Original textModern textKey line
NEuer tell me, I take it much vnkindlyTush, never tell me! I take it much unkindlyOth I.i.1
That thou (Iago) who hast had my purse,That thou, Iago, who hast had my purseOth I.i.2
As if ye strings were thine, should'st know of this.As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this.Oth I.i.3
Thou told'st me, / Thou did'st hold him in thy hate.Thou told'st me thou didst hold him in thy hate.Oth I.i.7
By heauen, I rather would haue bin his hangman.By heaven, I rather would have been his hangman.Oth I.i.34
I would not follow him then.I would not follow him then.Oth I.i.41.1
What a fall Fortune do's the Thicks-lips oweWhat a full fortune does the thick-lips oweOth I.i.67
If he can carry't thus?If he can carry't thus!Oth I.i.68.1
Heere is her Fathers house, Ile call aloud.Here is her father's house; I'll call aloud.Oth I.i.75
What hoa: Brabantio, Siginor Brabantio, hoa.What, ho, Brabantio! Signor Brabantio, ho!Oth I.i.79
Signior is all your Familie within?Signor, is all your family within?Oth I.i.85
Most reuerend Signior, do you know my voice?Most reverend signor, do you know my voice?Oth I.i.94
My name is Rodorigo.My name is Roderigo.Oth I.i.95.2
Sir, Sir, Sir.Sir, sir, sir –Oth I.i.103.1
Patience good Sir.Patience, good sir.Oth I.i.105.2
Most graue Brabantio,Most grave Brabantio,Oth I.i.107.2
In simple and pure soule, I come to you.In simple and pure soul I come to you...Oth I.i.108
Sir, I will answere any thing. But I beseech youSir, I will answer anything. But I beseech youOth I.i.121
If't be your pleasure, and most wise consent,If't be your pleasure and most wise consent,Oth I.i.122
(As partly I find it is) that your faire Daughter,As partly I find it is, that your fair daughter,Oth I.i.123
At this odde Euen and dull watch o'th'nightAt this odd-even and dull watch o'the night,Oth I.i.124
Transported with no worse nor better guard,Transported with no worse nor better guardOth I.i.125
But with a knaue of common hire, a Gundelier,But with a knave of common hire, a gondolier,Oth I.i.126
To the grosse claspes of a Lasciuious Moore:To the gross clasps of a lascivious Moor –Oth I.i.127
If this be knowne to you, and your Allowance,If this be known to you, and your allowance,Oth I.i.128
We then haue done you bold, and saucie wrongs.We then have done you bold and saucy wrongs;Oth I.i.129
But if you know not this, my Manners tell me,But if you know not this, my manners tell meOth I.i.130
We haue your wrong rebuke. Do not beleeueWe have your wrong rebuke. Do not believeOth I.i.131
That from the sence of all Ciuilitie,That from the sense of all civilityOth I.i.132
I thus would play and trifle with your Reuerence.I thus would play and trifle with your reverence.Oth I.i.133
Your Daughter (if you haue not giuen her leaue)Your daughter, if you have not given her leave,Oth I.i.134
I say againe, hath made a grosse reuolt,I say again hath made a gross revolt,Oth I.i.135
Tying her Dutie, Beautie, Wit, and FortunesTying her duty, beauty, wit, and fortunesOth I.i.136
In an extrauagant, and wheeling Stranger,In an extravagant and wheeling strangerOth I.i.137
Of here, and euery where: straight satisfie your selfe.Of here and everywhere. Straight satisfy yourself:Oth I.i.138
If she be in her Chamber, or your house,If she be in her chamber or your house,Oth I.i.139
Let loose on me the Iustice of the StateLet loose on me the justice of the stateOth I.i.140
For thus deluding you.For thus deluding you.Oth I.i.141.1
Truely I thinke they are.Truly I think they are.Oth I.i.169
Yes Sir: I haue indeed.Yes, sir, I have indeed.Oth I.i.175.2
I thinke I can discouer him, if you pleaseI think I can discover him, if you please,Oth I.i.179
To get good Guard, and go along with me.To get good guard and go along with me.Oth I.i.180
Signior, it is the Moore.Signor, it is the Moor.Oth I.ii.57.1
Iago.Iago.Oth I.iii.298
What will I do, think'st thou?What will I do, think'st thou?Oth I.iii.300
I will incontinently drowne my selfe.I will incontinently drown myself.Oth I.iii.302
It is sillynesse to liue, when to liue is torment:It is silliness to live, when to live is torment;Oth I.iii.305
and then haue we a prescription to dye, when death isand then we have a prescription to die, when death isOth I.iii.306
our Physition.our physician.Oth I.iii.307
What should I do? I confesse it is my shame toWhat should I do? I confess it is my shame toOth I.iii.314
be so fond, but it is not in my vertue to amend so fond, but it is not in my virtue to amend it.Oth I.iii.315
It cannot be.It cannot be.Oth I.iii.330
Wilt thou be fast to my hopes, if I depend onWilt thou be fast to my hopes, if I depend onOth I.iii.357
the issue?the issue?Oth I.iii.358
Where shall we meete i'th'morning?Where shall we meet i'th' morning?Oth I.iii.368
Ile be with thee betimes.I'll be with thee betimes.Oth I.iii.370
What say you?Oth I.iii.372
I am changed.Oth I.iii.374
Ile sell all my Land. I'll sell all my land.Oth I.iii.376
With him? Why,'tis not possible.With him? Why, 'tis not possible!Oth II.i.214
I cannot beleeue that in her, she's full of mostI cannot believe that in her: she's full of mostOth II.i.242
bless'd condition.blessed condition.Oth II.i.243
Yes, that I did: but that was but curtesie.Yes, that I did: but that was but courtesy.Oth II.i.248
Well.Well.Oth II.i.262
I will do this, if you can bring it to anyI will do this, if you can bring it to anyOth II.i.272
opportunity. opportunity.Oth II.i.273
Adieu. Adieu.Oth II.i.276
Beate me?Beat me?Oth II.iii.144
I do follow heere in the Chace, not like a HoundI do follow here in the chase, not like a houndOth II.iii.353
that hunts, but one that filles vp the Crie. My Money isthat hunts, but one that fills up the cry. My money isOth II.iii.354
almost spent; I haue bin to night exceedingly wellalmost spent; I have been tonight exceedingly wellOth II.iii.355
Cudgell'd: And I thinke the issue will bee, I shall haue socudgelled; and I think the issue will be, I shall have soOth II.iii.356
much experience for my paines; And so, with no moneymuch experience for my pains; and so, with no moneyOth II.iii.357
at all, and a little more Wit, returne againe to all, and a little more wit, return again to Venice.Oth II.iii.358
I do not finde / That thou deal'st iustly withI do not find that thou deal'st justly withOth IV.ii.172 IV.ii.173
Euery day thou dafts me with some deuiseEvery day thou daff'st me with some device,Oth IV.ii.175
Iago, and rather, as it seemes to me now, keep'st from meIago, and rather, as it seems to me now, keep'st from meOth IV.ii.176
all conueniencie, then suppliest me with the least aduantageall conveniency, than suppliest me with the least advantageOth IV.ii.177
of hope: I will indeed no longer endure it. Norof hope. I will indeed no longer endure it. NorOth IV.ii.178
am I yet perswaded to put vp in peace, what already Iam I yet persuaded to put up in peace what already IOth IV.ii.179
haue foolishly suffred.have foolishly suffered.Oth IV.ii.180
I haue heard too much: and your wordsFaith, I have heard too much; for your wordsOth IV.ii.182
and / Performances are no kin together.and performances are no kin together.Oth IV.ii.183
With naught but truth: I haue wasted my selfeWith nought but truth. I have wasted myselfOth IV.ii.185
out of my meanes. The Iewels you haue had from me toout of my means. The jewels you have had from me toOth IV.ii.186
deliuer Desdemona, would halfe haue corrupted adeliver to Desdemona would half have corrupted aOth IV.ii.187
Votarist. You haue told me she hath receiu'd them,votarist. You have told me she hath received themOth IV.ii.188
and return'd me expectations and comforts of sodaine respect,and returned me expectations and comforts of sudden respectOth IV.ii.189
and acquaintance, but I finde none.and acquaintance, but I find none.Oth IV.ii.190
Very well, go too: I cannot go too, (man) nor tisVery well, go to! I cannot go to, man, nor 'tisOth IV.ii.192
not very well. Nay I think it is scuruy: and begin tonot very well. Nay, I think it is scurvy and begin toOth IV.ii.193
finde my selfe fopt in it.find myself fopped in it.Oth IV.ii.194
I tell you, 'tis not very well: I will make my selfeI tell you, 'tis not very well. I will make myselfOth IV.ii.196
knowne to Desdemona. If she will returne me my Iewels,known to Desdemona. If she will return me my jewels,Oth IV.ii.197
I will giue ouer my Suit, and repent my vnlawfull solicitation.I will give over my suit and repent my unlawful solicitation.Oth IV.ii.198
If not, assure your selfe, I will seeke satisfaction ofIf not, assure yourself I will seek satisfaction ofOth IV.ii.199 IV.ii.200
I: and said nothing but what I protest Ay, and said nothing but what I protestOth IV.ii.202
intendment of doing.intendment of doing.Oth IV.ii.203
It hath not appeer'd.It hath not appeared.Oth IV.ii.209
Well: what is it? Is it within, reason andWell, what is it? Is it within reason andOth IV.ii.217
compasse? compass?Oth IV.ii.218
Is that true? Why then Othello and DesdemonaIs that true? Why, then Othello and DesdemonaOth IV.ii.221
returne againe to Venice.return again to Venice.Oth IV.ii.222
How do you meane remouing him?How do you mean ‘ removing ’ of him?Oth IV.ii.227
And that you would haue me to do.And that you would have me to do?Oth IV.ii.230
I will heare further reason for this.I will hear further reason for this.Oth IV.ii.242
Be neere at hand, I may miscarry in't.Be near at hand; I may miscarry in't.Oth V.i.6
I haue no great deuotion to the deed,I have no great devotion to the deed,Oth V.i.8
And yet he hath giuen me satisfying Reasons:And yet he hath given me satisfying reasons.Oth V.i.9
'Tis but a man gone. Forth my Sword: he dies.'Tis but a man gone. Forth my sword! He dies!Oth V.i.10
I know his gate, 'tis he: Villaine thou dyest.I know his gait; 'tis he. Villain, thou diest!Oth V.i.23
Oh, I am slaine.O, I am slain!Oth V.i.26.2
O Villaine that I am.O, villain that I am!Oth V.i.29.1
Oh wretched Villaine.O wretched villain!Oth V.i.41
Nobody come: then shall I bleed to death.Nobody come? Then shall I bleed to death.Oth V.i.45
O helpe me there.O, help me here!Oth V.i.60
O damn'd Iago! O inhumane Dogge!O damned Iago! O inhuman dog!Oth V.i.62

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