Original textModern textKey line
Why how now Aiax? wherefore do you this?Why, how now, Ajax! Wherefore do you this?TC II.i.54
How now Thersites? what's the matter man?How now, Thersites, what's the matter, man?TC II.i.55
I, what's the matter.Ay, what's the matter?TC II.i.57
So I do: what's the matter?So I do; what's the matter?TC II.i.59
Well, why I do so.Well, why, I do so.TC II.i.61
I know that foole.I know that, fool.TC II.i.64
What?What?TC II.i.74
Nay good Aiax.Nay, good Ajax.TC II.i.76
Nay, I must hold you.Nay, I must hold you.TC II.i.78
Peace foole.Peace, fool!TC II.i.81
Will you set your wit to a Fooles.Will you set your wit to a fool's?TC II.i.85
What's the quarrell?What's the quarrel?TC II.i.89
Your last seruice was sufferance, 'twas notYour last service was sufferance, 'twas notTC II.i.95
voluntary, no man is beaten voluntary: Aiax was heerevoluntary; no man is beaten voluntary. Ajax was hereTC II.i.96
the voluntary, and you as vnder an Impresse.the voluntary, and you as under an impress.TC II.i.97
What with me to Thersites?What, with me too, Thersites?TC II.i.102
What? what?What? What?TC II.i.107
There's for you Patroclus.There's for you, Patroclus.TC II.i.115
Marry this Sir is proclaim'd through al our host,Marry, this, sir, is proclaimed through all our host:TC II.i.120
That Hector by the fift houre of the Sunne,That Hector, by the fifth hour of the sun,TC II.i.121
Will with a Trumpet, 'twixt our Tents and TroyWill with a trumpet 'twixt our tents and TroyTC II.i.122
To morrow morning call some Knight to Armes,Tomorrow morning call some knight to armsTC II.i.123
That hath a stomacke, and such a one that dareThat hath a stomach, and such a one that dareTC II.i.124
Maintaine I know not what: 'tis trash. Farewell.Maintain – I know not what: 'tis trash. Farewell.TC II.i.125
I know not, 'tis put to Lottry: otherwiseI know not – 'tis put to lottery. OtherwiseTC II.i.127
He knew his man.He knew his man.TC II.i.128
Who's there?Who's there?TC II.iii.37
Where, where, art thou come? why myWhere, where? – Art thou come? Why, myTC II.iii.39
cheese, my digestion, why hast thou not seru'd thy selfecheese, my digestion, why hast thou not served thyselfTC II.iii.40
into my Table, so many meales? Come, what's in to my table, so many meals? Come, what'sTC II.iii.41
Agamemnon?Agamemnon?TC II.iii.42
O tell, tell.O, tell, tell.TC II.iii.50
He is a priuiledg'd man, proceede Thersites.He is a privileged man. – Proceed, Thersites.TC II.iii.56
Deriue this? come?Derive this; come.TC II.iii.60
Patroclus, Ile speake with no body: come inPatroclus, I'll speak with nobody. – Come inTC II.iii.68
with me Thersites. with me, Thersites.TC II.iii.69
What comes the Generall to speake with me?What, comes the general to speak with me?TC III.iii.55
You know my minde, Ile fight no more 'gainst Troy.You know my mind; I'll fight no more 'gainst Troy.TC III.iii.56
No.No.TC III.iii.59
Good day, good day.Good day, good day.TC III.iii.62
What, do's the Cuckold scorne me?What, does the cuckold scorn me?TC III.iii.64
Good morrow Aiax?Good morrow, Ajax.TC III.iii.66
Good morrow.Good morrow.TC III.iii.68
What meane these fellowes? know they not Achilles?What mean these fellows? Know they not Achilles?TC III.iii.70
What am I poore of late?What, am I poor of late?TC III.iii.74.2
'Tis certaine, greatnesse once falne out with fortune,'Tis certain, greatness, once fallen out with fortune,TC III.iii.75
Must fall out with men too: what the declin'd is,Must fall out with men too. What the declined is,TC III.iii.76
He shall as soone reade in the eyes of others,He shall as soon read in the eyes of othersTC III.iii.77
As feele in his owne fall: for men like butter-flies,As feel in his own fall; for men, like butterflies,TC III.iii.78
Shew not their mealie wings, but to the Summer:Show not their mealy wings but to the summer,TC III.iii.79
And not a man for being simply man,And not a man, for being simply man,TC III.iii.80
Hath any honour; but honour'd for those honoursHath any honour, but honoured for those honoursTC III.iii.81
That are without him; as place, riches, and fauour,That are without him, as place, riches, and favour – TC III.iii.82
Prizes of accident, as oft as merit:Prizes of accident as oft as merit – TC III.iii.83
Which when they fall, as being slippery standers;Which when they fall, as being slippery standers,TC III.iii.84
The loue that leand on them as slippery too,The love that leaned on them, as slippery too,TC III.iii.85
Doth one plucke downe another, and togetherDo one pluck down another, and togetherTC III.iii.86
Dye in the fall. But 'tis not so with me;Die in the fall. But 'tis not so with me:TC III.iii.87
Fortune and I are friends, I doe enioyFortune and I are friends. I do enjoyTC III.iii.88
At ample point, all that I did possesse,At ample point all that I did possess,TC III.iii.89
Saue these mens lookes: who do me thinkes finde outSave these men's looks; who do, methinks, find outTC III.iii.90
Something not worth in me such rich beholding,Something not worth in me such rich beholdingTC III.iii.91
As they haue often giuen. Here is Ulisses,As they have often given. Here is Ulysses:TC III.iii.92
Ile interrupt his reading:I'll interrupt his reading – TC III.iii.93
how now Vlisses?How now, Ulysses!TC III.iii.94.1
What are you reading?What are you reading?TC III.iii.95.1
This is not strange Vlisses:This is not strange, Ulysses.TC III.iii.102.2
The beautie that is borne here in the face,The beauty that is borne here in the faceTC III.iii.103
The bearer knowes not, but commends it selfe,The bearer knows not, but commends itselfTC III.iii.104
To others' eyes; nor doth the eye itself,TC III.iii.105
That most pure spirit of sense, behold itself,TC III.iii.106
Not going from it selfe: but eye to eye oppos'd,Not going from itself, but eye to eye opposedTC III.iii.107
Salutes each other with each others forme.Salutes each other with each other's form.TC III.iii.108
For speculation turnes not to it selfe,For speculation turns not to itselfTC III.iii.109
Till it hath trauail'd, and is married thereTill it hath travelled, and is mirrored thereTC III.iii.110
Where it may see it selfe: this is not strange at all.Where it may see itself. This is not strange at all.TC III.iii.111
I doe beleeue it: / For they past by me,I do believe it; for they passed by meTC III.iii.142
as mysers doe by beggars, / Neither gaue to me As misers do by beggars, neither gave to meTC III.iii.143
good word, nor looke: What are my deedes forgot?Good word nor look. What, are my deeds forgot?TC III.iii.144
Of this my priuacie,Of this my privacyTC III.iii.190.2
I haue strong reasons.I have strong reasons.TC III.iii.191.1
Ha? knowne?Ha? Known?TC III.iii.194.2
Shall Aiax fight with Hector?Shall Ajax fight with Hector?TC III.iii.225.2
I see my reputation is at stake,I see my reputation is at stake.TC III.iii.227
My fame is shrowdly gored.My fame is shrewdly gored.TC III.iii.228.1
Goe call Thersites hither sweet Patroclus,Go call Thersites hither, sweet Patroclus.TC III.iii.234
Ile send the foole to Aiax, and desire himI'll send the fool to Ajax, and desire himTC III.iii.235
T'inuite the Troian Lords after the CombatT' invite the Trojan lords after the combatTC III.iii.236
To see vs here vnarm'd: I haue a womans longing,To see us here unarmed. I have a woman's longing,TC III.iii.237
An appetite that I am sicke withall,An appetite that I am sick withal,TC III.iii.238
To see great Hector in his weedes of peace; To see great Hector in his weeds of peace,TC III.iii.239
To talke with him, and to behold his visage,To talk with him, and to behold his visageTC III.iii.240
Euen to my full of view. A labour sau'd.Even to my full of view. – A labour saved!TC III.iii.241
What?What?TC III.iii.243
How so?How so?TC III.iii.246
How can that be?How can that be?TC III.iii.250
Thou must be my Ambassador to him Thou must be my ambassador to him,TC III.iii.266
Thersites.Thersites.TC III.iii.267
To him Patroclus; tell him, I humbly desireTo him, Patroclus. Tell him I humbly desireTC III.iii.273
the valiant Aiax, to inuite the most valorous Hector, tothe valiant Ajax to invite the most valorous Hector toTC III.iii.274
come vnarm'd to my Tent, and to procure safe conduct come unarmed to my tent, and to procure safe-conductTC III.iii.275
for his person, of the magnanimious and most for his person of the magnanimous and mostTC III.iii.276
illustrious, sixe or seauen times honour'd Captaine, Generallillustrious six-or-seven-times-honoured captain-generalTC III.iii.277
of the Grecian Armie Agamemnon, &c.of the Grecian army, Agamemnon, et cetera.TC III.iii.278
doe this.Do this.TC III.iii.279
Why, but he is not in this tune, is he?Why, but he is not in this tune, is he?TC III.iii.300
Come, thou shalt beare a Letter to him straight.Come, thou shalt bear a letter to him straight.TC III.iii.305
My minde is troubled like a Fountaine stir'd,My mind is troubled, like a fountain stirred,TC III.iii.308
And I my selfe see not the bottome of it.And I myself see not the bottom of it.TC III.iii.309
'Tis but early dayes.'Tis but early days.TC IV.v.12.2
Ile take that winter from your lips faire LadyI'll take what winter from your lips, fair lady.TC IV.v.24
Achilles bids you welcome.Achilles bids you welcome.TC IV.v.25
but securely done, But securely done,TC IV.v.73.2
A little proudly, and great deale disprisingA little proudly, and great deal disprizingTC IV.v.74
The Knight oppos'd.The knight opposed.TC IV.v.75.1
If not Achilles, nothing.If not Achilles, nothing.TC IV.v.76.2
A maiden battaile then? O I perceiue you.A maiden battle, then? – O, I perceive you.TC IV.v.87
I shall forestall thee Lord Vlysses, thou:I shall forestall thee, Lord Ulysses, thou!TC IV.v.230
Now Hector I haue fed mine eyes on thee,Now, Hector, I have fed mine eyes on thee;TC IV.v.231
I haue with exact view perus'd thee Hector,I have with exact view perused thee, Hector,TC IV.v.232
And quoted ioynt by ioynt.And quoted joint by joint.TC IV.v.233.1
I am Achilles.I am Achilles.TC IV.v.234
Behold thy fill.Behold thy fill.TC IV.v.236.1
Thou art to breefe, I will the second time,Thou art too brief; I will the second time,TC IV.v.237
As I would buy thee, view thee, limbe by limbe.As I would buy thee, view thee limb by limb.TC IV.v.238
Tell me you Heauens, in which part of his bodyTell me, you heavens, in which part of his bodyTC IV.v.242
Shall I destroy him? Whether there, or there, or there,Shall I destroy him? – whether there, or there, or there? – TC IV.v.243
That I may giue the locall wound a name,That I may give the local wound a name,TC IV.v.244
And make distinct the very breach, where-outAnd make distinct the very breach whereoutTC IV.v.245
Hectors great spirit flew. Answer me heauens.Hector's great spirit flew: answer me, heavens!TC IV.v.246
I tell thee yea.I tell thee, yea.TC IV.v.251.2
Dost thou intreat me Hector?Dost thou entreat me, Hector?TC IV.v.268.2
To morrow do I meete thee fell as death,Tomorrow do I meet thee, fell as death;TC IV.v.269
To night, all Friends.Tonight all friends.TC IV.v.270.1
Ile heat his blood with Greekish wine to night,I'll heat his blood with Greekish wine tonight,TC V.i.1.1
Which with my Cemitar Ile coole to morrow:Which with my scimitar I'll cool tomorrow.TC V.i.2
Patroclus, / let vs Feast him to the hight.Patroclus, let us feast him to the height.TC V.i.3
How now, thou core of Enuy?How now, thou core of envy?TC V.i.4.2
Thou crusty batch of Nature, what's the newes?Thou crusty botch of nature, what's the news?TC V.i.5
From whence, Fragment?From whence, fragment?TC V.i.8
My sweet Patroclus, I am thwarted quiteMy sweet Patroclus, I am thwarted quiteTC V.i.34
From my great purpose in to morrowes battell:From my great purpose in tomorrow's battle.TC V.i.35
Heere is a Letter from Queene Hecuba,Here is a letter from Queen Hecuba,TC V.i.36
A token from her daughter, my faire Loue,A token from her daughter, my fair love,TC V.i.37
Both taxing me, and gaging me to keepeBoth taxing me and gaging me to keepTC V.i.38
An Oath that I haue sworne. I will not breake it,An oath that I have sworn. I will not break it.TC V.i.39
Fall Greekes, faile Fame, Honor or go, or stay,Fall Greeks; fail fame; honour or go or stay;TC V.i.40
My maior vow lyes heere; this Ile obay:My major vow lies here; this I'll obey. – TC V.i.41
Come, come Thersites, helpe to trim my Tent,Come, come, Thersites, help to trim my tent;TC V.i.42
This night in banquetting must all be spent.This night in banqueting must all be spent. – TC V.i.43
Away Patroclus. Away, Patroclus!TC V.i.44
Welcome braue Hector, welcome Princes all.Welcome, brave Hector; welcome, princes all.TC V.i.66
Goodnight and welcom, both at once, to thoseGood night and welcome both at once to thoseTC V.i.73
that go, or tarry.That go or tarry.TC V.i.74
Old Nestor tarries, and you too Diomed,Old Nestor tarries, and you too, Diomed;TC V.i.76
Keepe Hector company an houre, or two.Keep Hector company an hour or two.TC V.i.77
Come, come, enter my Tent. Come, come, enter my tent.TC V.i.83
Where is this Hector?Where is this Hector? – TC V.v.44.2
Come, come, thou boy-queller, shew thy face:Come, come, thou boy-queller, show thy face;TC V.v.45
Know what it is to meete Achilles angry.Know what it is to meet Achilles angry – TC V.v.46
Hector, wher's Hector? I will none but Hector. Hector! Where's Hector? I will none but Hector.TC V.v.47
Now doe I see thee; haue at thee Hector.Now do I see thee, ha? Have at thee, Hector!TC
I doe disdaine thy curtesie, proud Troian;I do disdain thy courtesy, proud Trojan;TC
Be happy that my armes are out of vse:Be happy that my arms are out of use.TC
My rest and negligence befriends thee now,My rest and negligence befriends thee now,TC
But thou anon shalt heare of me againe:But thou anon shalt hear of me again;TC
Till when, goe seeke thy fortune. Till when, go seek thy fortune.TC
Come here about me you my Myrmidons:Come here about me, you my Myrmidons;TC V.vii.1
Marke what I say; attend me where I wheele:Mark what I say. Attend me where I wheel;TC V.vii.2
Strike not a stroake, but keepe your selues in breath;Strike not a stroke, but keep yourselves in breath,TC V.vii.3
And when I haue the bloudy Hector found,And when I have the bloody Hector found,TC V.vii.4
Empale him with your weapons round about:Impale him with your weapons round about;TC V.vii.5
In fellest manner execute your arme.In fellest manner execute your arms.TC V.vii.6
Follow me sirs, and my proceedings eye;Follow me, sirs, and my proceedings eye.TC V.vii.7
It is decreed, Hector the great must dye. It is decreed Hector the great must die.TC V.vii.8
Looke Hector how the Sunne begins to set;Look, Hector, how the sun begins to set,TC V.viii.5
How vgly night comes breathing at his heeles,How ugly night comes breathing at his heels;TC V.viii.6
Euen with the vaile and darking of the Sunne.Even with the vail and dark'ning of the sunTC V.viii.7
To close the day vp, Hectors life is done.To close the day up, Hector's life is done.TC V.viii.8
Strike fellowes, strike, this is the man I seeke.Strike, fellows, strike; this is the man I seek.TC V.viii.10
So Illion fall thou: now Troy sinke downe;So, Ilium, fall thou; now, Troy, sink down!TC V.viii.11
Here lyes thy heart, thy sinewes, and thy bone.Here lies thy heart, thy sinews, and thy bone. – TC V.viii.12
On Myrmidons, cry you all a maine,On, Myrmidons; and cry you all amain:TC V.viii.13
Achilles hath the mighty Hector slaine. ‘ Achilles hath the mighty Hector slain.’TC V.viii.14
Harke, a retreat vpon our Grecian part.Hark, a retire upon our Grecian part.TC V.viii.15
The dragon wing of night ore-spreds the earthThe dragon wing of night o'erspreads the earth,TC V.viii.17
And stickler-like the Armies seperatesAnd, stickler-like, the armies separates.TC V.viii.18
My halfe supt Sword, that frankly would haue fed,My half-supped sword, that frankly would have fed,TC V.viii.19
Pleas'd with this dainty bed; thus goes to bed.Pleased with this dainty bait, thus goes to bed.TC V.viii.20
Come, tye his body to my horses tayle;Come, tie his body to my horse's tail;TC V.viii.21
Along the field, I will the Troian traile. Along the field I will the Trojan trail.TC V.viii.22

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