Original textModern textKey line
Who were those went by?Who were those went by?TC I.ii.1.1
And whether go they?And whither go they?TC I.ii.2.1
What was his cause of anger?What was his cause of anger?TC I.ii.11.2
Good; and what of him?Good, and what of him?TC I.ii.14.2
So do all men, vnlesse they are drunke, sicke, orSo do all men, unless they are drunk, sick, orTC I.ii.17
haue no legges.have no legs.TC I.ii.18
But how should this man that makes me But how should this man, that makes meTC I.ii.31
smile, make Hector angry?smile, make Hector angry?TC I.ii.32
Who comes here?Who comes here?TC I.ii.37
Hectors a gallant man.Hector's a gallant man.TC I.ii.39
Good morrow Vncle Pandarus.Good morrow, uncle Pandarus.TC I.ii.42
This morning Vncle.This morning, uncle.TC I.ii.46
Hector was gone but Hellen was not vp?Hector was gone, but Helen was not up.TC I.ii.50
That were we talking of, and of his anger.That were we talking of, and of his anger.TC I.ii.52
So he saies here.So he says here.TC I.ii.54
What is he angry too?What is he angry too?TC I.ii.59
Oh Iupiter; there's no comparison.O Jupiter, there's no comparison.TC I.ii.62
I, if I euer saw him before and knew him.Ay, if I ever saw him before and knew him.TC I.ii.65
Then you say as I say, / For I am sure he is not Then you say as I say, for I am sure he is notTC I.ii.67
Hector.Hector.TC I.ii.68
'Tis iust, to each of them he is himselfe.'Tis just to each of them; he is himself.TC I.ii.71
So he is.So he is.TC I.ii.74
He is not Hector.He is not Hector.TC I.ii.76
Excuse me.Excuse me.TC I.ii.82
Pardon me, pardon me.Pardon me, pardon me.TC I.ii.84
He shall not neede it if he haue his owne.He shall not need it, if he have his own.TC I.ii.88
No matter.No matter.TC I.ii.90
'Twould not become him, his own's better.'Twould not become him; his own's better.TC I.ii.92
No, but browne.No, but brown.TC I.ii.96
To say the truth, true and not true.To say the truth, true and not true.TC I.ii.98
Why Paris hath colour inough.Why, Paris hath colour enough.TC I.ii.100
Then Troylus should haue too much, if sheThen Troilus should have too much. If sheTC I.ii.102
prasi'd him aboue, his complexion is higher then his,praised him above, his complexion is higher than his;TC I.ii.103
he hauing colour enough, and the other higher, is too he having colour enough, and the other higher, is tooTC I.ii.104
flaming a praise for a good complexion, I had as lieue flaming a praise for a good complexion. I had as liefTC I.ii.105
Hellens golden tongue had commended Troylus for aHelen's golden tongue had commended Troilus for aTC I.ii.106
copper nose.copper nose.TC I.ii.107
Then shee's a merry Greeke indeed.Then she's a merry Greek indeed.TC I.ii.110
Indeed a Tapsters Arithmetique may soone bringIndeed, a tapster's arithmetic may soon bringTC I.ii.114
his particulars therein, to a totall.his particulars therein to a total.TC I.ii.115
Is he is so young a man, and so old a lifter?Is he so young a man, and so old a lifter?TC I.ii.118
Iuno haue mercy, how came it clouen?Juno have mercy, how came it cloven?TC I.ii.121
Oh he smiles valiantly.O, he smiles valiantly.TC I.ii.125
Oh yes, and 'twere a clow'd in Autumne.O, yes, an 'twere a cloud in autumn.TC I.ii.127
Troylus wil stand to thee / Proofe, if youle prooueTroilus will stand to the proof, if you'll proveTC I.ii.130
it so.TC I.ii.131
If you loue an addle egge as well as you loue anIf you love an addle egg as well as you love anTC I.ii.134
idle head, you would eate chickens i'th' shell.idle head you would eat chickens i'th' shell.TC I.ii.135
Without the racke.Without the rack.TC I.ii.139
Alas poore chin? many a wart is richer.Alas, poor chin, many a wart is richer.TC I.ii.142
With Milstones.With millstones.TC I.ii.145
But there was more temperate fire vnder theBut there was more temperate fire under theTC I.ii.147
pot of her eyes: did her eyes run ore too?pot of her eyes; did her eyes run o'er too?TC I.ii.148
At what was all this laughing?At what was all this laughing?TC I.ii.150
And t'had beene a greene haire, I should haueAn't had been a green hair I should haveTC I.ii.153
laught too.laughed too.TC I.ii.154
What was his answere?What was his answer?TC I.ii.157
This is her question.This is her question.TC I.ii.160
So let it now, / For is has beene a grcat whileSo let it now; for it has been a great whileTC I.ii.169
going by.going by.TC I.ii.170
So I does.So I do.TC I.ii.173
And Ile spring vp in his teares , an'twere aAnd I'll spring up in his tears, an 'twere aTC I.ii.176
nettle against May.nettle against May.TC I.ii.177
At your pleasure.At your pleasure.TC I.ii.181
Speake not so low'd.Speak not so loud.TC I.ii.185
Who's that?Who's that?TC I.ii.189
Will he giue you the nod?Will he give you the nod?TC I.ii.196
If he do, the rich shall haue, more.If he do, the rich shall have more.TC I.ii.198
O braue man!O, a brave man!TC I.ii.203
Be those with Swords?Be those with swords?TC I.ii.209
Whose that?Who's that?TC I.ii.218
Can Hellenus fight Vncle?Can Helenus fight, uncle?TC I.ii.222
What sneaking fellow comes yonder?What sneaking fellow comes yonder?TC I.ii.226
Peace, for shame peace.Peace, for shame, peace!TC I.ii.230
Heere come more.Here come more.TC I.ii.240
There is among the Greekes Achilles, a betterThere is among the Greeks Achilles, a betterTC I.ii.247
man then than Troilus.TC I.ii.248
Well, well.Well, well.TC I.ii.250
I, a minc'd man, and then to be bak'd withAy, a minced man; and then to be baked withTC I.ii.256
no Date in the pye, for then the mans dates date in the pie, for then the man's date is out.TC I.ii.257
Vpon my backe, to defend my belly; vpon myUpon my back to defend my belly; upon myTC I.ii.260
wit, to defend my wiles; vppon my secrecy, to defendwit to defend my wiles; upon my secrecy to defendTC I.ii.261
mine honesty; my Maske, to defend my beauty, and youmine honesty; my mask to defend my beauty, and youTC I.ii.262
to defend all these: and at all these wardes I lye at, at ato defend all these: and at all these wards I lie, at aTC I.ii.263
thousand watches.thousand watches.TC I.ii.264
Nay Ile watch you for that, and that's one ofNay, I'll watch you for that; and that's one ofTC I.ii.266
the cheefest of them too: If I cannot ward what I wouldthe chiefest of them too. If I cannot ward what I wouldTC I.ii.267
not haue hit, I can watch you for telling how I took thenot have hit, I can watch you for telling how I took theTC I.ii.268
blow, vnlesse it swell past hiding, and then it's past blow – unless it swell past hiding, and then it's pastTC I.ii.269
watching.watching.TC I.ii.270
Adieu Vnkle.Adieu, uncle.TC I.ii.277
To bring Vnkle.To bring, uncle?TC I.ii.279
By the same token, you are a Bawd. By the same token you are a bawd.TC I.ii.281
Words, vowes, gifts, teares, & loues full sacrifice,Words, vows, gifts, tears, and love's full sacrificeTC I.ii.282
He offers in anothers enterprise:He offers in another's enterprise;TC I.ii.283
But more in Troylus thousand fold I see,But more in Troilus thousandfold I seeTC I.ii.284
Then in the glasse of Pandar's praise may be;Than in the glass of Pandar's praise may be.TC I.ii.285
Yet hold I off. Women are Angels wooing,Yet hold I off. Women are angels, wooing;TC I.ii.286
Things won are done, ioyes soule lyes in the dooing:Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing.TC I.ii.287
That she belou'd, knowes nought, that knowes not this;That she beloved knows naught that knows not this:TC I.ii.288
Men prize the thing vngain'd, more then it is.Men prize the thing ungained more than it is.TC I.ii.289
That she was neuer yet, that euer knewThat she was never yet that ever knewTC I.ii.290
Loue got so sweet, as when desire did sue:Love got so sweet as when desire did sue;TC I.ii.291
Therefore this maxime out of loue I teach;Therefore this maxim out of love I teach:TC I.ii.292
"Atchieuement, is command; vngain'd, beseech.Achievement is command; ungained, beseech.’TC I.ii.293
That though my hearts Contents firme loue doth beare,Then, though my heart's content firm love doth bear,TC I.ii.294
Nothing of that shall from mine eyes appeare. Nothing of that shall from mine eyes appear.TC I.ii.295
Will you walke in my Lord?Will you walk in, my lord?TC III.ii.59
Wisht my Lord? the gods grant? O myWished, my lord! – The gods grant – O myTC III.ii.61
Lord.lord!TC III.ii.62
More dregs then water, if my teares haue eyes.More dregs than water, if my fears have eyes.TC III.ii.66
Blinde feare, that seeing reason leads, findes Blind fear, that seeing reason leads, findsTC III.ii.69
safe footing, then blinde reason, stumbling without feare:safer footing than blind reason stumbling without fear:TC III.ii.70
to feare the worst, oft cures the fear the worst oft cures the worst.TC III.ii.71
Not nothing monstrons neither?Nor nothing monstrous neither?TC III.ii.74
They say all Louers sweare more performanceThey say, all lovers swear more performanceTC III.ii.82
then they are able, and yet reserue an ability that theythan they are able, and yet reserve an ability that theyTC III.ii.83
neuer performe: vowing more then the perfection ofnever perform; vowing more than the perfection ofTC III.ii.84
ten; and discharging lesse then the tenth part of one.ten, and discharging less than the tenth part of one.TC III.ii.85
They that haue the voyce of Lyons, and the act of Hares:They that have the voice of lions and the act of hares,TC III.ii.86
are they not Monsters?are they not monsters?TC III.ii.87
Will you walke in my Lord?Will you walk in, my lord?TC III.ii.97
Well Vnckle, what folly I commit, I dedicate toWell, uncle, what folly I commit, I dedicate toTC III.ii.100 III.ii.101
Boldnesse comes to mee now, and brings mee heart:Boldness comes to me now, and brings me heart:TC III.ii.111
Prince Troylus, I haue lou'd you night and day,Prince Troilus, I have loved you night and dayTC III.ii.112
for many weary moneths.For many weary months.TC III.ii.113
Hard to seeme won: but I was won my LordHard to seem won; but I was won, my lord,TC III.ii.115
With the first glance; that euer pardon me,With the first glance that ever – pardon me;TC III.ii.116
If I confesse much you will play the tyrant:If I confess much, you will play the tyrant.TC III.ii.117
I loue you now, but not till now so muchI love you now; but not till now so muchTC III.ii.118
But I might maister it; infaith I lye:But I might master it. In faith, I lie;TC III.ii.119
My thoughts were like vnbrideled children growMy thoughts were like unbridled children, grownTC III.ii.120
Too head-strong for their mother: see we fooles,Too headstrong for their mother – see, we fools!TC III.ii.121
Why haue I blab'd: who shall be true to vsWhy have I blabbed? Who shall be true to usTC III.ii.122
When we are so vnsecret to our selues?When we are so unsecret to ourselves? – TC III.ii.123
But though I lou'd you well, I woed you not,But though I loved you well, I wooed you not;TC III.ii.124
And yet good faith I wisht my selfe a man;And yet, good faith, I wished myself a man,TC III.ii.125
Or that we women had mens priuiledgeOr that we women had men's privilegeTC III.ii.126
Of speaking first. Sweet, bid me hold my tongue,Of speaking first. Sweet, bid me hold my tongue,TC III.ii.127
For in this rapture I shall surely speakeFor in this rapture I shall surely speakTC III.ii.128
The thing I shall repent: see, see, your silenceThe thing I shall repent. See, see, your silence,TC III.ii.129
Comming in dumbnesse, from my weakenesse drawesCunning in dumbness, from my weakness drawsTC III.ii.130
My soule of counsell from me. Stop my mouth.My soul of counsel from me! – Stop my mouth.TC III.ii.131
My Lord, I doe beseech you pardon me,My lord, I do beseech you, pardon me;TC III.ii.134
'Twas not my purpose thus to beg a kisse:'Twas not my purpose thus to beg a kiss.TC III.ii.135
I am asham'd; O Heauens, what haue I done!I am ashamed – O heavens, what have I done?TC III.ii.136
For this time will I take my leaue my Lord.For this time will I take my leave, my lord.TC III.ii.137
Pray you content you.Pray you, content you.TC III.ii.141
Sir, mine owne company.Sir, mine own company.TC III.ii.143
Let me goe and try:Let me go and try.TC III.ii.145
I haue a kinde of selfe recides with you:I have a kind of self resides with you;TC III.ii.146
But an vnkinde selfe, that itselfe will leaue,But an unkind self, that itself will leaveTC III.ii.147
To be anothers foole. Where is my wit?To be another's fool. Where is my wit?TC III.ii.148
I would be gone: I speake I know not what.I would be gone; I speak I know not what.TC III.ii.149
Perchance my Lord, I shew more craft then loue,Perchance, my lord, I show more craft than love,TC III.ii.151
And fell so roundly to a large confession,And fell so roundly to a large confession,TC III.ii.152
To Angle for your thoughts: but you are wise,To angle for your thoughts; but you are wise,TC III.ii.153
Or else you loue not: for to be wise and loue,Or else you love not; for to be wise and loveTC III.ii.154
Exceedes mans might, that dwels with gods aboue.Exceeds man's might – that dwells with gods above.TC III.ii.155
In that Ile warre with you.In that I'll war with you.TC III.ii.169.1
Prophet may you be:Prophet may you be!TC III.ii.181.2
If I be false, or swerue a haire from truth,If I be false, or swerve a hair from truth,TC III.ii.182
When time is old and hath forgot it selfe:When time is old and hath forgot itself,TC III.ii.183
When water drops haue worne the Stones of Troy;When water-drops have worn the stones of Troy,TC III.ii.184
And blinde obliuion swallow'd Cities vp;And blind oblivion swallowed cities up,TC III.ii.185
And mightie States characterlesse are gratedAnd mighty states characterless are gratedTC III.ii.186
To dustie nothing; yet let memory,To dusty nothing; yet let memory,TC III.ii.187
From false to false, among false Maids in loue,From false to false, among false maids in love,TC III.ii.188
Vpbraid my falsehood, when they'aue said as false,Upbraid my falsehood! When they've said ‘ As falseTC III.ii.189
As Aire, as Water, as Winde, as sandie earth;As air, as water, wind, or sandy earth,TC III.ii.190
As Foxe to Lambe; as Wolfe to Heifers Calfe;As fox to lamb, as wolf to heifer's calf,TC III.ii.191
Pard to the Hinde, or Stepdame to her Sonne;Pard to the hind, or stepdame to her son ’ – TC III.ii.192
Yea, let them say, to sticke the heart of falsehood,Yea, let them say, to stick the heart of falsehood,TC III.ii.193
As false as Cressid.‘ As false as Cressid.’TC III.ii.194
Amen.Amen.TC III.ii.204
Then sweet my Lord, Ile call mine Vnckle down;Then, sweet my lord, I'll call mine uncle down;TC IV.ii.2
He shall vnbolt the Gates.He shall unbolt the gates.TC IV.ii.3.1
Good morrow then.Good morrow, then.TC IV.ii.6.2
Are you a weary of me?Are you aweary of me?TC IV.ii.7.2
Night hath beene too briefe.Night hath been too brief.TC IV.ii.11.2
Prithee tarry,Prithee, tarryTC IV.ii.15.2
you men will neuer tarry;You men will never tarry – TC IV.ii.16
O foolish Cressid, I might haue still held off,O foolish Cressid, I might have still held off,TC IV.ii.17
And then you would haue tarried. Harke, ther's one vp?And then you would have tarried! – Hark, there's one up.TC IV.ii.18
A pestilence on him: now will he be mocking:A pestilence on him! Now will he be mocking:TC IV.ii.21
I shall haue such a life.I shall have such a life!TC IV.ii.22
Go hang your self, you naughty mocking Vnckle:Go hang yourself, you naughty mocking uncle!TC IV.ii.25
You bring me to doo----and then you floute me too.You bring me to do – and then you flout me too.TC IV.ii.26
Come, come, beshrew your heart: youle nere be good,Come, come, beshrew your heart; you'll ne'er be good,TC IV.ii.29
nor suffer others.Nor suffer others.TC IV.ii.30
Did not I tell you? would he were knockt ith' head.Did not I tell you? – Would he were knocked i'th' head!TC IV.ii.34
Who's that at doore? good Vnckle goe and see.Who's that at door? Good uncle, go and see. – TC IV.ii.35
My Lord, come you againe into my Chamber:My lord, come you again into my chamber;TC IV.ii.36
You smile and mocke me, as if I meant naughtily.You smile and mock me, as if I meant naughtily.TC IV.ii.37
Come you are deceiu'd, I thinke of no such thing.Come, you are deceived; I think of no such thing. – TC IV.ii.39
How earnestly they knocke: pray you come in. How earnestly they knock! – Pray you, come in;TC IV.ii.40
I would not for halfe Troy haue you seene here. I would not for half Troy have you seen here.TC IV.ii.41
How now? what's the matter? who was here?How now! What's the matter? Who was here?TC IV.ii.77
Why sigh you so profoundly? wher's myWhy sigh you so profoundly? Where's myTC IV.ii.79
Lord? gone? tell me sweet Vnckle, what's the matter?lord? Gone? Tell me, sweet uncle, what's the matter?TC IV.ii.80
O the gods! what's the matter?O the gods! What's the matter?TC IV.ii.83
Good Vnckle I beseech you, on my knees, IGood uncle, I beseech you, on my knees ITC IV.ii.87
beseech you what's the matter?beseech you, what's the matter?TC IV.ii.88
O you immortall gods! I will not goe.O you immortal gods! – I will not go.TC IV.ii.93
I will not Vnckle: I haue forgot my Father:I will not, uncle. I have forgot my father;TC IV.ii.95
I know no touch of consanguinitie:I know no touch of consanguinity,TC IV.ii.96
No kin, no loue, no bloud, no soule, so neere me,No kin, no love, no blood, no soul so near meTC IV.ii.97
As the sweet Troylus: O you gods diuine!As the sweet Troilus. – O you gods divine,TC IV.ii.98
Make Cressids name the very crowne of falshood!Make Cressid's name the very crown of falsehoodTC IV.ii.99
If euer she leaue Troylus: time, orce and death,If ever she leave Troilus! Time, force, and death,TC IV.ii.100
Do to this body what extremitie you can;Do to this body what extremity you can;TC IV.ii.101
But the strong base and building of my loue,But the strong base and building of my loveTC IV.ii.102
Is as the very Center of the earth,Is as the very centre of the earth,TC IV.ii.103
Drawing all things to it. I will goe in and weepe.Drawing all things to it. I will go in and weep – TC IV.ii.104
Teare my bright heire, and scratch my praised cheekes,Tear my bright hair, and scratch my praised cheeks;TC IV.ii.106
Cracke my cleere voyce with sobs, and breake my heartCrack my clear voice with sobs, and break my heartTC IV.ii.107
With sounding Troylus. I will not goe from Troy. With sounding ‘ Troilus.’ I will not go from Troy.TC IV.ii.108
Why tell you me of moderation?Why tell you me of moderation?TC IV.iv.2
The griefe is fine, full perfect that I taste,The grief is fine, full perfect, that I taste,TC IV.iv.3
And no lesse in a sense as strongAnd violenteth in a sense as strongTC IV.iv.4
As that which causeth it. How can I moderate it?As that which causeth it. How can I moderate it?TC IV.iv.5
If I could temporise with my affection,If I could temporize with my affection,TC IV.iv.6
Or brew it to a weake and colder pallat,Or brew it to a weak and colder palate,TC IV.iv.7
The like alaiment could I giue my griefe:The like allayment could I give my grief.TC IV.iv.8
My loue admits no qualifying crosse; My love admits no qualifying dross;TC IV.iv.9
Enter Troylus.No more my grief, in such a precious loss.TC IV.iv.10
O Troylus, Troylus!O Troilus! Troilus!TC IV.iv.12
Haue the gods enuie?Have the gods envy?TC IV.iv.27
And is it true, that I must goe from Troy?And is it true that I must go from Troy?TC IV.iv.29
What, and from Troylus too?What, and from Troilus too?TC IV.iv.30.2
Ist possible?Is't possible?TC IV.iv.31.2
I must then to the Grecians?I must, then, to the Grecians?TC IV.iv.54.1
A wofull Cressid 'mong'st the merry Greekes.A woeful Cressid 'mongst the merry Greeks!TC IV.iv.55
When shall we see againe?When shall we see again?TC IV.iv.56
I true? how now? what wicked deeme is this?I true? How now, what wicked deem is this?TC IV.iv.58
O you shall be expos'd, my Lord to dangersO, you shall be exposed, my lord, to dangersTC IV.iv.67
As infinite, as imminent: but Ile be true.As infinite as imminent; but I'll be true!TC IV.iv.68
And you this Gloue. / When shall I see you?And you this glove. When shall I see you?TC IV.iv.70
O heauens: be true againe?O heavens! ‘ Be true ’ again?TC IV.iv.73.2
O heauens, you loue me not!O heavens, you love me not!TC IV.iv.81.2
Doe you thinke I will:Do you think I will?TC IV.iv.91
My Lord, will you be true? Exit.My lord, will you be true?TC IV.iv.100
In kissing doe you render, or receiue.In kissing, do you render or receive?TC IV.v.36
Ile make my match to liue,I'll make my match to live,TC IV.v.37.2
The kisse you take is better then you giue:The kiss you take is better than you give;TC IV.v.38
therefore no kisse.Therefore no kiss.TC IV.v.39
You are an odde man, giue euen, or giue none.You are an odd man; give even, or give none.TC IV.v.41
No, Paris is not; for you know 'tis true,No, Paris is not; for you know 'tis trueTC IV.v.43
That you are odde, and he is euen with you.That you are odd, and he is even with you.TC IV.v.44
No, Ile be sworne.No, I'll be sworn.TC IV.v.45.2
You may.You may.TC IV.v.48.1
Why begge then?Why, beg then.TC IV.v.48.3
I am your debtor, claime it when 'tis due.I am your debtor; claim it when 'tis due.TC IV.v.51
Now my sweet gardian: harke a word with you.Now, my sweet guardian! – Hark, a word with you.TC V.ii.8
Remember? yes.Remember? Yes.TC V.ii.14
Sweete hony Greek, tempt me no more to folly.Sweet honey Greek, tempt me no more to folly.TC V.ii.19
Ile tell you what.I'll tell you what – TC V.ii.22
In faith I cannot: what would you haue me do?In faith I cannot; what would you have me do?TC V.ii.24
I prethee do not hold me to mine oath,I prithee, do not hold me to mine oath;TC V.ii.27
Bid me doe not any thing but that sweete Greeke.Bid me do anything but that, sweet Greek.TC V.ii.28
Diomed.Diomed – TC V.ii.32
Harke one word in your eare.Hark, one word in your ear.TC V.ii.35
Nay, but you part in anger.Nay, but you part in anger.TC V.ii.46.1
Gardian? why Greeke?Guardian! Why, Greek?TC V.ii.48.2
In faith I doe not: come hither once againe.In faith, I do not: come hither once again.TC V.ii.50
In faith I will lo; neuer trust me else.In faith, I will, lo; never trust me else.TC V.ii.59
Ile fetch you one. I'll fetch you one.TC V.ii.61
Here Diomed, keepe this Sleeue.Here, Diomed, keep this sleeve.TC V.ii.66
You looke vpon that Sleeue? behold it well:You look upon that sleeve; behold it well.TC V.ii.70
He lou'd me: O false wench: giue't me againe.He loved me – O false wench! – Give't me again.TC V.ii.71
It is no matter now I haue't againe.It is no matter, now I have't again.TC V.ii.73
I will not meete with you to morrow night:I will not meet with you tomorrow night;TC V.ii.74
I prythee Diomed visite me no more.I prithee, Diomed, visit me no more.TC V.ii.75
What, this?What, this?TC V.ii.78
O all you gods! O prettie, prettie pledge;O all you gods! – O pretty, pretty pledge!TC V.ii.80
Thy Maister now lies thinking in his bedThy master now lies thinking in his bedTC V.ii.81
Of thee and me, and sighes, and takes my Gloue,Of thee and me, and sighs, and takes my glove,TC V.ii.82
And giues memoriall daintie kisses to it;And gives memorial dainty kisses to itTC V.ii.83
As I kisse thee.As I kiss thee – TC V.ii.84.1
Dio. Nay, doe not snatch it from me.Nay, do not snatch it from me;TC V.ii.84.2
Cres. He that takes that, rakes my heart withall.He that takes that doth take my heart withal.TC V.ii.85
You shall not haue it Diomed; faith you shall not:You shall not have it, Diomed, faith, you shall not;TC V.ii.88
Ile giue you something else.I'll give you something else.TC V.ii.89
It is no matter.It is no matter.TC V.ii.91.1
'Twas one that lou'd me better then you will.'Twas one's that loved me better than you will.TC V.ii.92
But now you haue it, take it.But now you have it, take it.TC V.ii.93.1
By all Dianas waiting women yond:By all Diana's waiting-women yond,TC V.ii.94
And by her selfe, I will not tell you whose.And by herself, I will not tell you whose.TC V.ii.95
Well, well, 'tis done, 'tis past; and yet it is not:Well, well, 'tis done, 'tis done, 'tis past – and yet it is not;TC V.ii.100
I will not keepe my word.I will not keep my word.TC V.ii.101.1
You shall not goe: one cannot speake a word,You shall not go; one cannot speak a wordTC V.ii.103
But it strait starts you.But it straight starts you.TC V.ii.104.1
I, come: O Ioue! doe, come: I shall be plagu'd.Ay, come – O Jove! – do come: I shall be plagued.TC V.ii.107
Good night: I prythee come:Good night; I prithee come.TC V.ii.108.2
Troylus farewell; one eye yet lookes on thee;Troilus, farewell! One eye yet looks on thee,TC V.ii.109
But with my heart, the other eye, doth see.But with my heart the other eye doth see.TC V.ii.110
Ah poore our sexe; this fault in vs I finde:Ah, poor our sex! This fault in us I find,TC V.ii.111
The errour of our eye, directs our minde.The error of our eye directs our mind:TC V.ii.112
What errour leads, must erre: O then conclude,What error leads must err – O, then conclude,TC V.ii.113
Mindes swai'd by eyes, are full of turpitude. Minds swayed by eyes are full of turpitude.TC V.ii.114

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