Original textModern textKey line
Thersites?Thersites – TC II.i.1
Thersites?Thersites – TC II.i.4
Dogge.Dog!TC II.i.7
Thou Bitch-Wolfes-Sonne, canst yu not heare? FeeleThou bitch-wolf's son, canst thou not hear? Feel,TC II.i.10
then. then.TC II.i.11
Speake then you whinid'st leauen speake, I willSpeak, then, thou vinewed'st leaven, speak; I willTC II.i.14
beate thee into handsomnesse.beat thee into handsomeness!TC II.i.15
Toads stoole, learne me the Proclamation.Toadstool, learn me the proclamation.TC II.i.20
The Proclamation.The proclamation!TC II.i.23
Do not Porpentine, do not; my fingers itch.Do not, porpentine, do not; my fingers itch.TC II.i.25
I say the Proclamation.I say, the proclamation!TC II.i.29
Mistresse Thersites.Mistress Thersites!TC II.i.34
Coblofe.Cobloaf!TC II.i.36
You horson Curre. You whoreson cur!TC II.i.39
Thou stoole for a Witch.Thou stool for a witch!TC II.i.41
You dogge.You dog!TC II.i.49
You Curre.You cur!TC II.i.51
Therefore I beate thee.Therefore I beat thee.TC II.i.66
O thou damn'd Curre, I shall---O thou damned cur, I shall – TC II.i.84
I bad thee vile Owle, goe learne me the tenure of theI bade the vile owl go learn me the tenor of theTC II.i.90
Proclamation, and he rayles vpon me.proclamation, and he rails upon me.TC II.i.91
Well, go too, go too.Well, go to, go to.TC II.i.93
I shall cut out your tongue.I shall cut out your tongue.TC II.i.109
Farewell? who shall answer him?Farewell. Who shall answer him?TC II.i.126
O meaning you, I wil go learne more of it. O, meaning you? I will go learn more of it.TC II.i.129
Yes, Lyon sicke, sicke of proud heart; you may call itYes, lion-sick, sick of proud heart; you may call itTC II.iii.86
Melancholly if will fauour the man, but by mymelancholy, if you will favour the man, but, by myTC II.iii.87
head, it is pride; but why, why, let him show vs thehead, 'tis pride: but why, why? Let him show us theTC II.iii.88
cause? A word my Lord.cause – a word, my lord.TC II.iii.89
What is he more then another?What is he more than another?TC II.iii.141
Is he so much, doe you not thinke, he thinkes himselfeIs he so much? Do you not think he thinks himself aTC II.iii.143
a better man then I am?better man than I am?TC II.iii.144
Will you subscribe his thought, and say he is?Will you subscribe his thought, and say he is?TC II.iii.146
Why should a man be proud? How doth prideWhy should a man be proud? How doth prideTC II.iii.150
grow? I know not what it is.grow? I know not what it is.TC II.iii.151
I do hate a proud man, as I hate the ingendring ofI do hate a proud man as I hate the engendering ofTC II.iii.157
Toades.toads.TC II.iii.158
If I goe to him, with my armed fist,If I go to him, with my armed fistTC II.iii.200
Ile pash him ore the face.I'll pash him o'er the face.TC II.iii.201
And a be proud with me, ile phese his pride:An 'a be proud with me, I'll pheeze his pride;TC II.iii.203
let me goe to him.Let me go to him.TC II.iii.204
A paultry insolent fellow.A paltry, insolent fellow!TC II.iii.206
Can he not be sociable?Can he not be sociable?TC II.iii.208
Ile let his humours bloud.I'll let his humours' blood.TC II.iii.210
And all men were a my minde.An all men were o' my mind – TC II.iii.213
A should not beare it so, a should eate Swords first: – 'a should not bear it so, 'a should eat swords first;TC II.iii.215
shall pride carry it?shall pride carry it?TC II.iii.216
I will knede him, Ile make him supple,I will knead him; I'll make him supple.TC II.iii.219
A horson dog, that shal palter thus with vs,A whoreson dog, that shall palter thus with us!TC II.iii.230
would he were a Troian.Would he were a Trojan!TC II.iii.231
Shall I call you Father?Shall I call you father?TC II.iii.253.2
How now Patroclus?How now, Patroclus?TC III.iii.65
Ha.Ha?TC III.iii.67
I, and good next day too. Ay, and good next day too.TC III.iii.69
Thou, Trumpet, ther's my purse;Thou, trumpet, there's my purse.TC IV.v.6.2
Now cracke thy lungs, and split thy brasen pipe:Now crack thy lungs, and split thy brazen pipe;TC IV.v.7
Blow villaine, till thy sphered Bias cheekeBlow, villain, till thy sphered bias cheekTC IV.v.8
Out-swell the collicke of puft Aquilon:Outswell the colic of puffed Aquilon.TC IV.v.9
Come, stretch thy chest, and let thy eyes spout bloud:Come, stretch thy chest, and let thy eyes spout blood;TC IV.v.10
Thou blowest for Hector.Thou blowest for Hector.TC IV.v.11
All. ALL
The Troians Trumpet.The Trojan's trumpet.TC IV.v.64.1
I am not warme yet, let vs fight againe.I am not warm yet; let us fight again.TC IV.v.118
I thanke thee Hector:I thank thee, Hector.TC IV.v.138.2
Thou art too gentle, and too free a man:Thou art too gentle and too free a man.TC IV.v.139
I came to kill thee Cozen, and beare henceI came to kill thee, cousin, and bear henceTC IV.v.140
A great addition, earned in thy death.A great addition earned in thy death.TC IV.v.141
If I might in entreaties finde successe,If I might in entreaties find success,TC IV.v.149
As seld I haue the chance; I would desireAs seld I have the chance, I would desireTC IV.v.150
My famous Cousin to our Grecian Tents.My famous cousin to our Grecian tents.TC IV.v.151
Great Agamemnon comes to meete vs here.Great Agamemnon comes to meet us here.TC IV.v.159
Do not chafe thee Cosin:Do not chafe thee, cousin – TC IV.v.260.2
And you Achilles, let these threats aloneAnd you, Achilles, let these threats alone,TC IV.v.261
Till accident, or purpose bring you too't.Till accident or purpose bring you to't.TC IV.v.262
You may euery day enough of HectorYou may have every day enough of Hector,TC IV.v.263
If you haue stomacke. The generall state I feare,If you have stomach. The general state, I fear,TC IV.v.264
Can scarse intreat you to be odde with him.Can scarce entreat you to be odd with him.TC IV.v.265
No yonder 'tis,No, yonder 'tis – TC V.i.63.2
there where we see the light.There, where we see the lights.TC V.i.64.1
No, not a whit.No, not a whit.TC V.i.65.1
Troylus, thou coward Troylus. Troilus! Thou coward Troilus!TC V.v.43.1
Troylus, thou coward Troylus, shew thy head.Troilus, thou coward Troilus, show thy head!TC V.vi.1
What would'st thou?What wouldst thou?TC V.vi.2.2
Were I the Generall, / Thou should'st haue my office,Were I the general, thou shouldst have my officeTC V.vi.4
Ere that correction: Troylus I say, what Troylus?Ere that correction. – Troilus, I say! What, Troilus!TC V.vi.5
Ile fight with him alone, stand Diomed.I'll fight with him alone; stand, Diomed.TC V.vi.9
If it be so, yet braglesse let it be:If it be so, yet bragless let it be;TC V.ix.5
Great Hector was a man as good as he.Great Hector was a man as good as he.TC V.ix.6

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