remaines the Censure of this hellish villaine:Remains the censure of this hellish villain:Oth V.ii.364
The Time, the Place, the Torture, oh inforce it:The time, the place, the torture, O, enforce it!Oth V.ii.365
My selfe will straight aboord, and to the State,Myself will straight aboard, and to the stateOth V.ii.366
This heauie Act, with heauie heart relate. This heavy act with heavy heart relate.Oth V.ii.367

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