Original text | Modern text | Key line |
Princes: | Princes, | TC I.iii.1 |
What greefe hath set the Iaundies on your cheekes? | What grief hath set the jaundice on your cheeks? | TC I.iii.2 |
The ample proposition that hope makes | The ample proposition that hope makes | TC I.iii.3 |
In all designes, begun on earth below | In all designs begun on earth below | TC I.iii.4 |
Fayles in the promist largenesse: checkes and disasters | Fails in the promised largeness: checks and disasters | TC I.iii.5 |
Grow in the veines of actions highest rear'd. | Grow in the veins of actions highest reared, | TC I.iii.6 |
As knots by the conflux of meeting sap, | As knots, by the conflux of meeting sap, | TC I.iii.7 |
Infect the sound Pine, and diuerts his Graine | Infect the sound pine, and divert his grain | TC I.iii.8 |
Tortiue and erant from his course of growth. | Tortive and errant from his course of growth. | TC I.iii.9 |
Nor Princes, is it matter new to vs, | Nor, princes, is it matter new to us | TC I.iii.10 |
That we come short of our suppose so farre, | That we come short of our suppose so far | TC I.iii.11 |
That after seuen yeares siege, yet Troy walles stand, | That, after seven years' siege, yet Troy walls stand; | TC I.iii.12 |
Sith euery action that hath gone before, | Sith every action that hath gone before | TC I.iii.13 |
Whereof we haue Record, Triall did draw | Whereof we have record, trial did draw | TC I.iii.14 |
Bias and thwart, not answering the ayme: | Bias and thwart, not answering the aim | TC I.iii.15 |
And that vnbodied figure of the thought | And that unbodied figure of the thought | TC I.iii.16 |
That gaue't surmised shape. Why then (you Princes) | That gave't surmised shape. Why then, you princes, | TC I.iii.17 |
Do you with cheekes abash'd, behold our workes, | Do you with cheeks abashed behold our works, | TC I.iii.18 |
And thinke them shame, which are (indeed) nought else | And call them shame, which are, indeed, naught else | TC I.iii.19 |
But the protractiue trials of great Ioue, | But the protractive trials of great Jove | TC I.iii.20 |
To finde persistiue constancie in men? | To find persistive constancy in men? – | TC I.iii.21 |
The finenesse of which Mettall is not found | The fineness of which metal is not found | TC I.iii.22 |
In Fortunes loue: for then, the Bold and Coward, | In fortune's love: for then the bold and coward, | TC I.iii.23 |
The Wise and Foole, the Artist and vn-read, | The wise and fool, the artist and unread, | TC I.iii.24 |
The hard and soft, seeme all affin'd, and kin. | The hard and soft, seem all affined and kin; | TC I.iii.25 |
But in the Winde and Tempest of her frowne, | But in the wind and tempest of her frown, | TC I.iii.26 |
Distinction with a lowd and powrefull fan, | Distinction, with a broad and powerful fan, | TC I.iii.27 |
Puffing at all, winnowes the light away; | Puffing at all, winnows the light away, | TC I.iii.28 |
And what hath masse, or matter by it selfe, | And what hath mass or matter by itself | TC I.iii.29 |
Lies rich in Vertue, and vnmingled. | Lies rich in virtue and unmingled. | TC I.iii.30 |
| | |
Speak Prince of Ithaca, and be't of lesse expect: | Speak, Prince of Ithaca; and be't of less expect | TC I.iii.70 |
That matter needlesse of importlesse burthen | That matter needless, of importless burden, | TC I.iii.71 |
Diuide thy lips; then we are confident | Divide thy lips than we are confident | TC I.iii.72 |
When ranke Thersites opes his Masticke iawes, | When rank Thersites opes his mastic jaws | TC I.iii.73 |
We shall heare Musicke, Wit, and Oracle. | We shall hear music, wit, and oracle. | TC I.iii.74 |
| | |
The Nature of the sicknesse found (Ulysses) | The nature of the sickness found, Ulysses, | TC I.iii.140 |
What is the remedie? | What is the remedy? | TC I.iii.141 |
| | |
What Trumpet? Looke Menelaus. | What trumpet? Look, Menelaus. | TC I.iii.213 |
| | |
What would you 'fore our Tent? | What would you 'fore our tent? | TC I.iii.215 |
| | |
Euen this. | Even this. | TC I.iii.217 |
| | |
With surety stronger then Achilles arme, | With surety stronger than Achilles' arm | TC I.iii.220 |
'Fore all the Greekish heads, which with one voyce | 'Fore all the Greekish lords, which with one voice | TC I.iii.221 |
Call Agamemnon Head and Generall. | Call Agamemnon head and general. | TC I.iii.222 |
| | |
How? | How? | TC I.iii.225.2 |
| | |
This Troyan scornes vs, or the men of Troy | This Trojan scorns us, or the men of Troy | TC I.iii.233 |
Are ceremonious Courtiers. | Are ceremonious courtiers. | TC I.iii.234 |
| | |
Sir, you of Troy, call you your selfe Aneas? | Sir, you of Troy, call you yourself Aeneas? | TC I.iii.245 |
| | |
What's your affayre I pray you? | What's your affair, I pray you? | TC I.iii.247 |
| | |
He heares nought priuatly / That comes from Troy. | He hears naught privately that comes from Troy. | TC I.iii.249 |
| | |
Speake frankely as the winde, | Speak frankly as the wind; | TC I.iii.253.2 |
It is not Agamemnons sleeping houre; | It is not Agamemnon's sleeping-hour. | TC I.iii.254 |
That thou shalt know Troyan he is awake, | That thou shalt know, Trojan, he is awake, | TC I.iii.255 |
He tels thee so himselfe. | He tells thee so himself. | TC I.iii.256.1 |
| | |
This shall be told our Louers Lord Aneas, | This shall be told our lovers, Lord Aeneas. | TC I.iii.284 |
If none of them haue soule in such a kinde, | If none of them have soul in such a kind, | TC I.iii.285 |
We left them all at home: But we are Souldiers, | We left them all at home, but we are soldiers, | TC I.iii.286 |
And may that Souldier a meere recreant proue, | And may that soldier a mere recreant prove | TC I.iii.287 |
That meanes not, hath not, or is not in loue: | That means not, hath not, or is not in love. | TC I.iii.288 |
If then one is, or hath, or meanes to be, | If then one is, or hath, or means to be, | TC I.iii.289 |
That one meets Hector; if none else, Ile be he. | That one meets Hector; if none else, I'll be he. | TC I.iii.290 |
| | |
Faire Lord Aneas, / Let me touch your hand: | Fair Lord Aeneas, let me touch your hand; | TC I.iii.304 |
To our Pauillion shal I leade you first: | To our pavilion shall I lead you first. | TC I.iii.305 |
Achilles shall haue word of this intent, | Achilles shall have word of this intent; | TC I.iii.306 |
So shall each Lord of Greece from Tent to Tent: | So shall each lord of Greece, from tent to tent. | TC I.iii.307 |
Your selfe shall Feast with vs before you goe, | Yourself shall feast with us before you go, | TC I.iii.308 |
And finde the welcome of a Noble Foe. | And find the welcome of a noble foe. | TC I.iii.309 |
| | |
Where is Achilles? | Where is Achilles? | TC II.iii.75 |
| | |
Let it be knowne to him that we are here: | Let it be known to him that we are here. | TC II.iii.77 |
He sent our Messengers, and we lay by | He shent our messengers, and we lay by | TC II.iii.78 |
Our appertainments, visiting of him: | Our appertainments, visiting of him. | TC II.iii.79 |
Let him be told of, so perchance he thinke | Let him be told so, lest perchance he think | TC II.iii.80 |
We dare not moue the question of our place, | We dare not move the question of our place, | TC II.iii.81 |
Or know not what we are. | Or know not what we are. | TC II.iii.82 |
| | |
Heare you Patroclus: | Hear you, Patroclus: | TC II.iii.111.2 |
We are too well acquainted with these answers: | We are too well acquainted with these answers; | TC II.iii.112 |
But his euasion winged thus swift with scorne, | But his evasion, winged thus swift with scorn, | TC II.iii.113 |
Cannot outflye our apprehensions. | Cannot outfly our apprehensions. | TC II.iii.114 |
Much attribute he hath, and much the reason, | Much attribute he hath, and much the reason | TC II.iii.115 |
Why we ascribe it to him, yet all his vertues, | Why we ascribe it to him; yet all his virtues, | TC II.iii.116 |
Not vertuously of his owne part beheld, | Not virtuously of his own part beheld, | TC II.iii.117 |
Doe in our eyes, begin to loose their glosse; | Do in our eyes begin to lose their gloss, | TC II.iii.118 |
Yea, and like faire Fruit in an vnholdsome dish, | Yea, like fair fruit in an unwholesome dish, | TC II.iii.119 |
Are like to rot vntasted: goe and tell him, | Are like to rot untasted. Go and tell him | TC II.iii.120 |
We came to speake with him; and you shall not sinne, | We came to speak with him, and you shall not sin | TC II.iii.121 |
If you doe say, we thinke him ouer proud, | If you do say we think him overproud | TC II.iii.122 |
And vnder honest; in selfe-assumption greater | And under-honest, in self-assumption greater | TC II.iii.123 |
Then in the note of iudgement: & worthier then himselfe | Than in the note of judgement; and worthier than himself | TC II.iii.124 |
Here tends the sauage strangenesse he puts on, | Here tend the savage strangeness he puts on, | TC II.iii.125 |
Disguise the holy strength of their command: | Disguise the holy strength of their command, | TC II.iii.126 |
And vnder write in an obseruing kinde | And underwrite in an observing kind | TC II.iii.127 |
His humorous predominance, yea watch | His humorous predominance – yea, watch | TC II.iii.128 |
His pettish lines, his ebs, his flowes, as if | His pettish lunes, his ebbs, his flows, as if | TC II.iii.129 |
The passage and whole carriage of this action | The passage and whole carriage of this action | TC II.iii.130 |
Rode on his tyde. Goe tell him this, and adde, | Rode on his tide. Go tell him this; and add | TC II.iii.131 |
That if he ouerhold his price so much, | That if he overhold his price so much, | TC II.iii.132 |
Weele none of him; but let him, like an Engin | We'll none of him; but let him, like an engine | TC II.iii.133 |
Not portable, lye vnder this report. | Not portable, lie under this report: | TC II.iii.134 |
Bring action hither, this cannot goe to warre: | ‘ Bring action hither; this cannot go to war. | TC II.iii.135 |
A stirring Dwarfe, we doe allowance giue, | A stirring dwarf we do allowance give | TC II.iii.136 |
Before a sleeping Gyant: tell him so. | Before a sleeping giant.’ Tell him so. | TC II.iii.137 |
| | |
In second voyce weele not be satisfied, | In second voice we'll not be satisfied; | TC II.iii.139 |
We come to speake with him, Ulisses enter you. | We come to speak with him. Ulysses, enter you. | TC II.iii.140 |
| | |
No more then what he thinkes he is. | No more than what he thinks he is. | TC II.iii.142 |
| | |
No question. | No question. | TC II.iii.145 |
| | |
No, Noble Aiax, you are as strong, as | No, noble Ajax; you are as strong, as | TC II.iii.147 |
valiant, as wise, no lesse noble, much more gentle, and | valiant, as wise, no less noble, much more gentle, and | TC II.iii.148 |
altogether more tractable. | altogether more tractable. | TC II.iii.149 |
| | |
Your minde is the cleerer Aiax, and your | Your mind is the clearer, Ajax, and your | TC II.iii.152 |
vertues the fairer; he that is proud, eates vp himselfe; | virtues the fairer. He that is proud eats up himself. | TC II.iii.153 |
Pride is his owne Glasse, his owne trumpet, his owne | Pride is his own glass, his own trumpet, his own | TC II.iii.154 |
Chronicle, and what euer praises it selfe but in the deede, | chronicle; and whatever praises itself but in the deed, | TC II.iii.155 |
deuoures the deede in the praise. | devours the deed in the praise. | TC II.iii.156 |
| | |
What's his excuse? | What's his excuse? | TC II.iii.161.1 |
| | |
Why, will he not vpon our faire request, | Why will he not, upon our fair request, | TC II.iii.165 |
Vntent his person, and share the ayre with vs? | Untent his person, and share the air with us? | TC II.iii.166 |
| | |
Let Aiax goe to him. | Let Ajax go to him. – | TC II.iii.176.2 |
Deare Lord, goe you and greete him in his Tent; | Dear lord, go you and greet him in his tent; | TC II.iii.177 |
'Tis said he holds you well, and will be led | 'Tis said he holds you well, and will be led, | TC II.iii.178 |
At your request a little from himselfe. | At your request, a little from himself. | TC II.iii.179 |
| | |
O no, you shall not goe. | O, no, you shall not go. | TC II.iii.202 |
| | |
He will be the Physitian that | He will be the physician that | TC II.iii.211 |
should be the patient. | should be the patient. | TC II.iii.212 |
| | |
Goe we to Counsaile, let Achilles sleepe; | Go we to council. Let Achilles sleep; | TC II.iii.262 |
Light Botes may saile swift, though greater bulkes draw deepe. | Light boats sail swift, though greater hulks draw deep. | TC II.iii.263 |
| | |
What would'st thou of vs Troian? make demand? | What wouldst thou of us, Trojan? Make demand. | TC III.iii.17 |
| | |
Let Diomedes beare him, | Let Diomedes bear him, | TC III.iii.30.2 |
And bring vs Cressid hither: Calcas shall haue | And bring us Cressid hither; Calchas shall have | TC III.iii.31 |
What he requests of vs: good Diomed | What he requests of us. Good Diomed, | TC III.iii.32 |
Furnish you fairely for this enterchange; | Furnish you fairly for this interchange; | TC III.iii.33 |
Withall bring word, if Hector will to morrow | Withal bring word if Hector will tomorrow | TC III.iii.34 |
Be answer'd in his challenge. Aiax is ready. | Be answered in his challenge. Ajax is ready. | TC III.iii.35 |
| | |
Weele execute your purpose, and put on | We'll execute your purpose, and put on | TC III.iii.50 |
A forme of strangenesse as we passe along, | A form of strangeness as we pass along – | TC III.iii.51 |
So doe each Lord, and either greete him not, | So do each lord, and either greet him not, | TC III.iii.52 |
Or else disdainfully, which shall shake him more, | Or else disdainfully, which shall shake him more | TC III.iii.53 |
Then if not lookt on. I will lead the way. | Than if not looked on. I will lead the way. | TC III.iii.54 |
| | |
What saies Achilles, would he ought with vs? | What says Achilles? Would he aught with us? | TC III.iii.57 |
| | |
The better. | The better. | TC III.iii.61 |
| | |
Here art thou in appointment fresh and faire, | Here art thou in appointment fresh and fair, | TC IV.v.1 |
Anticipating time. With starting courage, | Anticipating time. With starting courage, | TC IV.v.2 |
Giue with thy Trumpet a loud note to Troy | Give with thy trumpet a loud note to Troy, | TC IV.v.3 |
Thou dreadfull Aiax, that the appauled aire | Thou dreadful Ajax, that the appalled air | TC IV.v.4 |
May pierce the head of the great Combatant, | May pierce the head of the great combatant, | TC IV.v.5 |
And hale him hither. | And hale him hither. | TC IV.v.6.1 |
| | |
Is not yong Diomed with Calcas daughter? | Is not yond Diomed, with Calchas' daughter? | TC IV.v.13 |
| | |
Is this the Lady Cressid? | Is this the Lady Cressid? | TC IV.v.17.1 |
| | |
Most deerely welcome to the Greekes, sweete Lady. | Most dearly welcome to the Greeks, sweet lady. | TC IV.v.18 |
| | |
All. | ALL | |
The Troians Trumpet. | The Trojan's trumpet. | TC IV.v.64.1 |
| | |
Yonder comes the troope. | Yonder comes the troop. | TC IV.v.64.2 |
| | |
Which way would Hector haue it? | Which way would Hector have it? | TC IV.v.71.2 |
| | |
'Tis done like Hector, | 'Tis done like Hector – | TC IV.v.73.1 |
| | |
Here is sir, Diomed: goe gentle Knight, | Here is Sir Diomed. – Go, gentle knight; | TC IV.v.88 |
Stand by our Aiax: as you and Lord Aneas | Stand by our Ajax. As you and Lord Aeneas | TC IV.v.89 |
Consent vpon the order of their fight, | Consent upon the order of their fight, | TC IV.v.90 |
So be it: either to the vttermost, | So be it, either to the uttermost | TC IV.v.91 |
Or else a breach: the Combatants being kin, | Or else a breath. The combatants being kin | TC IV.v.92 |
Halfe stints their strife, before their strokes begin. | Half stints their strife before their strokes begin. | TC IV.v.93 |
| | |
What Troian is that same that lookes so heauy? | What Trojan is that same that looks so heavy? | TC IV.v.95 |
| | |
They are in action. | They are in action. | TC IV.v.113 |
| | |
His blowes are wel dispos'd there Aiax. | His blows are well disposed – there, Ajax! | TC IV.v.116 |
| | |
Worthy of Armes: as welcome as to one | Worthy of arms, as welcome as to one | TC IV.v.163 |
That would be rid of such an enemie. | That would be rid of such an enemy! – | TC IV.v.164 |
But that's no welcome: vnderstand more cleere | But that's no welcome: understand more clear, | TC IV.v.165 |
What's past, and what's to come, is strew'd with huskes, | What's past and what's to come is strewed with husks | TC IV.v.166 |
And formelesse ruine of obliuion: | And formless ruin of oblivion; | TC IV.v.167 |
But in this extant moment, faith and troth, | But in this extant moment, faith and troth, | TC IV.v.168 |
Strain'd purely from all hollow bias drawing: | Strained purely from all hollow bias-drawing, | TC IV.v.169 |
Bids thee with most diuine integritie, | Bids thee with most divine integrity | TC IV.v.170 |
From heart of very heart, great Hector welcome. | From heart of very heart, great Hector, welcome. | TC IV.v.171 |
| | |
My well-fam'd Lord of Troy, no lesse to you. | My well-famed lord of Troy, no less to you. | TC IV.v.173 |
| | |
First, all you Peeres of Greece go to my Tent, | First, all you peers of Greece, go to my tent; | TC IV.v.271 |
There in the full conuiue you: Afterwards, | There in the full convive you. Afterwards, | TC IV.v.272 |
As Hectors leysure, and your bounties shall | As Hector's leisure and your bounties shall | TC IV.v.273 |
Concurre together, seuerally intreat him. | Concur together, severally entreat him. – | TC IV.v.274 |
Beate lowd the Taborins, let the Trumpets blow, | Beat loud the taborins, let the trumpets blow, | TC IV.v.275 |
That this great Souldier may his welcome know. | That this great soldier may his welcome know. | TC IV.v.276 |
| | |
We go wrong, we go wrong. | We go wrong, we go wrong. | TC V.i.63.1 |
| | |
So now faire Prince of Troy, I bid goodnight, | So now, fair prince of Troy, I bid good night. | TC V.i.67 |
Aiax commands the guard to tend on you. | Ajax commands the guard to tend on you. | TC V.i.68 |
| | |
Goodnight. | Good night. | TC V.i.75 |
| | |
Renew, renew, the fierce Polidamus | Renew, renew! The fierce Polydamas | TC V.v.6 |
Hath beate downe Menon: bastard Margarelon | Hath beat down Menon; bastard Margarelon | TC V.v.7 |
Hath Doreus prisoner. | Hath Doreus prisoner, | TC V.v.8 |
And stands Calossus-wise wauing his beame, | And stands colossus-wise, waving his beam, | TC V.v.9 |
Vpon the pashed courses of the Kings: | Upon the pashed corpses of the kings | TC V.v.10 |
Epistropus and Cedus, Polixines is slaine; | Epistrophus and Cedius. Polyxenes is slain, | TC V.v.11 |
Amphimacus, and Thous deadly hurt; | Amphimachus and Thoas deadly hurt, | TC V.v.12 |
Patroclus tane or slaine, and Palamedes | Patroclus ta'en or slain, and Palamedes | TC V.v.13 |
Sore hurt and bruised; the dreadfull Sagittary | Sore hurt and bruised; the dreadful Sagittary | TC V.v.14 |
Appauls our numbers, haste we Diomed | Appals our numbers. Haste we, Diomed, | TC V.v.15 |
To re-enforcement, or we perish all. | To reinforcement, or we perish all. | TC V.v.16 |
| | |
Harke, harke, what shout is that? | Hark, hark, what shout is that? | TC V.ix.1.1 |
| | |
March patiently along; let one be sent | March patiently along. Let one be sent | TC V.ix.7 |
To pray Achilles see vs at our Tent. | To pray Achilles see us at our tent. – | TC V.ix.8 |
If in his death the gods haue vs befrended, | If in his death the gods have us befriended, | TC V.ix.9 |
Great Troy is ours, and our sharpe wars are ended. | Great Troy is ours, and our sharp wars are ended. | TC V.ix.10 |